1. 程式人生 > >在Linux服務器上添加ip白名單允許ssh登錄訪問


白名單 rar rap lib led start 訪問 etc through

vi /etc/hosts.allow # hosts.allow This file contains access rules which are used to # allow or deny connections to network services that # either use the tcp_wrappers library or that have been # started through a tcp_wrappers-enabled xinetd. # # See ‘man 5 hosts_options‘ and ‘man 5 hosts_access‘ # for information on rule syntax. # See ‘man tcpd‘ for information on tcp_wrappers #下面為允許通過制定ip訪問服務器 sshd:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:allow sshd:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:allow sshd: sshd:
