1. 程式人生 > >如何有技術領導力 ——左耳聽風讀後感

如何有技術領導力 ——左耳聽風讀後感


  • 學好基礎知識,能一通百通
  • 高緯度的技術,是基礎知識的拓展,學好基礎技術,能更好掌握高緯度的技術
  • 具體分為程式設計和系統兩部分


  • C語言:更接近底層,更能理解程式怎麼精細地控制底層資源,推薦《C程式設計語言》(K&R)
  • 程式設計正規化
  • 演算法和資料結構


  • 計算機系統原理:CPU體系結構、快取結構、分支預測等,推薦《深入瞭解計算機系統》
  • 作業系統原理和基礎:理解程式怎麼被管理的,推薦《UNIX 環境高階程式設計》、《UNIX網路程式設計》
  • 網路基礎,推薦《TCP/IP詳解》
  • 資料庫原理
  • 分散式架構


  • 提高英文搜尋能力
  • 與高手交流
  • 舉一反三的思考
  • 不怕困難的態度
  • 開放的心態


  • 提高效率,學習時間管理
  • 儘量自動化
  • 掌握前沿技術的事
  • 技術密集型和知識驅動型的事


  • 谷歌的自我評分卡,提高對自己的要求
  • 敏銳的技術嗅覺
  • 多程式設計,學以致用
0 - you are unfamiliar with the subject area.(0 -你不熟悉主題領域。)

1 - you can read / understand the most fundamental aspects of the subject area.(1 -你可以閱讀/瞭解主題領域最基本的方面。)

2 - ability to implement small changes, understand basic principles and able to figure out additional details with minimal help.(2 -能夠實現小的變化,理解基本原理,並能在最小的幫助下找出更多的細節。)

3 - basic proficiency in a subject area without relying on help.(3 -在不依賴幫助的情況下,熟練掌握某一科目。)

4 - you are comfortable with the subject area and all routine work on it: (4 -你對主題領域和所有日常工作都很熟悉:)

For software areas - ability to develop medium programs using all basic language features w/o book, awareness of more esoteric features (with book).(對於軟體領域來說,能夠使用所有基本的語言來開發中等的程式,使用w/o book,瞭解更深奧的特性(帶書)。)

For systems areas - understanding of many fundamentals of networking and systems administration, ability to run a small network of systems including recovery, debugging and nontrivial troubleshooting that relies on the knowledge of internals.(對於系統領域——瞭解網路和系統管理的許多基礎知識,能夠執行一個小型的系統網路,包括恢復、除錯和依賴於內部知識的重要故障排除。)

5 - an even lower degree of reliance on reference materials. Deeper skills in a field or specific technology in the subject area.(5 -對參考資料的依賴程度更低。在某一領域或某一特定技術領域有較深的技能。)

6 - ability to develop large programs and systems from scratch. Understanding of low level details and internals. Ability to design / deploy most large, distributed systems from scratch.(6 -能夠從頭開始開發大型程式和系統。瞭解低層次的細節和內部資訊。能夠設計/部署大多數大型的分散式系統。)

7 - you understand and make use of most lesser known language features, technologies, and associated internals. Ability to automate significant amounts of systems administration.(7 -你理解並利用最不知名的語言特徵、技術和相關的內部資訊。能夠自動化大量的系統管理。)

8 - deep understanding of corner cases, esoteric features, protocols and systems including "theory of operation". Demonstrated ability to design, deploy and own very critical or large infrastructure, build accompanying automation.(8 -深刻理解角落案例,深奧的特點,協議和系統,包括“操作理論”。演示了設計、部署和擁有非常關鍵或大型基礎設施的能力,並建立了相應的自動化。)

9 - could have written the book about the subject area but didn't; works with standards committees on defining new standards and methodologies.(9 -本可以寫關於主題領域的書,但沒有;與標準委員會一起制定新的標準和方法。)

10 - wrote the book on the subject area (there actually has to be a book). Recognized industry expert in the field, might have invented it.(10 -寫在主題領域的書(實際上必須有一本書)。業內公認的業內專家,可能已經發明瞭它。)

Subject Areas:

TCP/IP Networking (OSI stack, DNS etc)

Unix/Linux internals

Unix/Linux Systems administration

Algorithms and Data Structures







Shell Scripting (sh, Bash, ksh, csh)

SQL and/or Database Admin

Scripting language of your choice (not already mentioned) _

People Management

Project Management