1. 程式人生 > >使用Python3將Markdown(.md)文字轉換成 html、pdf

使用Python3將Markdown(.md)文字轉換成 html、pdf





  >python md2html.py <file.md> <file.html>

import sys, re

def lines(file):
    for line in file: yield line
'\n' def blocks(file): #生成單獨的文字塊 block = [] for line in lines(file): if line.strip(): block.append(line) elif block: yield ''.join(block).strip() block = [] #文字塊處理程式 class Handler: """ 處理程式父類 """ def callback(self, prefix, name, *args): method
= getattr(self, prefix + name, None) if callable(method): return method(*args) def start(self, name): self.callback('start_', name) def end(self, name): self.callback('end_', name) def sub(self, name): def substitution(match): result
= self.callback('sub_', name, match) if result is None: result = match.group(0) return result return substitution class HTMLRenderer(Handler): """ HTML處理程式,給文字塊加相應的HTML標記 """ def start_document(self): print('<html><head><title>Python文字解析</title></head><body>') def end_document(self): print('</body></html>') def start_paragraph(self): print('<p style="color: #444;">') def end_paragraph(self): print('</p>') def start_heading(self): print('<h2 style="color: #68BE5D;">') def end_heading(self): print('</h2>') def start_list(self): print('<ul style="color: #363736;">') def end_list(self): print('</ul>') def start_listitem(self): print('<li>') def end_listitem(self): print('</li>') def start_title(self): print('<h1 style="color: #1ABC9C;">') def end_title(self): print('</h1>') def sub_emphasis(self, match): return('<em>%s</em>' % match.group(1)) def sub_url(self, match): return('<a target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;color: #BC1A4B;" href="%s">%s</a>' % (match.group(1), match.group(1))) def sub_mail(self, match): return('<a style="text-decoration: none;color: #BC1A4B;" href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (match.group(1), match.group(1))) def feed(self, data): print(data) #規則,判斷每個文字塊應該如何處理 class Rule: """ 規則父類 """ def action(self, block, handler): """ 加標記 """ handler.start(self.type) handler.feed(block) handler.end(self.type) return True class HeadingRule(Rule): """ 一號標題規則 """ type = 'heading' def condition(self, block): """ 判斷文字塊是否符合規則 """ return not '\n' in block and len(block) <= 70 and not block[-1] == ':' class TitleRule(HeadingRule): """ 二號標題規則 """ type = 'title' first = True def condition(self, block): if not self.first: return False self.first = False return HeadingRule.condition(self, block) class ListItemRule(Rule): """ 列表項規則 """ type = 'listitem' def condition(self, block): return block[0] == '-' def action(self, block, handler): handler.start(self.type) handler.feed(block[1:].strip()) handler.end(self.type) return True class ListRule(ListItemRule): """ 列表規則 """ type = 'list' inside = False def condition(self, block): return True def action(self, block, handler): if not self.inside and ListItemRule.condition(self, block): handler.start(self.type) self.inside = True elif self.inside and not ListItemRule.condition(self, block): handler.end(self.type) self.inside = False return False class ParagraphRule(Rule): """ 段落規則 """ type = 'paragraph' def condition(self, block): return True class Code(Rule): ''' 程式碼框規則 高亮顯示規則 。。。 ''' pass # 對整個文字進行解析 class Parser: """ 解析器父類 """ def __init__(self, handler): self.handler = handler self.rules = [] self.filters = [] def addRule(self, rule): """ 新增規則 """ self.rules.append(rule) def addFilter(self, pattern, name): """ 新增過濾器 """ def filter(block, handler): return re.sub(pattern, handler.sub(name), block) self.filters.append(filter) def parse(self, file): """ 解析 """ self.handler.start('document') for block in blocks(file): for filter in self.filters: block = filter(block, self.handler) for rule in self.rules: if rule.condition(block): last = rule.action(block, self.handler) if last: break self.handler.end('document') class BasicTextParser(Parser): """ 純文字解析器 """ def __init__(self, handler): Parser.__init__(self, handler) self.addRule(ListRule()) self.addRule(ListItemRule()) self.addRule(TitleRule()) self.addRule(HeadingRule()) self.addRule(ParagraphRule()) self.addFilter(r'\*(.+?)\*', 'emphasis') self.addFilter(r'(http://[\.a-zA-Z/]+)', 'url') self.addFilter(r'([\.a-zA-Z][email protected][\.a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z]+)', 'mail') """ 執行測試程式 """ handler = HTMLRenderer() parser = BasicTextParser(handler) parser.parse(sys.stdin)



