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LeetCode Notes_#14 Longest Common Prefix

LeetCode Notes_#14 Longest Common Prefix




Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.

If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "".

Example 1:

Input: ["flower","flow","flight"]
Output: "fl"

Example 2:

Input: ["dog","racecar","car"]
Output: ""
Explanation: There is no common prefix among the input strings.




  1. #遇到一個大小寫問題,意識到動態語言的缺點了... 
  2. Input=["flower","flow","flight"
  3. InputLen=[] 
  4. MinLen=0 
  5. flag=1 
  6. TmpList=[]#用於儲存每個字串的字首 
  7. for i in range(len(Input)): 
  8. InputLen.append(len(Input[i])) 
  9. MinLen=min(InputLen) 
  11. for j in range(1,MinLen): 
  12. # print(flag) 
  13. TmpList=[] 
  14. if flag:#前面的字首相同了,我才繼續往後去嘗試 
  15. for k in range(len(Input)):#遍歷每個單詞 
  16. TmpList.append(Input[k][0:j])#依次取每個單詞的前面j個字元,加入列表 
  17. print(TmpList) 
  18. if len(set(TmpList))!=1
  19. flag=0#這時剛好開始出現不同,那麼前j-1個相同 
  20. print (Input[0][0:j-1]) 
['f', 'f', 'f']
['fl', 'fl', 'fl']
['flo', 'flo', 'fli']
#一些corner case,emmmm



  1. class Solution(object): 
  2. def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs): 
  3. """ 
  4. :type strs: List[str] 
  5. :rtype: str 
  6. """ 
  7. if strs==[]: 
  8. return '' 
  9. if '' in strs: 
  10. return '' 
  11. if len(strs)==1
  12. return strs[0]  
  13. if len(set(strs))==1
  14. return strs[0
  16. InputLen=[] 
  17. MinLen=0 
  18. flag=1 
  19. TmpList=[]#用於儲存每個字串的字首 
  20. for i in range(len(strs)): 
  21. InputLen.append(len(strs[i])) 
  22. MinLen=min(InputLen) 
  23. # print MinLen 
  24. # print range(1) 
  26. for j in range(MinLen): 
  27. # print(flag) 
  28. TmpList=[] 
  29. if flag:#前面的字首相同了,我才繼續往後去嘗試 
  30. for k in range(len(strs)):#遍歷每個單詞 
  31. TmpList.append(strs[k][0:j+1])#依次取每個單詞的前面j個字元,加入列表 
  32. # print(TmpList) 
  33. # print j,k,TmpList 
  34. # print len(set(TmpList)) 
  35. if len(set(TmpList))!=1
  36. flag=0#這時剛好開始出現不同,那麼前j-1個相同 
  37. # print j 
  38. if j>=1
  39. return strs[0][0:j]  
  40. else
  41. return '' 
  42. elif (len(set(TmpList))==1 and j==MinLen-1): 
  43. return TmpList[0

28ms,faster than 57.76%
這些corner case有點煩人...這程式碼有點辣雞,很多的for還有if else...


  1. class Solution: 
  2. # @return a string 
  3. def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs): 
  4. if not strs: 
  5. return "" 
  7. for i, letter_group in enumerate(zip(*strs)): 


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