1. 程式人生 > >自然語言推斷(NLI)、文本相似度相關開源項目推薦(Pytorch 實現)

自然語言推斷(NLI)、文本相似度相關開源項目推薦(Pytorch 實現)

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mainly record pytorch implementations for NLI and similarity computing

baidu/SimNet SEVERAL
NTSC-Community/awaresome-neural-models-for-semantic-match SEVERAL
Neural Network Models for Paraphrase Identification, Semantic Textual Similarity, Natural Language Inference, and Question Answering
MatchZoo: A Toolkit for Deep Text Matching
likejazz/Siamese-LSTM Siamese Recurrent Architectures for Learning Sentence Similarity
dhwajraj/deep-siamese-text-similarity(TF Implement) Siamese Recurrent Architectures for Learning Sentence Similarity
vishnumani2009/siamese-text-similarity ①Learning Text Similarity with Siamese Recurrent Networks
②Siamese Recurrent Architectures for Learning Sentence Similarity
MaLSTM Siamese Recurrent Architectures for Learning Sentence Similarity
Enhanced LSTM Enhanced LSTM for Natural Language Inference
sdnr1/EBIM-NLI :Enhanced BiLSTM Inference Model Enhanced LSTM for Natural Language Inference
allennlp/esim Enhanced LSTM for Natural Language Inference
airalcorn2/Deep-Semantic-Similarity-Model A Latent Semantic Model with Convolutional-Pooling Structure for Information Retrieval
preke/CNN_based_sentences_similarity Detecting Semantically Equivalent Questions in Online User Forums
lsrock1/abcnn_pytorch Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Sentence Pairs
chiragjn/deep-char-cnn-lstm ①Siamese Recurrent Architectures for Learning Sentence Similarity (2016)
②Character-Aware Neural Language Models (2015)
Max bag-of-embeddings
easonnie/ResEncoder Shortcut-Stacked Sentence Encoders for Multi-Domain Inference
simple baselines (SIF/InferSent/GoogleSentenceEncoder) SEVERAL
universal-sentence-encoder(official) Universal Sentence Encoder
facebookresearch/InferSent(official) Supervised Learning of Universal Sentence Representations from Natural Language Inference Data

自然語言推斷(NLI)、文本相似度相關開源項目推薦(Pytorch 實現)