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epmmm zabbix mysql 多實例 監控 模版

monit web temp epo and owin mmm.mysql install get

epmmm performance monitor for mysql and mariadb on zabbix 2.x and zabbix 3.x



The wrapper for zabbix python script.

It runs the script every 10 seconds. and parses the cache file on each following run.

Test the script using:

zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "epmmm.mysql.check[zabbixmysql,,3306,check]"

python epmmm_get_mysql_stats.py --servicehostname SERVICEHOSTNAME --servicehost SERVICEHOST --serviceport SERVICEPORT --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD

The script need zabbix_sender and Python Running Environment

The default monitor mysql port is 3306, if you need to monitor other port, you need to add the Inherited and host macros:{$MYSQL_PORT}=xxxx on the monitor Host

Remember to change the USERNAME PASSWORD ZABBIXSERVER for your‘s.

Authors: earl86

info:the scripts only tested on python 2.6 and python 2.7. It not tested on python 3


install python and pip

pip install MySQL-python

pip install argparse

you may be need to link file:
ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.so.18 /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient.so.18

import the template into zabbix

put the following three scripts on zhe mysql server which has zabbix agent




restart the zabbix agent service

add the mysqlservice and mysqlhost on zabbix web

Enjoy it

epmmm zabbix mysql 多實例 監控 模版