1. 程式人生 > >Linux下mysql程序死掉,InnoDB: mmap(137363456 bytes) failed; errno 12解決方法

Linux下mysql程序死掉,InnoDB: mmap(137363456 bytes) failed; errno 12解決方法



Starting MySQL../usr/local/mysql//bin/mysqld_safe: line 166:  9086 Killed                  nohup /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/usr/local/mysql/data/mysql/VM_0_17_centos.err --pid-file=/usr/local/mysql/data/mysql/VM_0_17_centos.pid < /dev/null >> /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql/VM_0_17_centos.err 2>&1
 ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/mysql/data/mysql/VM_0_17_centos.pid).


2018-10-09 15:11:54 1854 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
InnoDB: mmap(137363456 bytes) failed; errno 12
2018-10-09 15:11:54 1854 [ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool
2018-10-09 15:11:54 1854 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
2018-10-09 15:11:54 1854 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
2018-10-09 15:11:54 1854 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB
2018-10-09 15:11:54 1854 [ERROR] Aborting

可以看到錯誤的關鍵資訊在於InnoDB: mmap(137363456 bytes) failed; errno 12,網上有很多建議修改my.cnf配置檔案innodb_buffer_pool_size引數,改大改小我都試過了,還是沒有用.然後又仔細的查了網上的建議,通過free指令知道了我剛買的伺服器沒有配置Swap分割槽

[[email protected]_0_17_centos bin]# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        1016288      475944      381680         368      158664      385936
Swap:             0           0           0


[[email protected]_0_17_centos bin]# sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=1024
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 0.998251 s, 1.1 GB/s
[[email protected]_0_17_centos bin]# sudo mkswap /swapfile
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1048572 KiB
no label, UUID=3d2b10de-c987-451e-b020-59ef3bf0a19b
[[email protected]_0_17_centos bin]# sudo swapon /swapfile
swapon: /swapfile: insecure permissions 0644, 0600 suggested.
[[email protected]_0_17_centos bin]# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        1016288      475220       62760         368      478308      381388
Swap:       1048572           0     1048572

關於設定Swap分割槽大小可以參考 linux SWAP大小與記憶體的關係
