1. 程式人生 > >QT 關於Driver not loaded 與 結構體的建構函式

QT 關於Driver not loaded 與 結構體的建構函式

QT 關於Driver not loaded


    QSqlDatabase db;
    QSqlQuery query;
    db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
        if(!query.exec("create table student(name text)")){
(); }

總是報錯:Driver not loaded Driver not loaded.

Ensure that you are using a shared Qt library; you cannot use the plugins with a static build.
Ensure that the plugin is in the correct directory. You can use QApplication::libraryPaths() to determine where Qt looks for plugins.
Ensure that
the client libraries of the DBMS are available on the system. On Unix, run the command ldd and pass the name of the plugin as parameter, for example ldd libqsqlmysql.so. You will get a warning if any of the client libraries couldn't be found. On Windows, you can use Visual Studio's dependency walker. With Qt Creator, you can update the
PATH environment variable in the Run section of the Project panel to include the path to the folder containing the client libraries. Compile Qt with QT_DEBUG_COMPONENT defined to get very verbose debug output when loading plugins.

奇怪,我檢視QApplication::libraryPaths()輸出的資訊,確信plugin路徑正確。動態庫檔案也存在:/Users/weiyang/Qt5.9.2/5.9.2/clang_64/plugins/sqldrivers。仔細檢視輸出,我觀察到在此之前還有QSqlQuery::exec: database not open

    QSqlDatabase db;
    db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
    QSqlQuery query;

先建立好Sqlite connection class,然後建立query物件。OK!



typedef struct _Data {
    int a;
    string s;
    _Data(int _a, string _s){ a = _a; s = _s; }

那麼,就不能使用類似於這樣的語句:sentenceUnit senUnit
C++會嘗試匹配move constructure, copy constructrue, 有參建構函式。

    Data d(1,"hello");
    Data d1(d);             //copy constructrue
    Data d2(std::move(d));  //move constructure.


class Data {
    int a;
    string s;
    Data(int _a, string _s){ a = _a; s = _s; }

int main()
    Data d = Data(1,"hello"); //we can't use 'Data d()', or compiler regard it as a functon.
    Data d1(d);             //copy constructrue
    Data d2(std::move(d));  //move constructure.
    Data d3;                //error: no matching constructure.
    return 0;