1. 程式人生 > >SuiteScript Tutorial - How to use it and why use it?

SuiteScript Tutorial - How to use it and why use it?

What you will learn:

  1. What SuiteScript is?
  2. How to create a Script record in NetSuite?
  3. How to write and upload a JavaScript file?
  4. How to run your scripts?
  5. How to turn off your scripts?
  6. Where to go next?

What is SuiteScript? Why learn it?

  • SuiteScript is a JavaScript-based application programming interface that gives developers the ability to extend NetSuite.
  • SuiteScript Feature:
  1. Standards-based code platform that adds powerful validation.
  2. Enables creation of from-end interfaces on the fly.
  3. Allows custom back-end development to meet specialized needs.
  • Why should you learn it?
    • So you can tailor NetSuite's functionality to better fit your business.
    • So you can improve user-friendliness.
    • So you can get a promotion at your company.
    • So you can become an office superhero.

What do I need to know to start?

  • This class is intended for NetSuite administrators. In other words, you should be using the "administrator" role in NetSuite.
  • If you're not using the "administrator" role, additional setup may be required.
  • You should have some familiarity with using NetSuite and navigating the menus.
  • You should have some familiarity with JavaScript.

Step 1: Get a good text editor

  • Mac: Text Wrangler.
  • Windows: Notepad++

Step 2: NetSuite Setup

  • SuiteScript must be enabled in your NetSuite account.
  • Enable both "Client SuiteScript" and "Server SuiteScript".

Step 3: Write Scripts and Upload to file cabinet.

Step 4: Create Script Record.

choose "client" type

add script information.

Save. You will get your first SuiteScripts available.

Create new contact, you will get alert message.