1. 程式人生 > >性別歧視在日本:“我是女生,所以社會不讓我學醫”


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大家在看病的時候,有留意過女醫生的比例嗎?在性別歧視現象十分嚴重的日本,男醫生和女醫生的比例達到了驚人的 4:1。 而就在最近,聲名遠揚的東京醫科大學竟然爆出蓄意降低女性考生的分數來調控男女醫生比例的醜聞。甚至,當大學高層承認指控之後,還有網友表示理解該做法。這樣赤裸裸的性別歧視是如何發生的?和毛西老師一起在今天的《經濟學人》新聞中尋找答案吧。


Q1: 如何理解"bastion"一詞?

Q2: “居高臨下的標語”用英語怎麽說?

Q3: 根據文章,安倍的女性賦權政策最根本的目的是什麽?


Test-doctoring to keep Japanese women out of medical school




Japan has made a lot of noise in recent years about demolishing the traditional view that women should stay at home while men go out to work. So it was shocking when, on August 7th, Tokyo Medical University, a prestigious medical school, confessed tomarking down the test scores of female applicants to keep the ratio of women in each class below 30%.

近年來,日本社會常有推翻“男主外、女主內”傳統觀念的聲浪。所以,在 8 月 7 日,當聲望卓著的醫學院——東京醫科大學承認壓低了女性申請者的考試分數,以將每個班級中女生的比例維持在 30%以下時,社會一片嘩然。

Their defence was that women are more likely to drop out to marry and have children. To judge female applicants to medical school purely on their merits would leave Japan with a shortage of doctors, they said. The admission has caused outrage.


Doctoring has long been a male bastion. But it is not the only one. Discrimination is rife in banks and trading houses, where stamina and loyalty, qualities somehow associated with men, are prized, says Mari Miura, a political scientist at Sophia University.


All this embarrasses a government that has promised to make women “shine”, its condescendingcatchphrase for female empowerment. The policy seems based on the need for more workers rather than on genuine concern for women. Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, says he wants to bring millions more women into the workforce to make up for a labour shortfall caused by its ageing and declining population.


In the field of politics, the record under Mr Abe’s premiership is lamentable. Just two members of his 20-strong cabinet are women, including Seiko Noda, in charge of women’s empowerment. Ms Noda, who makes little secret of her ambition to dethrone Mr Abe in a leadership contest next month, has just published a book called “Grab the Future”, her manifesto for pulling Japan into line with “global standards”. She has almost no chance of winning.


————— 文章來源 / 經濟學人


demolish /d??mɑ?l??/ v. 拆除;推翻;顛覆 e.g.demolish the house He completely demolished all my arguments.

confess to (doing) sth. 承認做某事

mark (sth.) down 減分,壓低…的得分 e.g.They have marked down their forecasts for growth.

drop out 輟學;半途而廢 e.g. dropped out of college

merit /?mer?t/ n. 優秀品質;成績

bastion /?b?sti?n/ n. 堡壘;固守一種準則的事物 e.g. a bastion of freedom It’s the last bastion of male privilege.

rife /ra?f/ adj. (指不良事物)盛行的;普遍的

stamina /?st?m?n?/ n. 耐力;耐性;持久力

condescending /?kɑ?nd??send??/ adj. 有優越感的;屈尊的(condescend v.) e.g. condescending attitude/remark/tone

catchphrase /?k?t?fre?z/ 流行語;(尤指電視演藝名人等的)名言

labour shortfall 勞力短缺

premiership /pr??m?r??p/ n. 總理職位;首相職位

make little secret of 公開某事;對不保守秘密 e.g. I make little secret of my dislike for lettuce.

dethrone /?di??θro?n/ v. 打敗;擊敗(頂尖好手)

manifesto /?m?n??festo?/ n.(尤指政黨的)宣言 e.g. The Communist Manifesto

pull/bring sth. into line with... 讓某物與...接軌;讓某物與...對接 e.g. Liulishuo can pull your English ability into line with requirements of your dream job.






在東京醫科大醜聞發酵的同時,其他醫學院也被懷疑篡改了女考生的成績,其中包括東京醫科學校。事實上,日本女性想要成為醫生可謂是困難重重。根據東京醫科大的數據,通過該大學入學考試的女性比例曾從 2009 年的 24% 上漲到了 2010 年的 38%。但是,這一比例卻在 2010 年後節節下滑。到了 2018 年,通過東京醫科大學入學考試的考生中僅有 18%是女性。而且,全國範圍內,女性醫學生的數量在過去的 20 年間卻死死地卡在了 30%。

綜上所述,醫學院中存在男女比例失調的問題,這進一步導致了日本女醫生的短缺。經濟合作與發展組織的數據顯示,2015 年,日本的的女醫生有 6 萬多人,僅僅是醫生總數的 21%。日本的這一比例還不到其他發達國家平均水平的一半。
