1. 程式人生 > >英語口語錦集(oralenglish)


1、1.I was teasing you.我只是在戲弄你。2.It's a long story.三言兩語說不清楚。 3.Stop talking to me.請別再說了。4. Don't be so silly. 別太傻了。5. You are so mean.你真卑鄙。6. Keep your voice down.聲音小點。7.Think for a minute. 仔細想想。

2、【表示省略】 1. Et cetera. 等等(拉丁語)。 2. And so on. 等等。 3. And so forth. 等等。 4. So on and so forth. 等等。 5. And stuff like that. 還有諸如此類的(事物)。 6. And sth. like that. 以及類似的一些(事物)。7. And everything like that. 以及其他所有諸如此類的(事物)

3、【照亮人生的金句】Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid. 每個人都是天才。但如果硬要以魚兒爬樹的本領,來評估它的能力,它這輩子都會覺得自己是條蠢魚。- Albert Einstein愛因斯坦

4、【各種圖的表達】icon 圖示;map 地圖;Infographic 資訊圖表;flow scheme 流程圖;geometry 幾何圖;explanatory drawing 說明插圖;pie chart 餅圖;bar chart 柱圖;illustration 插圖;drawing製圖紙;graph曲線圖;outline輪廓圖;flow chart 流程圖/作業圖

5、【形容身材】1. She's slim. 她很苗條。 2. She's really skinny. 她瘦得跟皮包骨一樣。 3. He is chubby. 他胖嘟嘟的。 4.. He has a beer belly. 他有啤酒肚。 5. She's got love handles. 她有游泳圈。 6. He has big muscles. 他肌肉很發達。 7. She's got a curvy figure.她曲線玲瓏。

6、工作安排。nine to five 朝九晚五;night shift 晚班;graveyard shift 大夜班;insane hours 沒日沒夜地幹;odd hours 工作時間沒規律;24/7 on-call 一週七天,一天24小時隨叫隨到;work overtime 加班;flexible hours 工作時間靈活;telecommute 遠端工作;off-the-clock 無償加班。

7、【#北京大暴雨#】今天整理了一些有關下雨的表達。 1)rain spell/rainy season 雨季 2)rainy day 雨天3)sprinkles /drizzle 毛毛雨 4)light rain=小雨 5)moderate rain 中雨 6)heavy rain 大雨 7)thunder shower 雷陣雨8)downpour 大暴雨 9)ice rain 凍雨 10)hail/hailstone 冰雹 11) rainstorm 暴風雨

8、1. It's a weight off my shoulders. 這讓我如釋重負啊。2. She changed her tune after hearing the news. 聽到這個訊息她立即轉變了態度。3. She messed up everything.她把一切都搞砸了。4. He shows his true colors after the first date.第一次約會後他就現出原形了。

9、1. let your heart rule your head 跟著感覺走、感情用事、被感情衝昏了頭腦;2. learn by heart 記住、背誦;3. lose heart 喪失信心/勇氣;4. man after my own heart 與我志趣相投品位一致的男人;5. pour your heart out 推心置腹

10、1. a bleeding heart 悲天憫人者、太富同情心的人、心腸太軟的人;2. a change of heart 改變看法或心意;3. a heart of gold 道德高尚的人、金子般的心;4. a heart of stone 鐵石心腸;5. a heart-to-heart 促膝長談、心與心的交談;6. chicken-hearted 膽小的、軟弱的

11、【開車相關表達】駕車離開drive off 或drive away; 拋錨 break down; 開車載某人一程 give some1 a ride 或take some1 for a ride; 肇事逃逸的駕駛 hit-and-run driver; 開車載某人到某處 drive some1 to somewhere; 開車去兜風 go for a drive 或 take a drive; 乘車旅行 go for a ride

12、1. Fasten your seat belt / Buckle up 繫上安全帶; 2. pop/open the trunk 開啟後備箱; 3. Pull over (靠邊)停車; 4. accelerate / speed up 加速,decelerate / slow down 減速;

13、.Hear me out, okay? 你聽我把話說完好吧。2. I don't buy your crap. 我才不信你的鬼話呢. 3. I mean it. 我是認真的。4. Let's get out of here. 我們走吧。5. It's good to see you. 很開心又見面了。6. It's up to you.你來決定。7. That's gross. 真噁心。

14、1. Count me in.算上我一個唄。2. I'm gonna head out.我準備走了。3. Keep in touch.保持聯絡哦。4. Take it easy, man.兄弟你淡定!5. Could you do me a huge favor? 你能幫我個大忙嗎?6. She dumped me!!她把我給甩了。7. Can I crash at your place? 我能睡你家嗎?

15、1. It's quite an eye-opener for me. 這真的是個讓我大開眼界的玩意兒。 2. They don't seem to see eye to eye on this. 他們似乎對此看法不一致。 3. You'd learn to keep your nose clean. 你得學會安分守己。 4. Let's not jump the gun here. 咱別妄下結論好不。

16、【關於Man的俚語】1. Clothes make the man 人靠衣裝;2. be your own man 獨立自主、做自己的主人;3. Every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost 人不為己天誅地滅,其中Every man for himself 是指人人為己;4. Every man has his price 人人皆可被收買(而非有自己的價值)

17、1. man-about-town 遊手好閒到處尋歡作樂的人;2. man-eater 男人殺手,指很容易迷倒男人、具有很多戀情的女人(非正式);3. iron man 身體強健可以長時間工作的人;4. be man enough to do sth 勇敢去做某事,在這裡man=brave

18、 1. Keep your shirt on, young man.年輕人,別太緊張。2. He put his GF on a pedestal. 他把他女朋友奉為女神。3. It's all in the day's work. 這是再平常不過的事了。4. Could u spot me some cash?你能否借我點錢花花不? 5. He's talking through his hat.他在瞎扯淡。

19、 1.She is bitching at me.她一直在對我嘮叨. 2.You almost had me fooled. 我差點就上當了. 3.That's insane!太荒謬了吧! 4.Cut me some slack!放我一馬吧. 5.You scared the shit out of me.你嚇屎我了。 6.I thought you were up to speed. 我還以為你很瞭解情況了呢。

20、【關於money的俚語】1. Money talks 金錢萬能;2. pots of money 一筆鉅款;3. put money on someone or something 下賭注於...,在...上打賭;4. seed money 種子基金;5. one's money's worth 物有所值的東西、與花的錢等值的東西;6. Money (is) no object. 錢不是問題(有足夠的錢)

21、hush money 封口費、堵嘴錢;pin money 零用錢;be (right) on the money 完全正確;be in the money 大發橫財、意外地獲得很多錢;come into (some) money 意外地獲得一筆錢,常指繼承而來;for my money=in my opinion 在我看來;easy money 得之容易的錢、低息貸款;

22、1. I promise. 我保證。2. That's rough. 這太狠了。3. Straight up. 坦白說。4. Forgive me. 原諒我。5. Oh, fire away! 好吧,開始吧!6. Watch yourself. 小心點,當心點兒。7. Sounds nice. 聽上去不錯。8. Nailed it. 搞定。

23、1.I didn't mean to. 我不是存心的。2.Apology accepted! 嗯,接受你的道歉。3.Leave me alone. 讓我一個人待一會兒。4.You'll make it. 你會成功的! 5.Yeah, I've been there before.對的,我也有過類似經歷。6.You rock! 你太牛啦!7.How did the interview go? 面試進展如何?

