1. 程式人生 > >自編DataBase函式庫,內有引數查詢及分頁操作




Option Explicit
Const SqlUserID = "sa"         'SQL資料庫使用者名稱
Const SqlPassword = "gdcc"       'SQL資料庫使用者密碼
Const SqlDatabaseName = "Test"  'SQL資料庫名
Const SqlHostIP = "(local)"      'SQL主機IP地址。本地(指網站與資料庫在同一臺伺服器上)可用“(local)”或“”,非本機(指網站與資料庫分別在不同的伺服器上)請填寫資料庫伺服器的真實IP)

QUERY_STRING = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
PATH_INFO = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")

Dim TableName,KeyID,FieldList,Cond,Desc

Dim Conn ,rs, sql,i
Sub OpenConn()
    'On Error Resume Next
 if IsObject(Conn) then exit sub
    Dim ConnStr
    ConnStr = "Provider = Sqloledb; User ID = " & SqlUserID & "; Password = " & SqlPassword & "; Initial Catalog = " & SqlDatabaseName & "; Data Source = " & SqlHostIP & ";"
    Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Conn.open ConnStr
End Sub

Sub CloseConn()
    If IsObject(Conn) Then
        Set Conn = Nothing
    End If
End Sub

'the Content below added by wang 2008-3-13
private function parpareCmd(sql,ps)
 dim p, cmd, rs , pnum
 set cmd = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Command")
 cmd.CommandText = sql
 cmd.ActiveConnection = Conn
 pnum = ParamNum(sql)
 'CreateParameter([Name] , [type] , [Direction] , [Size] , [Value] )
 if (not isnull(ps)) then
  if  (ubound(ps)+1) < pnum then
   Response.write "引數個數應該是 " & pnum & ". 但實際只傳遞了" & (ubound(ps)+1)
  end if
  for i = 0 to pnum-1
   set p = cmd.CreateParameter( , 130, ,chkLength(Ps(i)), Ps(i))
   'response.write "P" & I & "=" & Ps(i) & "L:" &chkLength(Ps(i)) & "<br />"
   cmd.Parameters.Append p
 end if
 set parpareCmd = cmd
end function

function ParamNum(sql)
 ParamNum = 0
 for i=1 to LEN(sql)
  if mid(sql,i,1)="?" then ParamNum = ParamNum + 1
end function

function ExecNonQuery(sql,ps)
 dim cmd,rs
 set cmd = parpareCmd(sql,ps)
 set rs = cmd.Execute
 set cmd=nothing
 set rs=nothing
end function

function ExecInt(sql, ps)
 dim cmd,rs
 set cmd = parpareCmd(sql,ps)
 set rs = cmd.Execute
 set rs=nothing
 set cmd=nothing
end function

function ExecStr(sql, ps)
 dim cmd,rs
 set cmd = parpareCmd(sql,ps)
 set rs = cmd.Execute
 if isnull(Rs(0)) then
  ExecStr = ""
 end if
 set rs=nothing
 set cmd=nothing
end function

function ExecRs(sql, ps)
 dim cmd,rs
 set cmd = parpareCmd(sql,ps)
 set rs = cmd.Execute()
 set ExecRs=rs
 set cmd=nothing
end function

function chkLength(s)
 if isnull(s) then
  chkLength = 2
  chkLength = max(2,len(s))
 end if
end function

function ChkFormNull(fn)
 ChkFormNull = trim(RF(fn))
 if ChkFormNull = "" then  ChkFormNull = null
end function

function ChkNull(s)
 ChkNull = trim(s)
 if ChkNull = "" then  ChkNull = null
end function

function iif(a,b,c)
 if a then iif=b else iif=c
end function

function fill0(n,znum)
 dim sn,i
 sn = cstr(n)
 if len(sn) > znum then
  fill0 = "####"
  for i=1 to znum-len(sn)
   sn= "0" + sn
  fill0 = sn
 end if
end function

function TurnInt(c)
 if isnull(c) or c="" or not IsNumeric(c) then
 end if
end function

function max(i,j)
 max = iif(i>j,i,j)
end function

Function CheckExp(patrn, strng)
 Dim regEx, matches '建立變數。
 Set regEx = New RegExp '建立正則表示式。
 regEx.Pattern = patrn '設定模式。
 regEx.IgnoreCase = true '設定是否區分字元大小寫。
 regEx.Global = True '設定全域性可用性。
 Matches = regEx.test(strng) '執行搜尋。
 CheckExp = matches
End Function

