1. 程式人生 > >《架構模式》閱讀筆記 —— 經典的5種架構模型

《架構模式》閱讀筆記 —— 經典的5種架構模型

引自:《Software Architecture Patterns



分層架構(layered architecture)是最常見的軟體架構,也是事實上的標準架構。

  • 解耦方式:每一層都有清晰的角色和分工,而不需要知道其他層的細節。
  • 通訊方式:層與層之間通過介面通訊


  1. 表現層(presentation):使用者介面,負責視覺和使用者互動
  2. 業務層(business):實現業務邏輯
  3. 持久層(persistence):提供資料,SQL 語句就放在這一層
  4. 資料庫(database) :儲存資料

So why not allow the presentation layer direct access to either the persistence layer or database layer? After all, direct database access from the presentation layer is much faster than going through a bunch of unnecessary layers just to retrieve or save database information. The answer to this question lies in a key concept known as layers of isolation


The layers of isolation concept means that changes made in one layer of the architecture generally don’t impact or affect components in other layers: the change is isolated to the components within that layer, and possibly another associated layer (such as a persistence layer containing SQL).

The layers of isolation concept also means that each layer is independent of the other layers, thereby having little or no knowledge of the inner workings of other layers in the architecture.


Creating a services layer is usually a good idea in this case because architecturally it restricts access to the shared services to the business layer (and not the presentation layer). Without a separate layer, there is nothing architecturally that restricts the presentation layer from accessing these common services, making it difficult to govern this access restriction.




The services layer in this case is marked as open,  meaning requests are allowed to bypass this open layer and go directly to the layer below it.

In the following example, since the services layer is open, the business layer is now allowed to bypass it and go directly to the persistence layer, which makes perfect sense.




  • 結構簡單,容易理解和開發
  • 不同技能的程式設計師可以分工,負責不同的層,天然適合大多數軟體公司的組織架構
  • 每一層都可以獨立測試,其他層的介面通過模擬解決


  • 一旦環境變化,需要程式碼調整或增加功能時,通常比較繁雜和費時
  • 部署很麻煩:即使只修改一個小地方,往往需要整個軟體重新部署,不容易做持續釋出
  • 軟體升級時,可能需要整個服務暫停
  • 擴充套件性差:使用者請求大量增加時,必須依次擴充套件每一層,由於每一層內部是耦合的,擴充套件會很困難


  • 總體靈活性: 低
  • 釋出易用性: 低
  • 可測試性: 高
  • 效能: 低
  • 規模擴充套件性: 低
  • 開發容易度: 高



In the following example, since theservices layer is open, the business layer is now allowed to bypass itand go directly to the persistence layer, which makes perfect sense.