1. 程式人生 > >解決myeclipse報錯Entity manager has not been injected (is the Spring Aspects JAR configured as an AJC/AJ

解決myeclipse報錯Entity manager has not been injected (is the Spring Aspects JAR configured as an AJC/AJ


報錯的全部資訊為:Entity manager has not been injected (is the Spring Aspects JAR configured as an AJC/AJDT aspects library?)


具體的解決方式是下載AspectJ外掛,解壓檔案後將檔案放在MyEclipse 2015安裝目錄的dropins資料夾下,重啟工具,點選專案右鍵

AspectJ Tools 選擇Configure AspectJ Build Path ; 在彈出框中選擇Aspect Path -->Add  JARs,選擇專案中的spring-aspects-xxx.RELEASE.jar架包匯入即可,有的專案會自動更新成 AspectJ 專案,有的專案需要手動更新。