24、1.Not a chance.絕不可能!2.Enjoy yourself! 玩得開心!3.I got your back. 我頂你!4.Everything is back on track now.現在一切都恢復正常了。5.Where are you up to? 你這是要去哪啊 6.I'm just messing with ya. 我這是逗你和你鬧著玩呢

25、1. I think it's a fat chance. 我覺得希望渺茫。 2. Just stay where u are. 站在原地別動(保持原有狀態)。 3. That settles. 一言為定/問題解決了。 4. I bumped into an old friend today. 我今天偶然碰見一個老朋友。 5. I have no problem with this. 我對此沒意見。

26、【探望病人】1. We should pay her a visit in the hospital.我們應該去醫院探望她。2. What are the visiting hours?探視時間是什麼時候?3. Let's get her some flowers and fruit.我們給她買點鮮花和水果吧。4. How are u feeling today?今天感覺怎麼樣? 5. Do u need anything?你需要點什麼嗎?

27、【美語怎麼說第一集:大眾情人】1. Lady killer,大眾情人,少女/女人殺手;2. high maintenance 難伺候,She's a high maintenance girl. 她是個難伺候的女孩;3. out of your league 配不上,She's completely out of your league. 你完全配不上她。

28、【徵詢意見句型】1. How about...? 你覺得...怎麼樣?2. What do you say? 你怎麼看? 3. Do you think ... ? 你覺得...? 4. What if (they don't like me)? (他們不喜歡我)怎麼辦? 5. Don't you think ... is a good idea? 你不覺得...是個好主意嗎? 6. What's your point of view?你的觀點是?

29、 【照亮人生的金句】The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. 生命的意義在於盡情生活,拼命體驗,勇往直前、無所畏懼地去追求更新更豐富的人生經歷。——Eleanor Roosevelt(埃莉諾·羅斯福)

30、【時尚口語】or what在口語中使用頻率很高,意思通常有:1. 徵求同意,確認資訊,如:Is this a good movie or what? 這時它跟or not很像,但更直接,甚至常常帶有一些怒氣或不耐煩,如:Are we going to do this or what?我們到底是做還是不做?2. 要求選擇,如:Is this book a biography or what?

31、1.What's the big deal? 有什麼大不了的? 2.Since when? 從什麼時候開始的?3.Don't screw it up. 別搞砸了。4.What're you up to tonight?今晚準備幹嘛? 5.There you go.這就對啦!6.You're gonna be sorry.你會後悔的。7.That was close.剛才挺險的. 8.Indeed. 確實如此!

32、【"熱烈鼓掌"怎麼說】地道表達是:a warm round of applause,或者a big round of applause. 也可以說a big hand,用在口語中構建句子時,動詞可以用have,也可以用give,例如:Let's give her a warm round of applause. / Let's have a big round of applause for her. 讓我們給予她熱烈的掌聲。

33、【各種本】記事本 memo pad; 筆記本 Note book; 電話本 Contacts/Phone Book; 賬本 account book; 記錄本 log book  ;練習本 exercise book ;抄寫本 copybook ;日記本 diary ;便籤本 Note pads; 課本 textbook; 劇本 script; 作業本 homework/exercise book;

34、【鼓勵他人循序漸進】1. One step at a time. 路要一步步走。2. Rome wasn't built in a day. 羅馬不是一天建成的(同中國俗語:冰凍三尺非一日之寒)。3. A watched pot never boils. 心急水不沸(同中國俗語:心急吃不上熱豆腐)。4. Good things come to him who waits. 慢工出細活(強調耐心)。

35、【乘火車基本表達】1. Is there a through train from A to B? 有木有從A到B的直達列車? 2. Do I have to change at A for B? 我需要在A城轉車到B城嗎? 3. Will the train be delayed? 列車會晚點嗎?4. Are there any seats available for A. 去A城的車還有座嗎? 5. Give me a ticket to A, plz.

36、【繫鞋帶怎麼說】幾種地道表達方式:1. tie one's shoes;2. lace up one's shoes;3. buckle one's shoes (指繫上那種鞋帶是帶扣的鞋子);鞋帶的幾種叫法:Shoelaces / shoe-strings / shoe laces / boot laces(常特指靴子鞋帶)

37、1. You mean the world to me. 你是我的一切。 2. I fell in love with her at first sight. 我對她一見鍾情。 3. They don't get along. 他倆合不來。 4. We drift apart. 我們疏遠了。 5. I'm not ready for a serious relationship. 我還沒準備好開始一段認真的感情。

38、This one will do. 這個就可以(do在口語中也表示不錯,還可以)。2. Speak for yourself. 你才這麼想。 3. Let's dig in. 開吃吧。 4. You got a minute? 有空嗎(能耽誤你一會兒時間嗎)? 5. I think we had chemistry on our first date.我感覺第一次約會我們很來電。

39、【傷心難過的表達】1)sad/unhappy/upset為已失去或無法擁有的事物而感傷的。2)homesick 因想家而感傷的。3)sentimental 多愁善感的。4)depressed 沮喪情緒低落的。4)heartbroken 心碎的(尤指因失戀)。5)grieve 因某人過世而感到極為悲傷。6)melancholy不知其因,莫名其妙的傷心。7)sorry感到惋惜而難過

40、【情緒表達-悲傷、沮喪表達】句型:1、I feel sad/unhappy/miserable/blue 我感到悲傷...;2、I'm down/low 我情緒低落;3、I feel/am depressed/dejected/dispirited 我感到很沮喪;4、He had a broken heart/he was broken-hearted 他傷心欲絕。

41、1. I'd like to try this on. 我想試試這件。 2. Where's the fitting room? 試衣間在哪兒? 3. Do you have a shirt to match this? 有沒有跟這件很搭的襯衫? 5. Do you have this in a larger/smaller size? 這件有沒有尺寸大一些/小一點的? 6. I'll take this one. 就要這件了。

42、【老美口頭禪】6. You know在老美口頭禪裡出現頻率最高,實際上它跟是否know毫無關係,通常在老美一時講不清楚話時用它來停頓一下,或者對於一些有共識的東西予以省略,如:The biggest country is...you know...;或者純粹是不自覺地插入到表達中以停頓或轉折語氣,如:He is, u know, a great guy... 口語中適當出現you know是可以的,想不起接下來怎麼說可以用它爭取一點時間來思考,表示省略共識的意思時,可以翻譯成你知道的,或你懂的;2. 凡事有個度,過多的you know讓人煩,聽者心裡可能會想:我know你妹啊,跟你說話真費勁。


43、【說服他人相信】1. I swear. 我發誓。 2. I swear to God. 我對天發誓。 3. You have my word/ I give you my word. 我向你保證。 4. You can count on me. 你可以相信我。 5. Trust me. 相信我。 6. I'm sure about this. 我對此很確定。 7. There's no doubt about it. 毋容置疑。

44、 【關於boy的俚語】1. Oh, boy. 天吶!2. whipping boy 替罪羊、替罪之人;3. Boys will be boys 男孩終究是男孩啊(表示正如預期的那樣男孩表現很不負責任很浮躁);4. fair-haired boy 紅人、寵兒;5. toy boy 小白臉;6. mama's boy 奶嘴男,指經常把“媽媽說...”掛在嘴邊或需要無微不至的關懷的人

【關於girl的俚語】1. That's my girl=That's my girl of whom I'm proud. 表示對女孩的讚賞,女孩長輩或BF均適用;2. glamor girl 注重儀表的靚女;3. golden girl 成功女郎;4. girl next door 鄰家女孩,指既不富貴也不有名的普通女孩;5. a call girl 應召女郎;6. girl Friday 忠實能幹的女助手

45、【遞煙的地道表達】1. Have a smoke? 抽根兒煙? 2. Would you like a cigarette? 要來根兒煙嗎? 3. Cigarettes? 你抽菸嗎? 4. Let's go have a smoke. 我們去抽根菸吧。 5. Do you smoke? 你抽菸嗎? 6. Cigar or cigarette? 想抽雪茄還是香菸? 7. Would you like to try one? 要不要抽一口?

