1. 程式人生 > >VCL介面控制元件DevExpress VCL釋出v18.1.6|附下載

VCL介面控制元件DevExpress VCL釋出v18.1.6|附下載

DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的使用者介面套包。所包含的控制元件有:資料錄入,圖表,資料分析,導航,佈局,網格,日程管理,樣式,列印和工作流等,讓您快速開發出完美、強大的VCL應用程式!DevExpress廣泛應用於ECM企業內容管理、 成本管控、程序監督、生產排程,在企業/政務資訊化管理中佔據一席重要之地。

【適用範圍】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle



1)  DXperience最新版本漢化資源(2萬詞彙專業漢化、節約3成專案研發時間、一行程式碼輕鬆搞定!)

2)  DevExpress for .NET高階培訓(“功能講解+示例演示+實戰演練”三位一體的培訓模式,讓您真正學有所獲!)

3)  DevExpress中文視訊課程


DevExpress VCL v18.1.6下載


ExpressBars Suite

  • T673148 - An AV occurs at design time when using the Customization Form to add, remove, or change a bar item on an ancestor form
  • T289073 - Bar items are painted with colors that do not match corresponding theme colors of an operating system and disabled bar items cannot be selected if the bar manager's LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property is True
  • T676069 - Changing a bar item's hint caption in the hint style controller's OnShowHintEx event handler has no effect if the bar item's hint is invoked immediately after another TControl descendant's hint
  • T675164 - Ribbon tab groups inherited from a parent form become invisible at runtime if the corresponding ribbon tab's Groups collection is changed

ExpressEditors Library

  • T671230 - A TcxContainer descendant scales incorrectly if its ParentFont property is False and the Anchor property has a non-default value
  • T670891 - cxDateEdit - An AV occurs on expanding a drop-down calendar in Touch mode if the time range between the system and displayed dates exceeds a month, and the Properties.View property is set to cavClassic or cavModern
  • T674788 - cxLabel - The Properties.ShowEndEllipsis property value is ignored if the Properties.Alignment.Horz property is set to taCenter

ExpressEntityMapping Framework

  • T672553 - The "The data types varchar(max) and ntext are incompatible in the equal to operator" error occurs when TdxEMFADODataProvider obtains data from an SQL Server table's varchar(max) columns

ExpressExport Library

  • T670621 - The EdxException occurs when exporting nodes containing images to an XLS or XLSX file

ExpressGDI+ Library

  • T678222 - SVG Images - The "Invalid operation in GDI+ (Code: 3)" exception occurs on displaying an image with the 'path' element whose line width is zero

