1. 程式人生 > >MSE初始化和基本操作


MSE預設的登入賬戶密碼可能是:login/password (admin/admin).
l 初始化配置完成後,下次使用root登入時,僅顯示Linux shell提示符,而不是安裝指令碼。 您可以隨時重新執行安裝指令碼,以root身份登入並執行/opt/mse/setup/setup.sh來更改設定。
l 安裝指令碼生成一個日誌檔案,可以在/opt/mse/setup/setup.log中找到。
l 如果需要在安裝MSE後新增或更改NTP伺服器安裝,請重新執行自動安裝指令碼。 您可以僅通過指令碼選項卡來配置NTP伺服器而無需調整其他值。 要重新執行自動指令碼,請以root身份登入並執行/opt/mse/setup/setup.sh

l 要將MSE配置為在啟動後自動進入啟動,請輸入:
[root @mse-server1]#chkconfig msed on
l 要手動啟動映象,請輸入:/etc/init.d/msed start
l 您可以隨時驗證MSE軟體狀態。 在MSE的CLI介面中,輸入:/etc/init.d/msed status
l MSE軟體在初始配置後和每次重新引導後自動執行。
步驟1要停止軟體,請輸入:/etc/init.d/msed stop
步驟2要檢查狀態,請輸入:/etc/init.d/msed status
步驟3要啟動軟體,請輸入:/etc/init.d/msed start
l MSE映象升級更新有兩種方法,

Downloading Software Using Cisco WCS部分
第二是手動在MSE上升級,也就是通過本地console 或者SSH登入升級:
1、 傳輸新映象到MSE上。(使用root賬戶登入。並使用二進位制從外部FTP根目錄傳輸映象到MSE上)
2、 操作情況大體如下所示:
Step 1:使用root賬戶登入,並傳輸映象
a.配置FTP server引數和獲取映象
# cd /opt/installers

# ftp <FTP Server IP address>
Name: <login> 《訪問FTP的使用者名稱》
Password: <password> 《訪問FFP的密碼》
Binary 《二進位制方式》
get CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x-64bit.bin.gz 《獲取對應映象》
b. 驗證MSE映象是否在MSE的/opt/installers目錄
b. Verify that the image ( CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x-64bit.bin.gz) is in the mobility services engine /opt/installers directory.
c. 解壓縮映象檔案
c. To decompress (unzip) the image file enter:
gunzip CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x-64bit.bin.gz

The decompression yields a bin file.
d. 要確保產生的.bin檔案有root使用者的執行許可權,如果沒有按照如下執行
d. Make sure that the CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x.bin file has execute permissions for the root user. If not, enter:
chmod 755 CISCO-MSE-L-K9-x-x-x-x.bin
Step 2 :To manually stop the mobility services engine, login as root and enter:
/etc/init.d/msed stop.

Step 3 To install the new mobility services engine image, enter:

Step 4 To start the new mobility services software, by enter:
/etc/init.d/msed start
Caution Do not complete the next step, which uninstalls the script files, unless the system instructs you to do so. Removing the files unnecessarily erases your historical data.
警告:除非系統指示您執行此操作,否則請勿完成解除安裝指令碼檔案的下一步。 刪除檔案會不必要地刪除歷史資料
Step 5 To uninstall the mobility services engine’s script files, enter:
Recovering a Lost Root Password
If you lose or forget the root password for a mobility services engine, follow these steps:

Step 1 When the GRUB screen comes up, press Esc to enter the boot menu.

Caution If you forget the GRUB password, you cannot login and you will need to contact TAC to arrange for an RMA.


Note The connection must be made over the console port, not by connecting a keyboard, mouse and monitor to the unit.

Step 2 Press e to edit.
Step 3 Navigate to the line beginning with "kernel," and press e.
At the end of the line enter a space and the number one (1). Press Enter to save this change.
Step 4 Press b to begin boot sequence.
At the end of the boot sequence, a shell prompt appears.

Note The shell prompt does not appear if you have set up a single user mode password.

Step 5 You can change the root password by entering the passwd command.
Step 6 Enter and confirm the new password.
Step 7 Restart the machine.