46、1、Aw,nuts! 靠,廢了! 2、I'll show you up. 我會讓你自慚形穢。 3、That's rough. 這太狠了。 4、I got the message. 我懂你的意思了。 5、Stop!I'm going to wet myself! 別說了,我快笑尿了!6、This is preposterous!7、Should I give him a heads-up? 我應該提醒下他嗎? 8、Oh,better than good. 好的不能再好了。 9、Way to kill the mood. 真讓人掃興。 10、I just don't know how I'm gonna break it to him. 我只是不知道該怎麼跟他說。 11、That's a healthy attitude. 這種心態很好。

47、1. You are kidding me!你在開玩笑!2. Once and for all.一勞永逸 。3.You have my word.我保證。4. I'm gonna be direct.我就直說了(我就不拐彎抹角了)5. I'm on your side.我支援你6. Did you hear me?你聽見我說的話了嗎?7. I'm not done here.我還沒講完呢

48、1. Everyone stay focused. 大家都聽好。 2. Change doesn't happen overnight. 改變不是一朝一夕的事。 3. What the heck? 搞什麼飛機? 4. Don't take this the wrong way. 別誤解我的意思。 5. You are imagining things. 這都是你胡思亂想的。

49、1. Ready to order?準備好點餐了嗎?2.You tell me.你說呢?3. Ready to serve.準備就緒。/隨時候命。4.Looks that way.貌似是那樣。5.Are we cool?我們沒事兒了吧。6. No offense taken.我不介意。7. Question for you.問你個問題。

50、1.Nikita hung up on me. 尼基塔掛了我電話。2.I'm gonna use the ladies' room. 我要去下女洗手間。 3.I'm out of options. 我別無選擇。 4.We need to split up. 我們得分頭行動。 5.I didn't screw you over. 我沒有出賣你。

51、1.He is kind of intense. 他有點神經兮兮。 2.You are one of the naturals. 你的天賦異稟。 3.Nothing came of it. 沒有任何結果。 4.Truth or happiness,never both. 真相和快樂不可兼得。 5.I don't go for married women. 我對已婚女士沒興趣。

52、1. Zip it!住嘴!2. Then what?然後呢?3. This way.走這邊。4. Get back.回來。5. Hold on.等一下。6. You're up.輪到你了。7.Power failure.停電啦。8. It's brilliant.太讚了。9. Let's go.我們走吧。

53、【13個常用口頭禪】形容詞篇: 1.great 太棒了 2.amazing令人驚訝的3.awesome很棒的 4.incredible難以置信的5.cool好/帥/酷6.nice令人愉快的7.excellent優秀的8.wonderful絕妙的9.fabulous極妙的10.fantastic 極出色的11.superb棒極了12.terrific 好極了13.lovely美好的 ~ 。

54、【女性魅力的特徵】白皙的面板fair skin;紅潤的嘴脣ruddy lips;濃眉大眼with big eyes and bushy eyebrows;修長的大腿long legs;豐滿的胸部magnificent breasts。

55、【男性魅力的特徵】濃眉strong brow;大鼻子strong nose;高額頭high forehead;寬下巴broad jaw;寬肩膀broad shoulders; 胸部肌肉發達chest muscularity; 挺拔的身姿erect posture; 細腰slim/narrow waist; 壯實 physical strength; V形上身 v-shaped torso;good-looking形貌好看的。

56、:【吐槽高溫天氣接力】1. It's stifling.I can hardly breathe.天氣太熱了,我都沒法呼吸了。 2.It's hot enough to melt hell.這天熱的足以把地獄熔化了。 3. I'm sweating like a pig. 我全身冒汗。 4. It's not just hot.It's Africa hot.天不止是熱,是像非洲一樣熱。

57、 【吐槽高溫天氣】1. It's so hot recently. The temperature has climbed to 38 ℃。最近天氣真熱,氣溫已經上升到了38攝氏度。 2. It's boiling today. 今天熱得要命! 3. Damn it! It's sweltering today. 可惡,今天熱得讓人發昏。4. Damn, this weather is scorching hot. 丫的,鬼天氣熱得要死。

58、【各種壞人的表達】 scumbag 人渣;drug dealer毒販子;gangster黑幫惡棍;hooligan小流氓/街頭惡棍;traitor賣國賊; bastards.混蛋;rumor monger造謠者; asshole可惡的傢伙 ;black sheep害群之馬;skunk 卑鄙的人; snob勢利小人;swindler騙子; lecher色鬼,淫棍 '

59、【機場指南】 航班資訊 Flight info; 航班實況 Flight status; 航班時刻表 Flight schedules; 航班查詢 Flight Finder; 抵達Arrival; ; 出發Departure; 轉機Transit; 諮詢服務 Advisories; 航空公司 Airlines;lounge 休息室;Terminal航站樓

60、【Home常見的片語表達】home-cooked meal 家常菜; home bird 宅人(喜歡在家裡不愛外出的人);stay-at-home-husband家庭主男;homemaker 家庭主婦(建立家庭的人);home team主隊;home phone住宅電話; home office 書房;home page 網站主頁;home town 家鄉;home leave探親假 ;home-made 自制的

61、【秒殺5字短句】1)想都別想。Quit that thought. 2)廢話少說!Cut the crap! 3)怎麼搞的?How come? 4)你應得的。You deserve it. 5)氣死我了!It pissed me off! 6)我想是吧! I guess so!7)真是如此? Is that so? 8)我說真的。I mean it. 9)不要理我。Leave me alone.

62、1.Stay out of this. 這事你別管! 2.Who the hell are you? 你到底是誰? 3.What are you saying? 你在說什麼? 4.I've got a crick. 我有點抽筋。 5.You deserve some credit too. 你也有功勞。 6.Drive safely. 開車小心點。 7.I was stunned. 我不知所措。

63、【下午茶】afternoon tea下午茶,分為high tea(晚飯前的茶點)和 low tea(午飯後食用);milk tea奶茶;bubble tea泡泡茶/珍珠奶茶;cream puff奶油泡芙;bread and butter pudding麵包黃油布丁; cheese cake芝士蛋糕;cookie曲奇;apple pie蘋果派;egg tart蛋撻

64、【不靠譜的前任】1.You are such a scumbag.你這個人渣。2.I just want to have a little chat with you.我只想和你談談。3.What were we fighting about?我們當時為了什麼爭吵? 4.How could you just walk away?你怎能就這樣一走了之。5.I'm sorry for what I put you through.我很抱歉讓你經歷這些.

65、1.Time out.暫停 2.work overtime 加班 3.shoot the bull.閒聊 4.buzz-kill 掃興的人或事 5.Child's play.小孩子的把戲(容易乾的事) 6.play innocent 扮無辜 7.the second base 二壘 8.play dirty 使用不道德非法手段,玩陰的 9.No funny stuff.不要耍花招!

66、1.Don't beat around the bush別拐彎抹角了。2.You're hopeless!你真是沒救了。3.I have an upset stomach. 我肚子痛。4.I took you for someone else.我認錯人了。 5.Why are you so sure?怎麼這樣肯定?6.It's not clear事情還未明朗。7.It's getting on my nerves.真讓人心煩。

67、1.You push those sad thoughts out of your mind. 別想這些不愉快的事兒。2.It was just a slap in my face. 這是對我的侮辱。3.Really good reception here.手機訊號真好!4.No comment on that. 這方面無可奉告。5.You are such a blabbermouth.你真是一個大嘴巴。

【看奧運,學英語】torch 火炬;mascot 吉祥物;medal 獎牌;gold medal 金牌;silver medal 銀牌;bronze medal 銅牌;host city 主辦城市;athlete運動員;referee裁判;volunteer志願者;opening ceremony開幕式;closing ceremony 閉幕式;hold the record 保持紀錄;break the record 打破紀錄

69、【 英語我最潮】keep it down低調;rats杯具;you clown你二;you are killing me暈;what the heck?無語;you think you pretty cool,huh?得瑟;tiptoe around them傷不起;have you microbloged today?今天你“圍脖”了嗎?chill out淡定

