1. 程式人生 > >【讀書1】【2017】MATLAB與深度學習——Dropout(1)




This section presents the code thatimplements the dropout.


We use the sigmoid activation function forthe hidden nodes.


This code is mainly used to see how thedropout is coded, as the training data may be too simple for us to perceive theactual improvement of overfitting.


The function DeepDropout trains the exampleneural network using the back-propagation algorithm.


It takes the neural network’s weights andtraining data and returns the trained weights.

[W1,W2, W3, W4] = DeepDropout(W1, W2, W3, W4, X, D)


where the notation of the variables is thesame as that of the function DeepReLU of the previous section.


The following listing shows theDeepDropout.m file, which implements the DeepDropout function.

function [W1, W2, W3, W4] = DeepDropout(W1,W2, W3, W4, X, D)

alpha = 0.01;

N = 5;

   fork = 1:N

          x= reshape(X(:, :, k), 25, 1);

          v1 = W1*x;

          y1 = Sigmoid(v1);

          y1 = y1 .* Dropout(y1, 0.2);

          v2 = W2*y1;

          y2 = Sigmoid(v2);

          y2 = y2 .* Dropout(y2, 0.2);

          v3 = W3*y2;

          y3 = Sigmoid(v3);

          y3 = y3 .* Dropout(y3, 0.2);

          v = W4*y3;

          y = Softmax(v);

          d = D(k, :)';

          e = d - y;

          delta = e;

          e3 = W4'*delta;

          delta3 = y3.*(1-y3).*e3;

          e2 = W3'*delta3;

          delta2 = y2.*(1-y2).*e2;

          e1 = W2'*delta2;

          delta1 = y1.*(1-y1).*e1;

          dW4 = alpha*delta*y3';

          W4 = W4 + dW4;

          dW3 = alpha*delta3*y2';

          W3= W3 + dW3;

          dW2= alpha*delta2*y1';

          W2= W2 + dW2;

          dW1= alpha*delta1*x';

          W1= W1 + dW1;



該程式碼匯入訓練資料,使用增量規則計算權值更新(dW1, dW2, dW3, and dW4),並調整神經網路的權值。

This code imports the training data,calculates the weight updates (dW1, dW2, dW3, and dW4) using the delta rule,and adjusts the weight of the neural network.


This process is identical to that of theprevious training codes.


It differs from the previous ones in thatonce the output is calculated from the Sigmoid activation function of thehidden node, the Dropout function modifies the final output of the node.


For example, the output of the first hiddenlayer is calculated as:

y1 = Sigmoid(v1);

y1 = y1 .* Dropout(y1, 0.2);


Executing these lines switches the outputsfrom 20% of the first hidden nodes to 0; it drops out 20% of the first hiddennodes.

——本文譯自Phil Kim所著的《Matlab Deep Learning》
