1. 程式人生 > >Apache Index目錄中文亂碼解決方法

Apache Index目錄中文亂碼解決方法

來源地址: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_autoindex.html

IndexOptions Directive
Description: Various configuration settings for directory indexing 
Syntax: IndexOptions [+|-]option [[+|-]option] ... 
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess 
Override: Indexes 
Status: Base 
Module: mod_autoindex 

The IndexOptions directive specifies the behavior of the directory indexing. Option can be one of

Charset=character-set (Apache 2.0.61 and later)
The Charset keyword allows you to specify the character set of the generated page. The default is either ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8, depending on whether the underlying file system is unicode or not. 
IndexOptions Charset=UTF-8

Apache 2預設使用ISO-8859-1或UTF-8編碼。上傳的文件目錄和檔名稱則使用了GBK編碼字元,導致每次需要手工選擇編碼之後,才能正確顯示其列出 的目錄和檔名列表。為了設定以GBK編碼顯示目錄和檔名列表,可以在Apache 2中設定上述選項:

IndexOptions Charset=GBK


IndexOptions Charset=UTF-8