70、.I'm afraid you’re mistaken.我想你記錯了。8.What the hell's the matter with u? 你有什麼不滿嗎? 9.Don't be so hard on yourself.所以別太自責了。 10.I would love to hear your thoughts.我很想聽聽你的想法。 11.You need to look at the big picture. 你要以大局為重。

71、【脫口而出系列(70)】意見不和時:1.We've made a really hard decision.我們做出了一個艱難的決定。2.Is everybody all right with that?所有人都同意嗎?3.I'm okay with that.我無所謂。4.Why are you talking like that? 5.You're a despicable human being.你是個卑鄙的人

72、.Time flies.光陰似箭。2.Time is money.時間就是金錢。3.Time works wonders.時間創造奇蹟。4.Time cures all things.時間能治癒一切。5.Time and tide wait for no man.時間不待人。6.There is no time like the present. 現在正是時候。

73、【與時間有關的短語】1.on time 準時;2.in time 及時;3.all the time 總是;4.from time to time 有時候;5.ahead of time 提前;6.at one time 曾經,一度;7.at any time 隨時;8.at no time絕不;9. in no time 立刻,馬上;10.make time騰出時間

74、【get用在口語中】1.Get your mind off it. 別想這個了。2. Get out of my face. 從我面前消失! 3.Don’t get too cocky.不要太自以為是。4.Don't get me wrong! 不要誤解我! 5.Get your hands off me.別碰我。6.I don't get it.我不懂。7. Get off my back.不要再煩我了。

75、爆料 tip-off;把妹達人pickup artist; 出風頭show off;見不得人的勾當under-the-table deal;商業炒作commercial speculation;矯情use lame arguments;班車shuttle bus; 板兒寸crew cut; 將軍肚beer belly; 傍大款lean on a moneybag;對...不感冒have no interest;

76、【開車必備】實用的開車詞彙:按喇叭 honk the horn;踩剎車 apply the brake; 踩油門 step on the gas ; 熄火 switch off the ignition;闖紅燈 run a red light

77、1.Are you with me? 都明白了吧?2. Did I make myself clear enough? 我都說明白了嗎?3.Am I understood? 我說明白了嗎?4.Do they make sense for you? 你聽懂了嗎?5.OK, so far?到現在為止都沒問題吧?

78、1.Don't nitpick!別死摳字眼兒!2.You have got to dig in your heels.你必須堅定你的原則 。3.Can't you be a little bit flexible?你就將就點不行嗎?4.Let's call it a night.今天就到此為止吧。5.Cut her some slack.放她一馬吧!6.Kick a man when he’s down. 落井下石。

79、【各種情感】名詞篇:anger憤怒;annoyance惱火;indifference無所謂;stress壓力;pain痛苦;sadness悲傷;helplessness無助;hopeless 無望;joy快樂;affection強烈的喜歡;wonder驚異;desire渴望; pity遺憾;satisfaction滿足;hate憎恨;hesitation猶豫;doubt懷疑

80、1. beg for the moon癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉 2.sleep around鬼混/亂搞男女關係3. exactly the same一模一樣4.let sleeping dogs lie 別自找麻煩 5. I won't say a word about it.我的嘴是很嚴的。6.I will put it directly我就直說了吧 7. small change小額錢幣. 7.I'll level with you. 我就直說了吧!

81、I won’t let it happen again. 我也不會再讓這種事發生。 12.You seem kinda moody today. 你今天有點心事重重。 13.He’s such a scamp!他真是淘氣。 14.Is something wrong? 嘿,出了什麼事嗎? 15.Are you saying that I am too emotional? 你是說我太感情用事了?

82、【英語口語集錦】1、Cheap skate! 小氣鬼!2、You ask for it! 活該!3、It is a deal! 一言為定!4、I am all ears我洗耳恭聽。5、That is unfair這不公平!6、I’m bored to death. 我無聊死了。7、Tell me when! 隨時奉陪!8、Wait and see.等著瞧。9、You never know. 世事難料

83、【當你產生懷疑時,可以這樣說】1)I don't buy it.我才不相信。2)You can't be serious! 開玩笑的吧? 3)I can't believe it.我簡直無法相信。4)Believe it or not. 信不信由你。(不管你信不信)5)I doubt it.我深表懷疑。6) Are you sure about this? 你肯定嗎?7)Are you kidding me?你在跟我開玩笑?

84、【薪水相關的用法】year-end(annual)bonus年終獎金;perfect attendance bonus全勤獎;performance bonus績效獎金;allowance津貼;commission佣金;earnings 所有工作的薪水總和;Income tax個人所得稅;overtime pay加班薪水;back pay欠發的薪資;pay raise 加薪;pay cut減薪;報酬remuneration;工資pay/wage/salary;保底工資minimum wage ;基本工資basic wage;計件工資piecework wage;計時工資hourly wages;日工資daily wages; 周工資weekly wages;月工資monthly wages; 發薪日payday;工資單 pay slip/payroll; I want a raise!我要加薪!

85、【生病時常用的表達】1)I've got a bad cold. 我感冒了。2)I've got a terrible headache. 我頭很痛。3)I feel dizzy. 我頭暈。4)I've got a temperature. 我發燒了。5)I've got a runny nose. 我流鼻涕。6)I've got a sore throat.我嗓子疼。7)I feel sore and ache all over. 我覺得全身酸。

86、【被惹毛時,可以這樣說】1、Fuck off.滾開! 2、How dare you! 你敢! 3、Shut the fuck up! 你TM給我閉嘴! 4、Drop dead. 去死! 5、Who do you think you are talking to? 你以為你在跟誰講話? 6、You are dead meat.你丫完蛋了。7、You bastard! 雜種! 8、You are such a jerk!你丫真是個混蛋!

87、【高階口語表達系列(10)】 1.I’m not sure what’s tripping you up. 我不確定是什麼致使你犯錯誤。2.I’m hammered. 我醉了。3.Lucky bastard. 這混蛋真有狗屎運。4.Pun intended? 有雙關的意思嗎?5.Your skin is like alabaster. 你的面板很白皙。6.Get them before they get us. 先下手為強.

88、【高階口語表達系列(9)】 1.I heard it through the grapevine.我也是道聽途說。 2.Say what comes to mind.想到什麼就說什麼吧!3.Are you up for it ? 準備好了嗎?4.So what turned you into this? 是什麼讓你變成了這樣?5.Sorry,bad reception here.對不起,我這兒手機訊號太不給力了。

89、【脫口而出(62)】1.I pulled some strings.我搞了一點關係.(走後門)2.You always know what to say.你嘴巴總是這麼甜!3.Why aren't you hearing me? 你為什麼不聽我說?4.Give me the details.告訴我詳細情形。5.Are you stalking me now? 你跟蹤我嗎?6.How did you find me here? 你怎麼找到我的?

