1. 程式人生 > >Centos7 出現Welcome to emergency mode!

Centos7 出現Welcome to emergency mode!

做mount掛載時,修改了  /etc/fstab 檔案,導致Centos7重啟時出現如下圖所示錯誤:

Welcome to emergency  mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view

system logs,"systemctl  reboot" to reboot ,"systemctl default" or ^D

to try again to boot into default mode.

Give root password for maintenance

(or type Control-D to continue):



輸如root許可權密碼, vi /etc/fstab 將自己多配置的一行內容刪除,wq儲存,之後reboot重啟虛擬機器,就恢復正常了。