1. 程式人生 > >C++從零開始區塊鏈:main函式的一種實現



int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc < 2)
        std::cout << "argc error!" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    std::string strInputCmd;
    ShaCoin::P2PNode *p2pNode = ShaCoin::P2PNode::Instance(argv[1]);

    ShaCoin::BlockChain *blockChain = ShaCoin::BlockChain::Instance();

(1) { std::cout << "Please input command:" << std::endl; getline(std::cin, strInputCmd); std::vector<std::string> vec_str = ShaCoin::Cryptography::StringSplit(strInputCmd, ' '); if (vec_str.size() < 1) continue; if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::CompareNoCase(vec_str[0
], "addr")) { ShaCoin::KeyPair keyPair; ShaCoin::Cryptography::Createkey(keyPair); std::string addr = blockChain->CreateNewAddress(keyPair); std::cout << "Public key is " << ShaCoin::Cryptography::Base64Encode(keyPair.pubKey.key, keyPair.pubKey.len) << std
::endl; std::cout << "Private key is " << ShaCoin::Cryptography::Base64Encode(keyPair.priKey.key, keyPair.priKey.len) << std::endl; std::cout << "Address is " << addr << std::endl; continue; } else if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::CompareNoCase(vec_str[0], "ts")) { if (vec_str.size() < 6) continue; ShaCoin::KeyPair kp; memset(&kp, 0, sizeof(kp)); ShaCoin::Cryptography::Base64Decode(vec_str[4], kp.pubKey.key, sizeof(kp.pubKey.key), &kp.pubKey.len); ShaCoin::Cryptography::Base64Decode(vec_str[5], kp.priKey.key, sizeof(kp.priKey.key), &kp.priKey.len); ShaCoin::Transactions ts = blockChain->CreateTransactions(vec_str[1], vec_str[2], stof(vec_str[3])); std::string strTsJson = blockChain->GetJsonFromTransactions(ts); std::string strHash = ShaCoin::Cryptography::GetHash(strTsJson.c_str(), strTsJson.length()); ShaCoin::BroadcastMessage tm; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); tm.pubkey = kp.pubKey; strncpy(tm.json, strTsJson.c_str(), strTsJson.length()); if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::Signature(kp.priKey, strHash.c_str(), strHash.length(), tm.sign, sizeof(tm.sign), &tm.signlen)) p2pNode->Broadcast(ShaCoin::p2p_transaction, tm); continue; } else if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::CompareNoCase(vec_str[0], "Mining")) { if (vec_str.size() < 2) continue; int count; if (vec_str.size() >= 3) count = stoi(vec_str[2]); else count = 1; if (count < 1) count = 1; while (count) { std::string strMiningJson = blockChain->Mining(vec_str[1]); ShaCoin::BroadcastMessage bmMining; memset(&bmMining, 0, sizeof(bmMining)); strncpy(bmMining.json, strMiningJson.c_str(), strMiningJson.length()); p2pNode->Broadcast(ShaCoin::p2p_bookkeeping, bmMining); --count; } continue; } else if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::CompareNoCase(vec_str[0], "Merge")) { p2pNode->MergeChain(); continue; } else if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::CompareNoCase(vec_str[0], "Balances")) { if(vec_str.size() < 2) continue; std::cout << blockChain->CheckBalances(vec_str[1]) << std::endl; continue; } else if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::CompareNoCase(vec_str[0], "show")) { std::cout << blockChain->GetJsonFromBlockList() << std::endl; continue; } else if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::CompareNoCase(vec_str[0], "help")) { std::cout << "<addr> create a new address and key pair." << std::endl; std::cout << "<ts> initiate a new benefit,the parameters are in order:send address, recipient address, amount." << std::endl; std::cout << "<mining> mining.the parameters are in order:mining address,number of mining times" << std::endl; std::cout << "<merge> blockchain merge." << std::endl; std::cout << "<balances> get the balance.the parameters are in order:address" << std::endl; std::cout << "<show> display blockchain in json format." << std::endl; std::cout << "<quit> quit." << std::endl; std::cout << "<help> show this message." << std::endl; continue; } else if (ShaCoin::Cryptography::CompareNoCase(vec_str[0], "quit")) { break; } } return 0; }