1. 程式人生 > >[Fastai] How to set up fastai library on windows 10? Windows 10如何安裝fastai庫

[Fastai] How to set up fastai library on windows 10? Windows 10如何安裝fastai庫

According to Jeremy’s post: (assume you have gpu with cuda, conda and git installed)

  1. clone the git repo
git clone https://github.com/fastai/fastai.git
  1. open your anaconda prompt and set up the conda env fastai
cd fastai
conda env update
  1. type this to activate the environment every time
    in your anaconda prompt
activate fastai

also fine with

conda activate fastai

then you will see the prefix of each prompt turns to (fastai)

  1. install ipython widgets into jupyter
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension --sys-prefix
  1. before you replace the simulink (which was prepared for linux system) to fastai library, to remove it you requires admin.

and safely close the prompt,
and then run an admin prompt by right clicking.

  1. remove the simulink and create one fit for windows
cd path\to\fastai
cd courses\ml1
del fastai
mklink fastai ..\..\fastai
cd ..\..
  1. all done!