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Neo4j 做推薦 (4)—— 基於內容的過濾(續)


Neo4j 做推薦 (2)—— 基於內容的過濾  前文只是簡單描述了內容過濾的概念和簡單演示。



// Find similar movies by common genres
MATCH (m:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(g:Genre)<-[:IN_GENRE]-(rec:Movie)
WHERE m.title = "Inception"
WITH rec, COLLECT(g.name) AS genres, COUNT(*) AS commonGenres
RETURN rec.title, genres, commonGenres
ORDER BY commonGenres DESC LIMIT 10;

通過上面的Cypher語句,可以很清晰地看到,篩選出 m 的條件是title 屬性為“Inception”,然後通過關係(:IN_GENRE)找出流派(g:Genre),此處注意關係的方向是 -> 。找出 (g:GENRE) 之後,反向查詢 <- 有該流派的所有電影。

在結果返回中,COLLECT 首先把流派名放入一個集合中,然後計算所屬流派的數量(此數量是電影m 和電影rec 具有相同流派的數量)。返回結果再排個序,取最多的前10條。

rec.title genres commonGenres
"Patlabor: The Movie (Kidô keisatsu patorebâ: The Movie)" ["Drama", "Action", "Crime", "Thriller", "Mystery", "Sci-Fi"] 6
"Strange Days" ["Drama", "Action", "Crime", "Thriller", "Mystery", "Sci-Fi"] 6
"Watchmen" ["Drama", "Action", "Thriller", "Mystery", "Sci-Fi", "IMAX"] 6
"Girl Who Played with Fire, The (Flickan som lekte med elden)" ["Drama", "Action", "Crime", "Thriller", "Mystery"] 5
"Fast Five (Fast and the Furious 5, The)" ["Drama", "Action", "Crime", "Thriller", "IMAX"] 5
"Cellular" ["Drama", "Action", "Crime", "Thriller", "Mystery"] 5
"Rubber" ["Drama", "Action", "Crime", "Thriller", "Mystery"] 5
"Negotiator, The" ["Drama", "Action", "Crime", "Thriller", "Mystery"] 5
"X-Files: Fight the Future, The" ["Action", "Crime", "Thriller", "Mystery", "Sci-Fi"] 5
"Source Code" ["Drama", "Action", "Thriller", "Mystery", "Sci-Fi"] 5