1. 程式人生 > >MySQL 報錯:ERROR 1137 (HY000): Can't reopen table: 'tempId'

MySQL 報錯:ERROR 1137 (HY000): Can't reopen table: 'tempId'

MySQL 報錯:ERROR 1137 (HY000): Can't reopen table: 'tempId'

1. sql 如下

replace(group_concat(distinct tsk.task_name),',' , '\n') as res2
from tempId
join custom_task_rule tsk
  on tsk.task_id = tempId.dependency_job_id
where tempId.dependency_job_id not in (
	select task_id
		from etl_process_log
task_id in( select dependency_job_id from tempId ) and status = 2 and logging_time > '2018-11-30 00:00:00' ); ERROR 1137 (HY000): Can't reopen table: 'tempId'

執行如上SQL時,得到的結果是Can't reopen table:'tempId',然後仔細檢查一遍SQL,除了寫的醜了一點兒之外,也沒有別的錯了啊。於是開啟mysql refman手冊。

2. 原因

手冊中關於 temporary table



You cannot refer to a TEMPORARY table more than once in the same query. For example, the following does not work:
SELECT * FROM temp_table JOIN temp_table AS t2;
The statement produces this error:
ERROR 1137: Can't reopen table: 'temp_table'
The Can’t reopen table error also occurs if you refer to a temporary table multiple times in a stored
function under different aliases, even if the references occur in different statements within the function.
It may occur for temporary tables created outside stored functions and referred to across multiple calling
and callee functions.

在一個查詢中能且僅能引用一次 temporary 表。 上述的那個查詢中將會不work。這個SQL 將會報ERROR 1137: Can't reopen table: 'temp_table'錯誤。

3. 解決辦法