90、【美劇口語小詞系列(10)】1.She's full of crap ! 她在胡說八道。 2.It tastes like heaven ! 味道好極了! 3.back to square one 問題又回到原來的狀態(沒有解決)4.It's worth a shot .值得試一試。 5.tip sb off 向某人洩露資訊。6.Take it or leave it .謝絕還價。7.A little cheesy.有點俗氣的

91、【口語精華】補充:8. Talk is cheap. Put up or shut up! 光說有個毛用?要麼去做,要麼閉嘴。9. Who do you think you are talking to? 你以為你在跟誰講話?10. Shut the fuck up! 你TM給我閉嘴! 11. Hold your tongue!別再說了!閉嘴! 12.be quiet.請安靜點。

92、【不可望文生義的英語系列(2)】1.kiss someone's ass.拍馬屁(不是親屁股) 2.in the same boat.面臨同樣的處境或危險(不是在同一條船上)3.walk on eggs.謹慎行事(不是走在雞蛋上)4.He's just pulling your leg.他只是在開你的玩笑(不是拉後腿) 5.give sb. the kick 免某人的職(不是踢某人一腳)

93、【上班族必備詞彙】printer印表機;photocopier影印機;pencil sharpener鉛筆刀;filing cabinet檔案櫃;stationery cupboard文具櫃;paper shredder碎紙機;whiteboard白板;whiteboard marker白板筆;projector投影儀;noticeboard布告牌;calculator計算器;punch打孔器

94、【農作物相關的表達】穀物 cereal grains;農作物crop;小麥wheat;大麥barley; 玉米maize/corn;水稻rice;黑麥rye;高粱sorghum;蕎麥Buckwheat ;穀子millet;麩bran;糠chaff ;燕麥oats;黑小麥triticale;主食staple food; 麵粉flour;飼料fodder; 麵條noodle。

95、 【關於婚姻的英語詞彙】1.Courtship.求愛。2.Engagement.訂婚。3.Mixed marriage.跨國婚姻。4.Wedding ceremony.結婚典禮。5.Wedding march.婚禮進行曲。6.Say one's vows.立下婚誓。7.Wedding reception.婚宴。8.Bride新娘。9.Bridegroom or groom.新郎。10.Groomsman.伴郎。11.Bridesmaid.伴娘

96、a man of decision果斷的人;a man of his hands有手藝的人;a man of nerve有膽量的人;a man of sense通情達理的人;a man of talent有才能的人;the good man of the house一家之主;a man of weight 有影響或勢力的人;a man of fashion時髦的人 【形形色色的“人”】a dirty old man老淫棍;a man of his word守信用的人;a man of few words沉默寡言的人;the man of the year年度人物;a man of character 有骨氣的人;a man of honour講信義的人;man-about-town到處尋樂的人;a ladies' man受女人歡迎的男人;man of the world閱歷豐富的人

97、【書籍的結構表達】作者author;封面front cover;前頁front matter; 硬封面hardbound;軟封面softcover; 書脊spine;附註notes;參考文獻bibliography; 獻詞dedication;扉頁 flyleaf;百科全書 encyclopedia;頁首header;頁尾footer

98、【形容個性高頻詞】picky挑剔的/吹毛求疵的;intelligent聰明的;self-sacrificing無私的;possessive佔有慾強的;unpredictable難以捉摸的; moody喜怒無常的;over sensitive過於敏感的;clingy 黏人的;dependable可信賴的; considerate 考慮周到的;independent 獨立的

99、【運氣好的表達】1)It's your lucky day. 你真走運。2)That's fortunate. 真有好運氣。3)You got lucky.謝天謝地。4)What luck! 太走運了!5)I was just lucky.只是運氣好。6)I lucked out today.今天的運氣真好7)Today's my lucky day./I feel lucky today./I'm in luck today.今天的運氣真好。

100、【高階口語表達系列(8)】1)You two look chummy. 你們倆看起來很合得來。2)Don’t get too cocky.不要太自以為是/自信。3)It was a cheap shot. 這真是個陰招。4)It's not unheard of.這不是什麼稀罕事。5)You're making assumptions.你開始胡說八道了。6)It takes two to tango.一個巴掌拍不響。



   It doesn't make any differences.沒關係。

  Don't let me down.別讓我失望。

  God works.上帝的安排。

  Don't take ill of me.別生我氣。

  Hope so.希望如此。

  Go down to business.言歸正傳。

  None of my business. 不關我事。

  It doesn't work.不管用。

  I'm not going.我不去了。

  Does it serve your purpose?對你有用嗎?

  I don't care.我不在乎。

  Not so bad.不錯。

  No way!不可能!

  Don't flatter me.過獎了。

  Your are welcome.你太客氣了。

  It is a long story.一言難盡。

  Between us.你知,我知。

  Big mouth!多嘴驢!

  Sure thin!當然!

  I'm going to go.我這就去。

  Never mind.不要緊。



  Drop it!停止!

  Bottle it!閉嘴!

  Don't play possum!別裝蒜!

  Make it up!不記前嫌!

  Watch you mouth. 注意言辭。

  What if I go for you?我替你去怎麼樣?

  Any urgent thing?有急事嗎?

  How about eating out?外面吃飯怎樣?

  Don't over do it.別太過分了。

  Can you dig it?你搞明白了嗎?

  I'm afraid I can't.我恐怕不能。

  You want a bet?你想打賭嗎?

  Who wants?誰稀罕?

  December heartbeat.黃昏戀。

  Follow my nose.憑直覺做某事。

  Cheap skate!小氣鬼!

  Go to hell!去死吧!

  Come seat here.來這邊坐。

  Good luck!祝你好運!

  Gild the lily.畫蛇添足。

  Make it.達到目的,獲得成功。

  I'll be seeing you.再見。

  He has an ax to grind.他另有企圖。

  I wonder if you can give me a lift?能讓我搭一程嗎?

  It is raining.要下雨了。

  Can I have this?可以給我這個嗎?

  I might hear a pin drop.非常寂靜。

  Why are you so sure?怎麼這樣肯定?

  Is that so?是這樣嗎?

  Don't get loaded.別喝醉了。

  Stay away from him.別靠近他。

  Don't get high hat.別擺架子。

  Right over there.就在那裡。

  Doggy bag.打包袋。

  That rings a bell.聽起來耳熟。

  Sleeping on both ears.睡的香。

  Play hooky.曠工、曠課。

  I am the one wearing pants in the house.我當家。

  It's up in the air.尚未確定。

  Side dish.配菜。

  I am all ears.我洗耳恭聽。

  Get cold feet.害怕做某事。

  Good for you!好得很!

  Go ahead.繼續。

  Help me out.幫幫我。

  Let's bag it.先把它擱一邊。

  Lose head.喪失理智。

  Talk truly.有話直說。

  He is the pain on neck. 他真讓人討厭。

  Do you have straw?你有吸管嗎?

  You bet! 一定,當然!

  That is a boy!太好了,好極了!

  It's up to you.由你決定。

  The line is engaged.佔線。

  My hands are full right now.我現在很忙。

  Don't make up a story.不要捏造事實。

  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.小別勝新婚。

  She make a mess of things. 她把事情搞得一塌糊塗。

  Get an eyeful.看個夠。

  He has a quick eye.他的眼睛很銳利。

  Shoot the breeze.閒談。

  Tell me when!隨時奉陪!

  It is a small world!世界真是小!

  Not at all.根本就不(用)。

  Let's play it by ear.讓我們隨興所至。

  Wait and see.等著瞧。

  Why so blue?怎麼垂頭喪氣?

  What brought you here?什麼風把你吹來了?

  Hang on!抓緊(別掛電話)!

  Leave me alone.別理我。

  Chin up.不氣,振作些。

  You never know. 世事難料。

  High jack!舉起手來(搶劫)!

  Why die she marry a man old enough to be her father?她為什麼要嫁給一個年齡與她父親相當的男人?

  I stay at home a lot.我多半在家裡。

  She'll be along in a few minutes.他馬上會過來。

  I'm not it a good mood.沒有心情(做某事)。

  He is a fast talker.他是個吹牛大王。

  I'm bored to death.我無聊死了。

  Bottoms up!乾杯!


  Here we are!我們到了!

  I lost my way.我迷路了。

  She is still mad at me.她還在生我的氣。

  I'll get even with him one day.我總有一天跟他扯平。

  Hit the ceiling.大發雷霆。

  She's got quite a wad.她身懷鉅款。

  I don't have anywhere to be.沒地方可去。

  I'm dying to see you.我很想見你。

  I swear by the god.我對天發誓。

  Nothing tricky.別耍花招。

  You might at least apologize. 你頂多道個歉就得了。

  Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.物價直線上升,這樣子下去,我們鍋裡可沒什麼東西煮飯。

  None of you keyhole.不準偷看。

  Come on, be reasonable.嗨,你怎麼不講道理。

  When are you leaving?你什麼時候走?