  命令>python md2pdf.py 原始檔 目標檔案 [options]

    -h --help     show help document.
    -v --version  show version information.
    -o --output   translate sourcefile into html file.
    -p --print    translate sourcefile into pdf file and html file respectively.
    -P --Print    translate sourcefile into pdf file only.


import os,re
import sys,getopt
from enum import Enum
from subprocess import call
from functools import reduce

from docopt import docopt

__version__ = '1.0'

# 定義三個列舉類
# 定義表狀態
class TABLE(Enum):
    Init = 1
    Format = 2
    Table = 3

# 有序序列狀態
class ORDERLIST(Enum):
    Init = 1
    List = 2

# 塊狀態
class BLOCK(Enum):
    Init = 1
    Block = 2
    CodeBlock = 3

# 定義全域性狀態,並初始化狀態
table_state = TABLE.Init
orderList_state = ORDERLIST.Init
block_state = BLOCK.Init
is_code = False
is_normal = True

temp_table_first_line = []
temp_table_first_line_str = ""

need_mathjax = False

def test_state(input):
    global table_state, orderList_state, block_state, is_code, temp_table_first_line, temp_table_first_line_str
    Code_List = ["python\n", "c++\n", "c\n"]

    result = input

    # 構建正則表示式規則
    # 匹配塊標識
    pattern = re.compile(r'```(\s)*\n')
    a = pattern.match(input)

    # 普通塊
    if  a and block_state == BLOCK.Init:
        result = "<blockquote>"
        block_state = BLOCK.Block
        is_normal = False
    # 特殊程式碼塊
    elif len(input) > 4 and input[0:3] == '```' and (input[3:9] == "python" or input[3:6] == "c++" or input[3:4]== "c") and block_state == BLOCK.Init:
        block_state = BLOCK.Block
        result = "<code></br>"
        is_code = True
        is_normal = False
    # 塊結束
    elif block_state == BLOCK.Block and input == '```\n':
        if is_code:
            result = "</code>"
            result = "</blockquote>"
        block_state = BLOCK.Init
        is_code = False
        is_normal = False
    elif block_state == BLOCK.Block:
        pattern = re.compile(r'[\n\r\v\f\ ]')
        result = pattern.sub("&nbsp", result)
        pattern = re.compile(r'\t')
        result = pattern.sub("&nbsp" * 4, result)
        result = "<span>" + result + "</span></br>"
        is_normal = False

    # 解析有序序列
    if len(input) > 2 and input[0].isdigit() and input[1] == '.' and orderList_state == ORDERLIST.Init:
        orderList_state = ORDERLIST.List
        result = "<ol><li>" + input[2:] + "</li>"
        is_normal = False
    elif len(input) > 2 and  input[0].isdigit() and input[1] == '.' and orderList_state == ORDERLIST.List:
        result = "<li>" + input[2:] + "</li>"
        is_normal = False
    elif orderList_state == ORDERLIST.List and (len(input) <= 2 or input[0].isdigit() == False or input[1] != '.'):
        result = "</ol>" + input
        orderList_state = ORDERLIST.Init

    # 解析表格
    pattern = re.compile(r'^((.+)\|)+((.+))$')
    match = pattern.match(input)
    if match:
        l = input.split('|')
        l[-1] = l[-1][:-1]
        # 將空字元彈出列表
        if l[0] == '':
        if l[-1] == '':
        if table_state == TABLE.Init:
            table_state = TABLE.Format
            temp_table_first_line = l
            temp_table_first_line_str = input
            result = ""
        elif table_state == TABLE.Format:
            # 如果是表頭與表格主題的分割線
            if reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, [all_same(i,'-') for i in l], True):
                table_state = TABLE.Table
                result = "<table><thread><tr>"
                is_normal = False
                # 新增表頭
                for i in temp_table_first_line:
                    result += "<th>" + i + "</th>"
                result += "</tr>"
                result += "</thread><tbody>"
                is_normal = False
                result = temp_table_first_line_str + "</br>" + input
                table_state = TABLE.Init

        elif table_state == TABLE.Table:
            result = "<tr>"
            for i in l:
                result += "<td>" + i + "</td>"
            result += "</tr>"

    elif table_state == TABLE.Table:
        table_state = TABLE.Init
        result = "</tbody></table>" + result
    elif table_state == TABLE.Format:
    return result