Sub SetCookie(n, s)
 Response.Cookies("Toers")(n) = s
end Sub

Sub SetCookieDate(d)
 Response.Cookies("Toers").Expires = Date + d
End Sub

function GetCookie(n)
 GetCookie = Request.Cookies("Toers")(n)
end function

function FType(fn)
 FType = right(fn,len(fn)-InStrRev(fn,"."))
end function

function HtmEncode(str)
 dim result
 dim l
 if isNULL(str) then
  exit function
 end if
 dim i
 for i = 1 to l
 select case mid(str,i,1)
  case "<"
  case ">"
  case chr(13)
  case chr(34)
  case "&"
  case chr(32) 
   if i+1<=l and i-1>0 then
    if mid(str,i+1,1)=chr(32) or mid(str,i+1,1)=chr(9) or mid(str,i-1,1)=chr(32) or mid(str,i-1,1)=chr(9)  then 
     result=result+" "
    end if
   end if
  case chr(9)
   result=result+"    "
  case else
 end select
end function

function RsStr(n)
 if isnull(rs(n)) then
  rsStr =Trim(rs(n))
 end if
end function

function RsLongStr(n)
 if isnull(rs(n)) then
 end if
end function

function RsBool(n)
 if isnull(rs(n)) then
  RsBool =false
  RsBool = CBool(rs(n))
 end if
end function

function RsDate(n)
 if isnull(rs(n)) then
  RsDate =""
  RsDate = FormatDateTime(rs(n),vbShortDate)
 end if
end function

function RsInt(n)
  if isnull(rs(n)) then
 end if
end function
function RQ(n)
 RQ = trim(Request.QueryString(n))
end function

function RF(n)
 RF = trim(Request.Form(n))
end function

' 將 1,2,3,4,5 轉換成 '1','2','3','4','5'
function AddQuot(s)
 s  = replace(s," ","")
 AddQuot = "'" + replace(s,",","','") + "'"
end function

DIM Page '頁號
DIM PSize '頁大小
DIM PCount '頁數
DIM RCount '記錄總數
Page= TurnInt(RQ("Page"))
if Page<1 then Page=1
if (PSize="") then PSize=15 Else PSize=CLng(PSize)

'Ps -查詢要用到的引數陣列
FUNCTION RsPage(TableName, KeyID, FieldList, Cond, Desc, Page, PSize, RCount,Ps)
 Dim boundID,Descs,MaxMinKeyID, GtLt,pcnt
 if Desc then
  Descs="ORDER BY " + KeyID +" DESC"
  MaxMinKeyID = "MIN("+KeyID+")"
  GtLt = "<"
  Descs="ORDER BY " + KeyID
  MaxMinKeyID = "MAX("+KeyID+")"
  GtLt = ">"
 end if
 Sql = "SELECT COUNT("+KeyID+") FROM "+TableName+" WHERE "+ Cond
 RCount = ExecInt(sql,Ps)
 pcnt = (RCount-1) / PSize + 1
 if Page<1 then Page=1
 if Page>Pcnt then page=Pcnt
 sql = "SELECT "+MaxMinKeyID+" FROM (SELECT TOP "& (Page-1)*PSize & " " & KeyID &" FROM "+TableName+" WHERE ("+Cond+ ")"+DESCs + ") " & Left(KeyID,1)
 if  boundID = "" then GtLt="<>"
 sql = "SELECT Top "&PSize & " " & FieldList & " FROM " & TableName &" WHERE (" & KeyID & GtLt &"'"& boundID & "') and (" & Cond & ")" & Descs
 set RsPage=ExecRs(sql,Ps)
End Function

SUB ShowPage(itemName)
 Dim re
 if QUERY_STRING <> "" then
  Set re = New RegExp
  re.Pattern = "[&/?]?Page=/d*"
 end if
 if QUERY_STRING <>"" then
  QUERY_STRING = "?" & QUERY_STRING & "&Page="
  QUERY_STRING = "?Page="
 end if
 PCount = (RCount-1) / PSize + 1

 if PCount<=1 then Exit Sub

 Response.write " <div class='show_page'>共 <b>"&RCount&"</b> 個 " &itemName & "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
 Response.write "   <a href='"&QUERY_STRING&"1'>首頁</a> "
 Response.write iif(Page>1,"  <a href='"&QUERY_STRING&(Page-1)&"'>上一頁</a>", "上一頁")
 Response.write iif(Page<PCount," <a href='"&QUERY_STRING&(Page+1)&"'>下一頁</a>", "下一頁")
 Response.write "  <a href='"&QUERY_STRING&PCount&"'>尾頁</a> "
 Response.write " 頁次:<strong><font color=red>"&Page&"</font>/"&PCount&"</strong>頁 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
 if (PCount<20) then
    Response.write " 轉到:<select name='page' size='1' onchange=""location='"&QUERY_STRING&"'+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"">"
    For i = 1 To PCount
     Response.write "<option value='" & i & "'"
     If Page = i Then Response.write " selected='selected' "
     Response.write ">第" & i & "頁</option>"
    Response.write "</select>"
  Response.write " 轉到第<input type='text' name='Page' size='2' maxlength='5' value='"&Page&"'"
  Response.write " onKeyPress=""if (event.keyCode==13)location='"&QUERY_STRING&"'+this.value;"" />頁</div>"
 end if