  You don't say so.未必吧,不至於這樣吧。

  Don't get me wrong.別誤會我。

  You don't seem to be quite yourself today.你今天看起來不大對勁。

  Do you have any money on you?你身上帶錢了嗎?

  What is you major?你學什麼專業?

  My girlfriend and I broke up.我和我的女朋友吹了。

  It was something that happens once in the blue moon.這是千載難逢的事。

  It is a deal!一言為定!

  I'll kick you ass.我將炒你魷魚。

  Dinner is on me.晚飯我請。

  Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家問好。

  Not precisely!不見得,不一定!

  That is unfair.這不公平!

  We have no way out.我們沒辦法。

  That is great!太棒了!

  You are welcome!別客氣!

  I have to be late and keep my date waiting.我不喜歡遲到而讓別人久等。

  Would you mind making less noise?能不能小聲點。

  It doesn't take much of you time.這不花你好多時間。

  Not in the long run.從長遠來說不是這樣的。

  It is of high quality.它質量上乘。

  There is nobody by that name working here.這裡沒有這個人。

  He neither drinks nor smokes.他既不喝酒也不抽菸。

  He pushes his luck.他太貪心了。

  Break the rules.違反規則。

  How big of you!你真棒!

  Poor thing!真可憐!



  Boy! (表示驚奇,興奮等)哇!好傢伙!

  Get out of here!滾出去!

  I can't make both ends meet.我上個月接不到下個月,缺錢。

  It can be a killer.這是個傷腦筋的問題。

  Dead end.死衚衕。

  Take a seat!請坐!

  Here ye!說得對!

  You ask for it!活該!

  You don't say!真想不到!   

103、【因果報應的地道表達】美語中有幾種比較多的說法:1.Pay the price付出代價;得到報應 2.Karma (因果報應):You deserve it, it’s karma 你活該,因果報應。 3.What goes around comes around. 出來混遲早要還的。 4.Tit for tat.以牙還牙/惡有惡報 5.Eye for an eye.以眼還眼。

104、I don't wanna ruin it for you.我不想讓你掃興。8.Don't take this the wrong way.別誤會我的意思。9.We made a pact.我們約定好了。10.Like you always do.像你一貫的作風。11.It's been driving me nuts.快把我逼瘋了。12.Don't be so hard on yourself.所以別太自責了。

105、12.What a coincidence!真巧啊 13.Keep it down!別鬧了! 14.Don't be silly!別傻了!15.Nothing much.老樣子。16.It's up to you! 隨便你!17.It's annoying. 真煩人。18.Don't play dumb!別裝傻!

106、【秒殺三字句系列(1)】 1.Don't talk.別說話。2.Kind of.差不多!3.Right this way.走這邊!4.What's going on?怎麼了? 5.Don't be like this.別這樣。6.That is not enough.那不夠。7.Don't get me wrong.別誤會。8.You know that.你懂的。9.My bad.我的錯。10.Come on.別這樣。11.You bastard!你混蛋。

107、【各種睡眠問題】1. insomnia失眠;2. sleep deprivation 缺覺、睡眠不足;3. sleep disorder 睡眠失常/障礙;4. jet lag 時差綜合症,由時差造成的疲勞和睡眠障礙;5. night terrors 夜驚;6. teeth grinding (bruxism)磨牙症;7. nightmare 噩夢;8. sleepwalking 夢遊

108、【表達去睡覺】1. Go to bed/sleep. 上床睡覺。 2. Off to bed. 上床去了。 3. Hit the sack/hay 上床睡覺去(俚語)。 4. Take a nap. 小憩一會兒。 5. Take a snooze 打個盹兒。 6. Catch some Zs 小睡一會兒。 7. It's bedtime. 睡覺時間到了。 8. It's time to say good night. 該道聲晚安了。

109、①微博 Micro-blog,而Twitter嚴格來說只是一個網站的名稱 ②博主 Author/sender ③粉絲 Follower ④關注 Following ⑤傳送 Post ⑥轉發 Forward ⑦話題 Topic ⑧評論 Comment ⑨草根 Grass Roots

110、床上用品篇:①Bedding/bedclothes 床上用品 ②被子 Quilt/Duvet ③被單 Bed Sheet ④床罩 Fitted Sheet; Bed Cover ⑤枕巾 Pillow Towel ⑥蓋毯 Throw ⑦抱枕 bolster ⑧窗簾 Curtain ⑨毛巾毯 Towel Blanket

111、畢業篇--區別(certificate/diploma/degree/) ①certificate是正式的證書,沒有學位,學校頒發;證明你畢業. Certificate of Qualification: 資格證明書②diploma是一種文憑,指大專畢業證書. Advanced Diploma:高階大專 ③degree是學位,比如學士學位,碩士學位.Doctor degree: 博士學位

112、實用口語①Don't you have a big presentation today?你今天不是有個很重要的報告麼? presentation: 介紹;陳述 ②I will start fresh, be someone new.我要打起精神,重新開始。 ③What makes you think that I’m sad?你為什麼覺得我很悲傷?

113、【分類詞彙】常見婚禮英語詞彙第一輯:新郎-Groom[ɡru:m];新娘-Bride;結婚戒指-Wedding Ring;婚紗-Wedding Dress;伴郎-Best Man;伴娘-Bridesmaid['braidzmeid];無尾禮服-Tuxedo[t?k'si:du];記單詞關鍵要重複記憶和場景應用,這樣才記得牢固,把這單詞多念幾遍吧,設想一下你的婚禮幫助記憶

114、【分類詞彙】今天學習幾個常見節日詞彙:中國節日:元旦-New Year's Day;元宵節-Lantern['l?nt?n] Festival;春節-Spring Festival;國外節日:愚人節-April Fool's Day;萬聖節-All Saints Day;萬聖節前夕-Halloween;情人節-Valentine's Day;宗教節日:齋月-Ramadan[,r?m?'d?n; -'dɑ:n];

115、實用口語--①How I guess the thing to do now is just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, forget it and move on.我想現在你該站起來,振作一下,忘記此事,向前看 dust off:撣去塵土,這裡指振作精神②Why the hell not?有啥不行的吧?

116、實用口語①I'll tell you what's up.我來告訴你怎麼回事。②I'm in a crisis situation, and I need you to marshal your powers of concentration 我陷入危急情況,我需要你集中精力.crisis:危機 marshal ['mɑ:??l]集中 concentration:專注

117、用口語①You are forbidden from ever seeing her again. Do you hear me? Forbidden!我禁止你再去找她,聽懂了嗎?禁止! forbid [f?'bid] 不準,禁止:②We're divorced.You can't tell me who I can date.我們離婚了,你不能約束我和誰約會。divorce: 離婚

118、實用口語①You can’t tell me no. You work for me. You will make it happen!你必須辦到,你為我工作,就得想辦法辦到②You can’t force me to do anything. I am not your maid. 你不能強迫我做任何事情,我不是你的女傭.maid: [meid]女僕,女傭..

119、實用口語①it means I'm changing and evolving into a man capable of greatness.說明我正在發展變化成一個具有崇高品質的人.evolve into:逐漸發展成.演化 greatness['greitnis]崇高.偉大 capable of:有..的②You better watch your back 你可得小心點哦

120、實用口語①Here's the thing. I talked to Sheldon and he felt terrible and he agreed that he was unreasonable and out of line. 事情是這樣的,我和Sheldon談過了,他也不好受,他也覺得自己無理取鬧,有些過分了.out of line:[俚語]不禮貌的,放肆的

121、實用口語 ①I have a secret but I never said it out loud. 我有個祕密,但我從未大聲說出來過.out loud:高聲地;大聲地 ②it's not going to change anything , it's not going to make me good.一切都不會有任何的改變 ,也不會讓我變好.

