1. 程式人生 > >[leetcode]539. Minimum Time Difference

[leetcode]539. Minimum Time Difference

[leetcode]539. Minimum Time Difference


今天要吃柚子—— [每天刷題並不難0.0]

Given a list of 24-hour clock time points in “Hour:Minutes” format, find the minimum minutes difference between any two time points in the list.


class Solution
{ public: int findMinDifference(vector<string>& timePoints) { int res = INT_MAX; int len = timePoints.size(); sort(timePoints.begin(), timePoints.end()); int h1, h2, m1, m2; int diff; string time1, time2; for(int i=0; i<len; i+
+){ time1 = timePoints[i]; time2 = timePoints[(i+1)%len]; h1 = (time1[0]-'0')*10+(time1[1]-'0'); m1 = (time1[3]-'0')*10+(time1[4]-'0'); h2 = (time2[0]-'0')*10+(time2[1]-'0'); m2 = (time2[3]-'0')*10+(time2[4]-'0'); diff = (h2-h1)*60
+(m2-m1); if(i == len-1) diff += 24*60; res = min(res, diff); } return res; } };