1. 程式人生 > >微信小程式-06 tab選項卡滑動切換與列表Item(scroll 、 swiper)資料的獲取等所用到的都有了

微信小程式-06 tab選項卡滑動切換與列表Item(scroll 、 swiper)資料的獲取等所用到的都有了









<view >
    <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="tab-h" scroll-left="{{scrollLeft}}">
        <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==0?'active':''}}"  data-current="0" bindtap="swichNav">健康</view>
        <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==1?'active':''}}" data-current="1" bindtap="swichNav">情感</view>
        <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==2?'active':''}}" data-current="2" bindtap="swichNav">職場</view>
        <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==3?'active':''}}" data-current="3" bindtap="swichNav">育兒</view>
        <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==4?'active':''}}" data-current="4" bindtap="swichNav">糾紛</view>
        <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==5?'active':''}}" data-current="5" bindtap="swichNav">青蔥</view>
        <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==6?'active':''}}" data-current="6" bindtap="swichNav">全部</view>
        <view class="tab-item {{currentTab==7?'active':''}}" data-current="7" bindtap="swichNav">其他</view>
    <swiper class="tab-content" current="{{currentTab}}" duration="300" bindchange="switchTab"
        <swiper-item wx:for="{{[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]}}">
            <scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scoll-h" >
                <block wx:for="{{expertList}}" wx:key="*this">
                    <view class="item-ans">
                        <view class="avatar">
                            <image class="img" src="https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1537520335665&di=533d913bd1587331b62b0c3f381adec5&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fpic31.nipic.com%2F20130731%2F7331048_094333540110_2.png"></image>
                        <view class="expertInfo">
                            <view class="name">{{expertList[index].name}}</view>
                            <view class="tag">{{expertList[index].tag}}</view>
                            <view class="answerHistory">{{expertList[index].answer}}個回答,{{expertList[index].listen}}人聽過 </view>
                         <!--   data-index='{{index}}'用於js獲取點選的第幾項 index -->
                        <button bindtap='info' data-index='{{index}}' class="askBtn">資訊</button>




//that.data.expertList[e.currentTarget.dataset.index].name   資料的獲取、獲取點選了哪個“資訊”按鈕 輸出所對應的name

var app = getApp();
  data: {
    winHeight: "", //視窗高度
    currentTab: 0, //預設當前項的值
    scrollLeft: 0, //tab標題的滾動條位置
    expertList: [{ //假資料
      img: "avatar.png",
      name: "健康1",
      tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
      answer: 134,
      listen: 2234
    { //假資料
      img: "avatar.png",
      name: "分分2",
      tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
      answer: 134,
      listen: 2234
    { //假資料
      img: "avatar.png",
      name: "挖方3",
      tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
      answer: 134,
      listen: 2234
    { //假資料
      img: "avatar.png",
      name: "哥ere4",
      tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
      answer: 134,
      listen: 2234
    { //假資料
      img: "avatar.png",
      name: "阿迪王5",
      tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
      answer: 134,
      listen: 2234
    { //假資料
      img: "avatar.png",
      name: "啊打發6",
      tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
      answer: 134,
      listen: 2234
    { //假資料
      img: "avatar.png",
      name: "咖妃7",
      tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
      answer: 134,
      listen: 2234
  // 滾動切換標籤樣式
  switchTab: function(e) {
    switch (e.detail.current) {
      case 0:
          currentTab: e.detail.current,
          expertList: [{ //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "健康1",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "分分2",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "挖方3",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "哥啊4",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "阿迪王5",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "啊打發6",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃7",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
        }); break;
      case 1:
          currentTab: e.detail.current,
          expertList: [{ //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "情感1",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "分分2",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "挖方3",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "哥啊4",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "阿迪王5",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "啊打發6",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃7",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
        }); break;
      case 2:
          currentTab: e.detail.current,
          expertList: [{ //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "職場",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃挖2",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "把我3",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "哥啊4",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "阿迪王5",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "啊打發6",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃7",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
        }); break;
      case 3:
          currentTab: e.detail.current,
          expertList: [{ //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "育兒1",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "分分2",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "挖方3",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "哥啊4",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "阿迪王5",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "啊打發6",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃7",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
        }); break;
      case 4:
          currentTab: e.detail.current,
          expertList: [{ //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "糾紛1",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "分分2",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "挖方3",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "哥啊4",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "阿迪王5",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "啊打發6",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃7",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
        }); break;
      case 5:
          currentTab: e.detail.current,
          expertList: [{ //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "青蔥1",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "分分2",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "挖方3",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "哥啊4",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "阿迪王5",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "啊打發6",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃7",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
        }); break;
      case 6:
          currentTab: e.detail.current,
          expertList: [{ //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "全部1",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "分分2",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "挖方3",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "哥啊4",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 223
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "阿迪王5",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 22
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "啊打發6",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 223
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃7",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
        }); break;
      case 7:
          currentTab: e.detail.current,
          expertList: [{ //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "其他1",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "分分2",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "挖方3",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "哥啊4",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "阿迪王5",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "啊打發6",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
          { //假資料
            img: "avatar.png",
            name: "咖妃7",
            tag: "過去過不去都會過去",
            answer: 134,
            listen: 2234
        }); break;
  // 點選標題切換當前頁時改變樣式
  swichNav: function(e) {
    var cur = e.target.dataset.current;
    if (this.data.currentTaB == cur) {
      return false;
    } else {
        currentTab: cur
  checkCor: function() {
    if (this.data.currentTab > 4) {
        scrollLeft: 300
    } else {
        scrollLeft: 0
  onLoad: function() {
    var that = this;
    //  高度自適應
      success: function(res) {
        var clientHeight = res.windowHeight,
          clientWidth = res.windowWidth,
          rpxR = 750 / clientWidth;
        var calc = clientHeight * rpxR - 100;
          winHeight: calc
    var that = this
    //資料的獲取、獲取點選了哪個“資訊”按鈕 輸出所對應的name
  footerTap: app.footerTap


.tab-h {
  height: 80rpx;
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  background: #f7f7f7;
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.tab-item {
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.tab-item.active {
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.tab-item.active:after {
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  display: block;
  height: 8rpx;
  width: 52rpx;
  background: #4675f9;
  position: absolute;
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  display: flex;
  flex-grow: row no-wrap;
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  align-items: center;
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  width: 100rpx;
  height: 100rpx;
  position: relative;
  padding-right: 30rpx;

.avatar .img {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.avatar .doyen {
  width: 40rpx;
  height: 40rpx;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: -2px;
  right: 20rpx;

.expertInfo {
  font-size: 12px;
  flex-grow: 2;
  color: #b0b0b0;
  line-height: 1.5em;

.expertInfo .name {
  font-size: 16px;
  color: #000;
  margin-bottom: 6px;

.askBtn {
  width: 120rpx;
  height: 60rpx;
  line-height: 60rpx;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 14px;
  border-radius: 60rpx;
  border: 1px solid #4675f9;
  color: #4675f9;

.tab-content {
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.scoll-h {
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swiper-item view.item-ans {
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