122、①How後跟的是形容詞或副詞,格式為: How+形容詞或副詞+ (a/an/the) + n. + 主語 + 謂語 "例:How clever a boy he is!他是一個多麼聰明的男孩啊! ②What後面跟的是名詞,格式為what + (a/ an) + (adj.形容詞)+名詞+陳述語序 例:What a clever boy he is!

123、-①Penny is in kind of a financial jam.Penny有點經濟困難 financial: 財政的 jam: 困難 ②and the money that you owe her would, go a long way to solve her problems.你欠她的那些錢可以解決她的難題 solve:解決. go a long way:對..大有幫助

124、實用口語--①How Of course you feel terrible. You completely screwed up your karma. 你當然會感覺很糟糕啦,因果輪迴要糟報應了 karma:【宗】羯磨(梵文譯音), 決定來世命運的所作所為; 因果報應

125、①飲料 Beverages ②豆漿 soya-bean milk ③紅茶 Black tea ④綠茶 Green tea ⑤芬達Fanta ⑥牛奶咖啡 Milk coffee ⑦美祿 Milo ⑧拉茶 Tea tarik

126、【實用口語三字句(2)】 ① 隨便你!It’s up to you! ② 去你的!Fuck you! ③ 好可惜!What a shame! ④ 分攤吧!Let’s go Dutch! ⑤ 你做夢!You are dreaming! ⑥ 安分點!Behave! ⑦ 不騙你。Not joking! ⑧ 我請客!My treat!

127、【妙語金句】If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.如果你的行為能激勵他人夢想更多、學習更多、行動更多和成就更多,那麼你就是一個領導。——John Quincy Adams(約翰?昆西?亞當斯)

128、【實用口語三字句(1)】①不見得。Not necessarily.②你說呢?You tell me!③別傻了!Don’t be silly!④別鬧了!Keep it down!⑤別裝了!Stop pretending!⑥認輸吧!Give in!⑦搶劫啊!What a rip-off!⑧真划算!What a great deal!⑨死定了!I’m dead!⑩無所謂!Whatever!

129、【實用詞彙】“掙錢;賺錢”是make/earn money,“賠錢”是lose money,“花錢”是spend money,“借錢”是borrow/lend money,“欠錢”是owe money,“費錢”是cost money,“攢錢”是save money,“浪費錢”是waste money,“付款”是pay money,“籌款”是raise money,“理財”是manage money。

130、【每日勵志】When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters - one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity. 在漢語裡“危機”一詞寫出來是兩個字:一個字代表危險,另一個字代表機遇。 ——John F. Kennedy(約翰?肯尼迪)

131、【妙語金句】A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. 悲觀主義者在每一次機遇中看到困難,樂觀主義者在每一次困難中看到機遇。(溫斯頓?丘吉爾)

132、-①why would i want to do that?為什麼我要那麼做? ②Because once you can hurt, you can love ,that's the point. 你若懂得如何傷害人,你就懂得如何愛人.這才是總重要的.

133、【實用口語二字句(2)】①真巧!What a coincidence!②好險!That was close!③好爛!It sucks! ④ 免談!No need to discuss!⑤休想!Over my dead body! ⑥ 沒門!No way! ⑦ 算了!Forget it! ⑧ 你敢?You dare? ⑨ 糟了!Shit! / Fuck! ⑩ 成交!It’s a deal!

134、實用口語二字句(1)】 ①活該!Serves you right! ②胡鬧!That’s monkey business! ③請便!Do as you please! ④加油!Go for it! ⑤廢話!Bullshit! ⑥夠了!Enough! ⑦討厭!So annoying! ⑧閉嘴!Shut up! ⑨滾開!Get out! ⑩真棒!Good job!

135、①what good is talking if you and Damon are just gonna lie to me ?若你和Damon早就預備著欺騙我,那還有什麼好談的呢?what good is:什麼..好的事情 gonna:(美)將要(等於going to) ②There is nothing I can do about .我也不能把你們怎麼樣.

136、【早安晨讀】----成功創業家的特徵:1、be creative 具有創見性 ;2、be persistent 堅持不屈的精神;3、be tolerant 耐得住寂寞 ;4、be persuasive;超凡的說服能力 5、 be insightful洞察市場潛在需要;6、be comprehensive深刻理解人性;7、be passionate 飽滿的激情 你具有哪 幾條?

137、【實用口語詞彙】——on the high side:(數量,品質,價格等)偏高. 例句: Frankly, your price is indeed on the high side compared with other suppliers.說實話,與其他供貨商的價格相比,你們的價格確實偏高。

138、實用口語 ①you seem like a perfectly pleasant person. I can't understand why women have such a hard time loving you. 你看上去是個很親切的人,真不明白要女人愛你咋就那麼困難。 pleasant:和藹可親的,舉止文雅的.hard time:麻煩,困難

139、--①I want to talk about what we were supposed to talk about.我想談談我們昨晚沒有說成的話.  ②I want us to clear up the weirdness.我想我們之間要把事情說明白. weirdness ['wi?dnis] 不可思議;離奇的.這裡指奇奇怪怪的事情

140、【早安晨讀】----如何建立人脈?How to build up social network?1、學會適應環境 adjust yourself;2、學會大方 be generous;3、學會低調 be humble;4、有禮貌 be polite;5、學會感恩 be grateful;6、遵守時間 be punctual;7、信守諾言 keep promises;8、學會忍耐 be tolerant 你做到了幾條?

141、【趣味幽默篇】--你不一定知道的英文表達 ①eleventh hour 最後時刻(不是“十一點”)②confidence man 騙子(不是“信得過的人”)③familiar talk 庸俗的交談(不是“熟悉的談話”)

142、實用口語 ① Well, I'm keeping so many things to myself these days, something was bound to slip out! 我最近知道的祕密太多了,總有說溜嘴的時候be bound to: 必然 slip out: 說溜嘴 ②Are you still mad at me?你還在生我的氣嗎?be mad at: 生...氣

143、【趣味幽默篇】--你不一定知道的英文表達 ①blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次會面(並非“盲目約會”或“瞎約會”) ②mad doctor 精神病科醫生(不是“發瘋的醫生”) ③You don't say! 是嗎!(不是“你別說”)

144、-實用口語① I know I don't have a romantic bone in my body.我知道我沒有什麼浪漫細胞。 ② But If you’re ready to forgive me,then nothing can tear us apart,I promise. 但是如果你決定原諒我,我發誓,沒有任何東西能讓我們分離。

145、微約會-① Are you available tonight? 今晚你有空嗎? ② If you're free, why don't we go out tonight? 要是你晚上有空,我們出去走走行嗎? ③ Would you like to go to the movies with me? 你願意和我一起去看電影嗎?

146、實用口語-①Just that we hit it off , and I really like you . 只能說我們很合得來,而且我也很喜歡你. hit it off: 投緣;相處得好;合得來 ②You are sweet ,funny ,you are honest 你很溫柔,風趣,還很坦誠. honest ['?nist] 誠實的,實在的;可靠的

147、-①What the hell is your problem? 你是不是有毛病啊! hell: 究竟,該死,見鬼 ②You need the back off, man. 你滾遠點,老兄. .back off: 讓開

148、生活大爆炸- ①May I say, Penny, not a lot of women could look as hot as you do with such greasy hair? 這麼說吧,潘妮,不是所有女人都和你一樣,頭髮油油的還這麼性感。greasy ['ɡri:zi] 油膩的

149、【實用口語四字句(4)】 ① 真是經典! It’s a classic! ② 饒了我吧。 Give me a break. ③ 騙你的啦! I’m joking / kidding! ④ 勿失良機。 Don’t pass up a golden opportunity. ⑤ 兩全其美。 Good for both sides. ⑥ 好事成雙。 Good things come in pairs.

