1. 程式人生 > >Exception 'java.lang.Exception' is never thrown in the method less

Exception 'java.lang.Exception' is never thrown in the method less

Exception ‘java.lang.Exception’ is never thrown in the method less


  • 使用 IDEA 開發過程中發現已有方法上丟擲異常,但是異常程式碼的顏色是淺灰色的,滑鼠移到程式碼上提示上述異常

Exception ‘java.lang.Exception’ is never thrown in the method less… (Ctrl+F1)
This inspection reports exceptions that are declared in a method’s signature but never thrown by the method itself or its implementations/derivatives. Since this inspection requires global code analysis, it is only available in batch inspection mode. A limited version for use in editor highlighting is available as General | Redundant throws declaration.


  • 方法中不需要丟擲異常,因為沒有需要丟擲異常的程式碼
  • 在 call() 方法上顯示的丟擲異常,但是 call() 方法內部卻並無異常丟擲,也沒有會出現異常的程式碼內容


  • 開發過程中從底層編碼開始需要向上丟擲異常,異常交給 Controller 層進行處理