1. 程式人生 > >vue.js table組件封裝

vue.js table組件封裝

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table組件 和 分頁組件來自iview,在這裏我根據公司業務再次做了一次封裝,使用slot進行內容分發,可以隨意放置input輸入框和button按鈕 ,再使用props向子組件傳遞參數,使用emit屬性向父組件傳遞事件,代碼如下 《子組件》 <template> <div style=""> <div class="search-bar run-search-bar" style="background:none;"> <div> <!-- align="right" style="margin:5px" --> <slot name="handle-bar"></slot> </div> <div> <slot name="search-bar"></slot> </div> </div> <div class="single-table-con"> <div class="table-bar"> <slot name="table-bar"></slot> </div> <Table size="small" ref="table" :loading="loading" @on-current-change="onCurrentChange" :highlight-row="highlightRow" :data="tableData" :columns="tableColumns" @on-selection-change="selectionChange" @on-sort-change="sortHandle" @on-row-click="rowClickHandle" stripe></Table> <div style="margin: 10px;overflow: hidden" v-if="isPage"> <div style="float: right;"> <Page :placement="placement" :total="total" :show-total="showTotal" :page-size-opts="pageSizeOpts" :show-sizer="showSizer" :page-size="param.page.pageSize" :current="param.page.currentPage" @on-change="changePage" size="small" @on-page-size-change="changePageSize"></Page> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "EasyVueTable", components: {}, props: { resource: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, useCatch: { type: Boolean, default() { return false; } }, catchParams: { type: Object, default() { return {}; } }, highlightRow: { type: Boolean, default() { return false; } }, action: { type: String, default() { return ""; } }, params: { type: Object, default() { return {}; } }, server: { type: Object, default() { return {}; } }, columns: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, columnsFn: { type: Function }, initParam: { type: Object, default() { return {}; } }, loadCallback: { type: Function, default() { return function(data) { }; } }, autoFirst: { type: Boolean, default() { return true; } }, pageSize: { type: Number, default() { return 10; } }, showTotal: { type: Boolean, default() { return true; } }, showSizer: { type: Boolean, default() { return true; } }, pageSizeOpts: { type: Array, default() { return [10, 20, 50, 100]; } }, isPage: { type: Boolean, default() { return true; } }, onSelectionChange: { type: Function }, rowClickHandle: { type: Function } }, data() { return { tableData: [], tableColumns: [], total: 0, currentPage: 1, selection: [], loading: false, param: { page: { currentPage: 1, // pageNum: 0, pageSize: this.pageSize }, params: this.params, sortDTO: { fieldName: "", orderBy: "" } }, messageJob: undefined, isSelectionChange: false, currentRow: undefined }; }, computed: { placement() { let pageTotal = 0; if (this.total % this.pageSize == 0) { pageTotal = this.total / this.pageSize; } else { pageTotal = this.total / this.pageSize + 1; } pageTotal = parseInt(pageTotal); return this.total % this.pageSize < 3 && this.currentPage == pageTotal ? "bottom" : "top"; }, lang() { return $store.state.lang; } }, created: function() { if (!!this.action && this.autoFirst) { this.load(this.initParam); } else if(!this.action) { this.loadLocal(); } for (let c of this.columns) { if (!~"selection".indexOf(c.type)) { c.ellipsis = true; } } this.getColumns(); }, beforeMount: function() {}, mounted: function() {}, beforeDestroy: function() {}, destroyed: function() {}, methods: { onCurrentChange(currentRow, oldCurrentRow) { this.currentRow = Object.assign({}, currentRow); }, getHighlightRow() { return this.currentRow; }, getColumns() { if (typeof this.columnsFn == "function") { this.tableColumns = [].concat(this.columnsFn()); } else { this.tableColumns = [].concat(this.columns); } }, refresh() { this.param.page.currentPage = 1; this.$nextTick(() => { this.load(); }); }, load(param = {}, page) { this.selection = []; for (let p in param) { this.param.params[p] = param[p]; } this.loading = true; if (!!page && typeof page == "number") { this.param.page.currentPage = page; } this.param.page.recordCount = this.total; !!this.action ? this.loadAjax() : this.loadLocal(); }, loadLocal() { this.loadCallback(this.resource); if (!this.isPage) { this.$nextTick(() => { this.tableData = [].concat(this.resource); this.loading = false; }); return; } this.total = this.resource.length; let start = (this.param.page.currentPage - 1) * this.param.page.pageSize; let end = start + this.param.page.pageSize; end = this.resource.length > end ? end : this.resource.length; this.tableData = []; for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { this.tableData.push(this.resource[i]); } this.$nextTick(() => { this.loading = false; }); }, loadAjax() { if (this.server[this.action]) { this.server[this.action](this.param).then(res => { this.loading = false; if (!res) return; this.currentPage = res.data.pageNum; this.total = res.data.total; this.tableData = []; let _list = []; this.loadCallback(res.data.list); for (let item of res.data.list) { this.tableData.push(item); } }); } else { $store.dispatch(this.action, this.param).then(res => { this.loading = false; if (!res) return; this.currentPage = res.data.pageNum; this.total = res.data.total; this.tableData = []; let _list = []; this.loadCallback(res.data.list); for (let item of res.data.list) { this.tableData.push(item); } }); } }, changePage(page) { this.param.page.currentPage = page; this.load(); }, changePageSize(page) { this.param.page.pageSize = page; this.load(); }, selectionChange(selection) { this.isSelectionChange = true; this.selection = selection; if (typeof this.onSelectionChange == "function") { this.onSelectionChange(selection); } this.$emit("on-selection-change",selection); }, getSelectioned() { return this.isSelectionChange ? this.selection : undefined; }, sortHandle(obj) { this.param.sortDTO.fieldName = obj.key; this.param.sortDTO.orderBy = obj.order; if (this.param.sortDTO.orderBy == "normal") { this.param.sortDTO = { fieldName: "", orderBy: "" }; } this.refresh(); }, getSortData() { return this.param.sortDTO; }, getTableObj() { return this.$refs["table"]; } }, watch: { lang() { this.getColumns(); },
resource(newVal, oldVal) { this.resource = newVal; } }, directives: {} }; </script> <style lang="less" scoped>
</style> 使用如下:(如有疑問隨時聯系博主) 《父組件》 <template> <div class="run-mod-box"> <EasyVueTable:params="searchForm" ref="BankInfoTable" :server="server" action="queryBanks" :columns="columns" :initParams="searchForm" :highlight-row="true" @on-selection-change="onSelectionChange"> <Form :model="searchForm" ref="searchForm" slot="search-bar" label-position="top" class="ivu-form-no-margin-bottom" inline> <Form-item prop="vendorName" label="供應商名稱"> <Input type="text" v-model="searchForm.vendorName" size="small"></Input> </Form-item> <Form-item prop="bankName" label="開戶行"> <Input type="text" v-model="searchForm.bankName" size="small"></Input> </Form-item> </Form> <div slot="handle-bar"> <Button size="small" @click.native="search" type="warning" icon="search">搜索</Button> <Button size="small" @click.native="reset" type="info" icon="loop">重置</Button> </div> </EasyVueTable> </div> </template>

vue.js table組件封裝