150、【實用口語三字句(3)】 ① 你真沒用! You are useless! ② 想得美啊! In your dreams! ③ 想都別想! Don’t even think about it! ④ 怎麼搞的? What happened? ⑤ 這也難怪。 No wonder. ⑥ 原來如此。 So that’s how it is!

151、絕望的主婦-① I can't imagine what you're going through. 我無法想象你正在經受怎樣的痛苦。 go through: 經歷 ②That's all right. It was really sweet of you to stop by.沒關係。真是太體貼了,你過來看看我。 stop by: 順便走訪

152、Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.不要因為已經結束而傷感哭泣,要為曾經擁有而開心歡笑。 ——Dr. Seuss(蘇斯博士)

153、【實用口語四字句(2)】 ① 沒完沒了。 Will it never end? ② 太過分了! That’s too much!/You’ve gone too far! ③ 太誇張了! That’s an exaggeration! ④ 我的媽呀! Oh my God! ⑤ 常有的事。 Happens all the time.

154、【實用口語四字句(1)】 ①不用擔心!Don’t worry!②長話短說。Make a long story short.③少說廢話!Cut the crap!④你懂什麼?What do you know?⑤半斤八兩。Same difference.⑥不識擡舉。You just don’t appreciate it. ⑦豈有此理!How did it come to this? ⑧你急什麼?What’s the rush?

155、【巨星語錄】Knowing is not enough, we must apply; willing is not enough, we must do.僅僅知道是不夠的,我們必須應用;僅僅願意是不夠的,我們必須行動。——Bruce Lee(李小龍)

156、生活大爆炸- ①What are you implying?你在暗示什麼? imply [im'plai] 意味,暗示 ②Just remember: with great power comes great responsibility. 請記住,能力越大,責任越大。 responsibility [ri.sp?ns?'biliti] 責任,職責;義務

157、緋聞女孩-①Nate, thanks for hearing me out earlier. You're a great friend. Nate,謝謝你之前聽我傾訴,你是個很不錯的朋友。 thank for: 因…而感謝 ② Yeah, well... Any time. 嗯…沒什麼。 Any time:不客氣 (口語中使用頻率很高),當別人說謝謝的時候,就可以這樣答覆.

158、【實用口語三字句(3)】 ① 冷靜點!Calm down! ② 我保證!I guarantee! ③ 我發誓!I swear! ④ 來單挑!Let’s fight one-on-one! ⑤ 誰說的?Who said that? ⑥ 改天吧!I’ll take a rain check. ⑦ 要你管!Not your business!/None of your business! ⑧ 何必呢?What for?

159、We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are. 我們都有絕望的時候,但是當我們正視他們的時候,我們就會發現自己實際上有多堅強。——《絕望的主婦》

160、【實用口語四字句(8)】 ① 買一送一。 Buy one get one free. ② 打個折吧! Give me a discount! ③ 真是有緣! It must have been destiny / fate. ④ 一言為定。 It’s a deal. ⑤ 馬馬虎虎。 So-so. ⑥ 再接再厲。 Work harder.

161、When it’s a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.當涉及到金錢問題,每個人的信仰都是一致的。——Voltaire(伏爾泰)

162、【實用口語四字句(7)】 ① 少管閒事! None of your business! ② 想開點吧。 Take it easy. ③ 快去快回。 Hurry back! ④ 氣死我了! Piss me off! ⑤ 我就知道。 I knew it. ⑥ 順其自然。 Just go with the flow. ⑦ 說來話長。 It’s a long story.

163、Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.有太多的人,花尚未到手的錢,買他們不需要的東西,去迎合他們不喜歡的人。——Will Smith(威爾?史密斯)

164、【實用口語四字句(6)】 ① 實話實說。 Tell it like it is. ② 口是心非。 You say it, but you don’t mean it. ③ 亂七八糟。 What a mess! ④ 好久不見。 Long time no see. ⑤ 別來無恙? How have you been? ⑥ 有什麼好? What’s good about it?

165、I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore I am perfect.注:第一個“nobody”意為“小人物”,(somebody可表示“大人物”之意),第二個“Nobody”意為“沒有人”。

166、【實用口語四字句(5)】 ① 別惹麻煩。 Don’t make trouble! ② 算你厲害! You win! ③ 不見不散。 I’m not leaving until I see you. ④ 行行好嘛! Have a heart! ⑤ 沒這回事。 No such thing. ⑥ 那又怎樣? So what?

167、 ① 真拿你沒轍!You’re hopeless! ② 門兒都沒有!Not a chance! ③ 我才不信咧!I don’t believe it! ④ 太離譜了吧!Off base! ⑤ 誰管那麼多?Who cares?

168、【實用口語五字句(6)】 ① 你會後悔的。You’ll be sorry. ② 嚇我一大跳!You scared me! ③ 你想太多了。You think too much. ④ 太誇張了吧!That’s an exaggeration! ⑤ 下次好運囉!Better luck next time!

169、【實用口語五字句(5)】 ① 別放在心上。Never mind. ② 我無能為力。Out of my control. ③ 明天再說吧!Talk about it tomorrow! ④ 真是受不了。I can’t take it. ⑤ 讓我死了吧!Just shoot me!

170、Life needs gratefulness. It is not only confined to love, but also to friendship, family bonds,mutual cherishing as well as constant missing each other.生活需要感動,這樣的感動不限於愛情,更來自於友情和親情、人與人彼此的心心相惜以及內心時時刻刻的牽掛。

171、實用口語】問候的幾種表達:①how are you你好嗎?(常用)②How have you been = How are you doing你過得如何?③How are you getting on近來過得怎麼樣④what’s the news/Anything new近況如何?⑤What are you up to these days近來在忙些什麼?

172、 sometimes, the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.有時抵擋黑暗的唯一辦法就是發出仁慈的光芒。 ——《絕望的主婦》

173、【實用口語五字句(4)】 ① 我們扯平了。We’re even. ② 這才像話嘛!That’s more like it! ③ 說點別的吧。Change the subject. ④ 聽天由命吧!Let it be!/Take life as it comes. ⑤ 三思而後行。Look before you leap./Think twice.

174、【實用口語五字句(3)】 ① 怎麼會這樣?How did this happen? ② 你在煩什麼?What’s bothering/eating you? ③ 有什麼關係?What does it matter? ④ 一切聽你的。You are the boss. ⑤ 你方便就好。Whatever’s convenient for you.

175、【形形色色的man】a man of his word守信用的人;a man of few words沉默寡言的人;the man of the year年度人物;the man in the street老百姓;a man of the people為民眾代言的人;a man's man受男人歡迎的男人;a ladies' man受女人歡迎的男人;yes-man唯唯諾諾的人;Be your own man!獨立自主!

176、【實用口語五字句(2)】 ① 有錢好辦事。Money makes the world go around. ② 別那麼誇張。You’re overdoing it. ③ 行不通的啦!It’s not gonna work. ④ 我快餓扁了。I’m starving to death. ⑤ 你喜歡就好。As long as you like it.

177、Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on. But occasionally in life, the people we thought would always be there for us leave. 這個世界上的每個人都需要有人依靠。有時生活裡,那個我們認為一直會在那裡,讓我們依靠的人也會離開. ——《絕望的主婦》

178、Are you okay? she seems to be in a good mood. 你還好嗎?她看上去心情不錯。 be in a mood[口語]在生氣,心情不好

179、【實用口語五字句(1)】 ① 我怎麼知道?How would I know? ② 不關我的事。None of my business. ③ 面對現實吧!Wake up and smell the coffee! ④ 這不是重點。That’s not the point. ⑤ 包在我身上。You can count on me.

180、A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.目標並不總是用來達成的,它往往是用來追求的。 ——Bruce Lee(李小龍)

181、【最美的單詞】英國文化協會曾舉辦了一項名為“The Most Beautiful Words in English”的評選活動。這項活動在102個英語非母語的國家進行,評選結果如下:①Mother