1. 程式人生 > >抽象類和介面在專案中使用的例項




  1. 抽象類用關鍵字 abstract修飾
  2. 抽象類的抽象方法沒有方法體,在子類繼承父類中有抽象方法時,必須實現抽像方法
  3. 抽象類只能被單繼承


  1. 介面中沒有自己的屬性,只能有方法體
  2. 類在實現介面時,可以實現多個介面



package com.empl.mgr.dao.support;

import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

public abstract class AbstractDao<T> {

	private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

	public abstract Class<T> getEntityClass();

	public Session findSession() {
		return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

	public List<T> findAll() {
		return findSession().createCriteria(getEntityClass()).list();

	public T findUniqueByProperty(String pro, Object val) {
		return (T) findSession().createCriteria(getEntityClass()).add(Restrictions.eq(pro, val)).uniqueResult();

	public List<T> findByProperty(String pro, Object val) {
		return findSession().createCriteria(getEntityClass()).add(Restrictions.eq(pro, val)).list();

	public int findCounnt() {
		String query = "select count(*) from " + getEntityClass().getName();
		return Integer.parseInt(findSession().createQuery(query).uniqueResult().toString());

	public int findCountLike(String pro, String val) {
		String query = "select count(*) from " + getEntityClass().getName() + " where " + pro + " like '%" + val + "%'";
		return Integer.parseInt(findSession().createQuery(query).uniqueResult().toString());

	public int findCountByProperty(String pro, Object searchValue) {
		String query = "select count(*) from " + getEntityClass().getName() + " where " + pro + " = '" + searchValue
				+ "'";
		return Integer.parseInt(findSession().createQuery(query).uniqueResult().toString());

	public void deleteByProperty(String pro, Object value) {
		String query = "delete from " + getEntityClass().getName() + " where " + pro + "=" + value.toString();

	public void deleteByPropertyString(String pro, Object val) {
		String query = "delete from " + getEntityClass().getName() + " where " + pro + "='" + val.toString() + "'";

	public T findById(long id) {
		return (T) findSession().get(getEntityClass().getName(), id);

	public void save(Object obj) {

	public void delete(Object obj) {


package com.empl.mgr.dao;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import com.empl.mgr.constant.PageConstant;
import com.empl.mgr.dao.support.AbstractDao;
import com.empl.mgr.dto.RoleListDto;
import com.empl.mgr.model.TeAccountRole;
import com.empl.mgr.model.TeRole;

public class RoleDao extends AbstractDao<TeRole> {

	public Class<TeRole> getEntityClass() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return TeRole.class;

	public List<RoleListDto> findRoleList(int page, String searchVal) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
		query.append("select new com.empl.mgr.dto.RoleListDto (roleId, roleName, roleDescription, createTime, creator) from TeRole ");
		query.append(StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchVal) ? "where roleName like '%" + searchVal + "%'" : "");
		query.append("order by roleId desc ");
		return findSession().createQuery(query.toString()).setFirstResult((page - 1) * PageConstant.PAGE_LIST)

	public int findRoleCount(String searchVal) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
		query.append("select count(roleId) from TeRole ");
		query.append(StringUtils.isNotBlank(searchVal) ? "where roleName like '%" + searchVal + "%'" : "");
		return Integer.parseInt(findSession().createQuery(query.toString()).uniqueResult().toString());

	public List<TeAccountRole> findMyCharacter(String acctName, String roleLabel) {
		StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
		query.append("from TeAccountRole where acctName = ? and roleLabel = ?");
		return findSession().createQuery(query.toString()).setString(0, acctName).setString(1, roleLabel).list();


package com.empl.mgr.dao;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import com.empl.mgr.constant.AccountDeleteState;
import com.empl.mgr.constant.PageConstant;
import com.empl.mgr.dao.support.AbstractDao;
import com.empl.mgr.dto.AccountListDto;
import com.empl.mgr.model.TeAccount;

public class AccountDao extends AbstractDao<TeAccount> {

	public Class<TeAccount> getEntityClass() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return TeAccount.class;

	// long acctId, String acctName, String acctNickname, Date createTime, String creator

	public List<AccountListDto> findAccountList(int page, String val) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
		query.append("select new com.empl.mgr.dto.AccountListDto ");
		query.append("(te.acctId, te.acctName, te.acctNickname, te.createTime, te.creator, te.acctSuper) ");
		query.append("from TeAccount te where te.acctDeleteState = ? ");
		query.append(StringUtils.isEmpty(val) ? "" : " and (te.acctNickname like '%" + val
				+ "%' or te.acctName like '%" + val + "%')");
		query.append("order by te.acctId desc");
		return findSession().createQuery(query.toString()).setBoolean(0, AccountDeleteState.NO_DELETE)
				.setFirstResult((page - 1) * PageConstant.PAGE_LIST).setMaxResults(PageConstant.PAGE_LIST).list();

	public int findAccountPage(String val) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
		query.append("select count(te.acctId) from TeAccount te where te.acctDeleteState = ? ");
		query.append(StringUtils.isEmpty(val) ? "" : " and (te.acctNickname like '%" + val
				+ "%' or te.acctName like '%" + val + "%')");
		return Integer.parseInt(findSession().createQuery(query.toString()).setBoolean(0, AccountDeleteState.NO_DELETE)
