1. 程式人生 > >appium常用封裝(一)


一、Dos下執行adb devices獲取udid封裝

 1 #coding=utf-8
 2 import os
 3 class DosCmd:
 4     def excute_cmd_result(self,command):
 5         result_list = []
 6         result = os.popen(command).readlines()
 7         for i in result:
 8             if i =='\n':
 9                 continue
10             result_list.append(i.strip('
\n')) 11 return result_list 12 13 def excute_cmd(self,command): 14 os.system(command) 15 16 if __name__ == '__main__': 17 dos = DosCmd() 18 print dos.excute_cmd_result('adb devices')


 1 #coding=utf-8
 2 from dos_cmd import DosCmd
 3 class
Port: 4 def port_is_used(self,port_num): 5 ''' 6 判斷埠是否被佔用 7 ''' 8 flag = None 9 self.dos = DosCmd() 10 command = 'netstat -ano | findstr '+str(port_num) 11 result = self.dos.excute_cmd_result(command) 12 if len(result)>0:
13 flag = True 14 else: 15 flag = False 16 return flag 17 18 def create_port_list(self,start_port,device_list): 19 '''start_port 4701 20 生成可用埠 21 @parameter start_port 22 @parameter device_list 23 ''' 24 port_list = [] 25 if device_list != None: 26 while len(port_list) != len(device_list): 27 if self.port_is_used(start_port) != True: 28 port_list.append(start_port) 29 start_port = start_port +1 30 return port_list 31 else: 32 print "生成可用埠失敗" 33 return None 34 35 36 if __name__ == '__main__': 37 port = Port() 38 li = [1,2,3,4,5] 39 print port.create_port_list(4722,li)


 1 #coding=utf-8
 2 import yaml
 3 class WriteUserCommand:
 4     def read_data(self):
 5         '''
 6         載入yaml資料
 7         '''
 8         with open("../config/userconfig.yaml") as fr:
 9             data = yaml.load(fr)
10         return data
12     def get_value(self,key,port):
13         '''
14         獲取value
15         '''
16         data = self.read_data()
17         value = data[key][port]
18         return value
20     def write_data(self,i,device,bp,port):
21         '''
22         寫入資料
23         '''
24         data = self.join_data(i,device,bp,port)
25         with open("../config/userconfig.yaml","a") as fr:
26             yaml.dump(data,fr)
28     def join_data(self,i,device,bp,port):
29         data = {
30         "user_info_"+str(i):{
31         "deviceName":device,
32         "bp":bp,
33         "port":port
34         }
35         }
36         return data
38     def clear_data(self):
39         with open("../config/userconfig.yaml","w") as fr:
40             fr.truncate()
41         fr.close()
43     def get_file_lines(self):
44         data = self.read_data()
45         return len(data)
48 if __name__ == '__main__':
49     write_file = WriteUserCommand()
50     print write_file.get_value('user_info_2','bp')
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 1 #coding=utf-8
 2 from dos_cmd import DosCmd
 3 from port import Port
 4 import threading
 5 import time
 6 from write_user_command import WriteUserCommand
 7 class Server:
 8     def __init__(self):
 9         self.dos = DosCmd()
10         self.device_list = self.get_devices()
11         self.write_file = WriteUserCommand()
12     def get_devices(self):
13         '''
14         獲取裝置資訊
15         '''
17         devices_list = []
18         result_list = self.dos.excute_cmd_result('adb devices')
19         if len(result_list)>=2:
20             for i in result_list:
21                 if 'List' in i:
22                     continue
23                 devices_info = i.split('\t')
24                 if devices_info[1] == 'device':
25                     devices_list.append(devices_info[0])
26             return devices_list
27         else:
28             return None
29     def create_port_list(self,start_port):
30         '''
31         建立可用埠
32         '''
33         port = Port()
34         port_list = []
35         port_list = port.create_port_list(start_port,self.device_list)
36         return port_list
38     def create_command_list(self,i):
39         '''
40         生成命令
41         '''
42         command_list = []
43         appium_port_list = self.create_port_list(4700)
44         bootstrap_port_list = self.create_port_list(4900)
45         device_list = self.device_list
46         command = "appium -p "+str(appium_port_list[i])+" -bp "+str(bootstrap_port_list[i])+" -U "+device_list[i]+" --no-reset --session-override --log D:/log/test02.log"
47         command_list.append(command)
48         self.write_file.write_data(i,device_list[i],str(bootstrap_port_list[i]),str(appium_port_list[i]))
50         return command_list
52     def start_server(self,i):
53         '''
54         啟動服務
55         '''
56         self.start_list = self.create_command_list(i)
57         print self.start_list
59         self.dos.excute_cmd(self.start_list[0])
61     def kill_server(self):
62         server_list = self.dos.excute_cmd_result('tasklist | find "node.exe"')
63         if len(server_list)>0:
64             self.dos.excute_cmd('taskkill -F -PID node.exe')
66     def main(self):
67         thread_list = []
68         self.kill_server()
69         self.write_file.clear_data()
70         for i in range(len(self.device_list)):
71             appium_start = threading.Thread(target=self.start_server,args=(i,))
72             thread_list.append(appium_start)
73         for j in thread_list:
74             j.start()
75         time.sleep(25)
78 if __name__ == '__main__':
79     server = Server()
80     print server.main()
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