1. 程式人生 > >React-Native開發七 react-navigation之AsyncStorage資料儲存

React-Native開發七 react-navigation之AsyncStorage資料儲存

1 前言


2 AsyncStorage主要用法

export const AsyncStorage: AsyncStorageStatic;
export type AsyncStorage = AsyncStorageStatic;

 * AsyncStorage is a simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage
 * system that is global to the app.  It should be used instead of LocalStorage.
 * It is recommended that you use an abstraction on top of `AsyncStorage`
 * instead of `AsyncStorage` directly for anything more than light usage since
 * it operates globally.
 * On iOS, `AsyncStorage` is backed by native code that stores small values in a
 * serialized dictionary and larger values in separate files. On Android,
 * `AsyncStorage` will use either [RocksDB](http://rocksdb.org/) or SQLite
 * based on what is available.
 * @see
https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/asyncstorage.html#content */
export interface AsyncStorageStatic { /** * Fetches key and passes the result to callback, along with an Error if there is any. */ getItem(key: string, callback?: (error?: Error, result?: string) => void): Promise<string>; /** * Sets value for key and calls callback on completion, along with an Error if there is any */
setItem(key: string, value: string, callback?: (error?: Error) => void): Promise<void>; removeItem(key: string, callback?: (error?: Error) => void): Promise<void>; /** * Merges existing value with input value, assuming they are stringified json. Returns a Promise object. * Not supported by all native implementation */
mergeItem(key: string, value: string, callback?: (error?: Error) => void): Promise<void>; /** * Erases all AsyncStorage for all clients, libraries, etc. You probably don't want to call this. * Use removeItem or multiRemove to clear only your own keys instead. */ clear(callback?: (error?: Error) => void): Promise<void>; /** * Gets all keys known to the app, for all callers, libraries, etc */ getAllKeys(callback?: (error?: Error, keys?: string[]) => void): Promise<string[]>; /** * multiGet invokes callback with an array of key-value pair arrays that matches the input format of multiSet */ multiGet( keys: string[], callback?: (errors?: Error[], result?: [string, string][]) => void ): Promise<[string, string][]>; /** * multiSet and multiMerge take arrays of key-value array pairs that match the output of multiGet, * * multiSet([['k1', 'val1'], ['k2', 'val2']], cb); */ multiSet(keyValuePairs: string[][], callback?: (errors?: Error[]) => void): Promise<void>; /** * Delete all the keys in the keys array. */ multiRemove(keys: string[], callback?: (errors?: Error[]) => void): Promise<void>; /** * Merges existing values with input values, assuming they are stringified json. * Returns a Promise object. * * Not supported by all native implementations. */ multiMerge(keyValuePairs: string[][], callback?: (errors?: Error[]) => void): Promise<void>; }


3 AsyncStorage Demo例項


     * Fetches key and passes the result to callback, along with an Error if there is any.
    getItem(key: string, callback?: (error?: Error, result?: string) => void): Promise<string>;

     * Sets value for key and calls callback on completion, along with an Error if there is any
    setItem(key: string, value: string, callback?: (error?: Error) => void): Promise<void>;

    removeItem(key: string, callback?: (error?: Error) => void): Promise<void>;


import React,{Component}from "react";
import {View,TouchableOpacity, Text, TextInput, AsyncStorage} from "react-native";
import Toast, {DURATION} from 'react-native-easy-toast'

const KEY = "key";

export default class AsyncStorageDemo extends Component{


        return (
                <TextInput onChangeText={(text) => this.text=text}/>
                <View style={{flexDirection:"row",justifyContent:"space-between", margin:10}}>
                    <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.onSave()}>
                    <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.onRemove()}>
                    <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.onFetch()}>
                <Toast ref={(toast) => this.toast = toast}/>

        AsyncStorage.setItem(KEY,this.text,(error) => {
            if (!error){
            } else {

        AsyncStorage.removeItem(KEY,(error) => {
            if (!error){
            } else {

        AsyncStorage.getItem(KEY,(error,result) => {
            if (!error){
                if (result !== null && result !== ""){
                    this.toast.show("獲取成功:" + result,DURATION.LENGTH_SHORT);
                } else {
                    this.toast.show("不存在" + result,DURATION.LENGTH_SHORT);

            } else {
