1. 程式人生 > >由於 MySQL 版本問題導入報錯

由於 MySQL 版本問題導入報錯

報錯 mysqld 原因 req expec 5.7 sys bar bus

導入 mysqldump導出的數據庫時,錯誤日誌報如下的錯誤

2018-09-03T01:49:15.741378Z 6 [ERROR] InnoDB: Column table_name in table `mysql`.`innodb_table_stats` is VARCHAR(597) NOT NULL but should be VARCHAR(192) NOT NULL (length mismatch).
2018-09-03T01:49:15.741444Z 6 [ERROR] InnoDB: Fetch of persistent statistics requested for table `ebusbar_boss_db`.`s_kpi` but the required system tables mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats are not present or have unexpected structure. Using transient stats instead.
2018-09-03T01:49:37.973418Z 7 [ERROR] InnoDB: Column table_name in table `mysql`.`innodb_table_stats` is VARCHAR(597) NOT NULL but should be VARCHAR(192) NOT NULL (length mismatch).
2018-09-03T01:49:37.973484Z 7 [ERROR] InnoDB: Fetch of persistent statistics requested for table `ebusbar_boss_db`.`s_kpi_daily` but the required system tables mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats are not present or have unexpected structure. Using transient stats instead.
2018-09-03T01:49:47.627903Z 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Column table_name in table `mysql`.`innodb_table_stats` is VARCHAR(597) NOT NULL but should be VARCHAR(192) NOT NULL (length mismatch).
2018-09-03T01:49:47.627952Z 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Fetch of persistent statistics requested for table `ebusbar_boss_db`.`s_company` but the required system tables mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats are not present or have unexpected structure. Using transient stats instead.

數據庫版本不一致,源數據庫為 mysqld 5.7.23,目標數據庫為 mysqld 5.7.22

由於 MySQL 版本問題導入報錯