# 判斷 lst 是否全由字元 sym 構成 
def all_same(lst, sym):
    return not lst or sym * len(lst) == lst

# 處理標題
def handleTitle(s, n):
    temp = "<h" + repr(n) + ">" + s[n:] + "</h" + repr(n) + ">"
    return temp

# 處理無序列表
def handleUnorderd(s):
    s = "<ul><li>" + s[1:]
    s += "</li></ul>"
    return s

def tokenTemplate(s, match):
    pattern = ""
    if match == '*':
        pattern = "\*([^\*]*)\*"
    if match == '~~':
        pattern = "\~\~([^\~\~]*)\~\~"
    if match == '**':
        pattern = "\*\*([^\*\*]*)\*\*"
    return pattern

# 處理特殊標識,比如 **, *, ~~
def tokenHandler(s):
    l = ['b', 'i', 'S']
    j = 0
    for i in ['**', '*', '~~']:
        pattern = re.compile(tokenTemplate(s,i))
        match = pattern.finditer(s)
        k = 0
        for a in match:
            if a:
                content = a.group(1)
                x,y = a.span()
                c = 3
                if i == '*':
                    c = 5
                s = s[:x+c*k] + "<" + l[j] + ">" + content + "</" + l[j] + ">" + s[y+c*k:]
                k += 1
        pattern = re.compile(r'\$([^\$]*)\$')
        a = pattern.search(s)
        if a:
            global need_mathjax
            need_mathjax = True
        j += 1
    return s

# 處理連結
def link_image(s):
    # 超連結
    pattern = re.compile(r'\\\[(.*)\]\((.*)\)')
    match = pattern.finditer(s)
    for a in match:
        if a:
            text, url = a.group(1,2)
            x, y = a.span()
            s = s[:x] + "<a href=" + url + " target=\"_blank\">" + text + "</a>" + s[y:]

    # 影象連結
    pattern = re.compile(r'!\[(.*)\]\((.*)\)')
    match = pattern.finditer(s)
    for a in match:
        if a:
            text, url = a.group(1,2)
            x, y = a.span()
            s = s[:x] + "<img src=" + url + " target=\"_blank\">" + "</a>" + s[y:]

    # 角標
    pattern = re.compile(r'(.)\^\[([^\]]*)\]')
    match = pattern.finditer(s)
    k = 0
    for a in match:
        if a:
            sym,index = a.group(1,2)
            x, y = a.span()
            s = s[:x+8*k] + sym + "<sup>" + index + "</sup>" + s[y+8*k:]
        k += 1

    return s

def parse(input):
    global block_state, is_normal
    is_normal = True
    result = input

    # 檢測當前 input 解析狀態
    result = test_state(input)
    if block_state == BLOCK.Block:
        return result

    # 分析標題標記 # 
    title_rank = 0
    for i in range(6, 0, -1):
        if input[:i] == '#'*i:
            title_rank = i
    if title_rank != 0:
        # 處理標題,轉化為相應的 HTML 文字
        result = handleTitle(input, title_rank)
        return result

    # 分析分割線標記 --
    if len(input) > 2 and all_same(input[:-1], '-') and input[-1] == '\n':
        result = "<hr>"
        return result

    # 解析無序列表
    unorderd = ['+', '-']
    if result != "" and result[0] in unorderd :
        result = handleUnorderd(result)
        is_normal = False

    f = input[0]
    count = 0
    sys_q = False
    while f == '>':
        count += 1
        f = input[count]
        sys_q = True
    if sys_q:
        result = "<blockquote style=\"color:#8fbc8f\"> "*count + "<b>" + input[count:] + "</b>" + "</blockquote>"*count
        is_normal = False

    # 處理特殊標記,比如 ***, ~~~
    result = tokenHandler(result)

    # 解析影象連結
    result = link_image(result)
    pa = re.compile(r'^(\s)*$')
    a = pa.match(input)
    if input[-1] == "\n" and is_normal == True and not a :

    return result 

def run(source_file, dest_file, dest_pdf_file, only_pdf):
    # 獲取檔名
    file_name = source_file
    # 轉換後的 HTML 檔名
    dest_name = dest_file
    # 轉換後的 PDF 檔名
    dest_pdf_name = dest_pdf_file

    # 獲取檔案字尾
    _, suffix = os.path.splitext(file_name)
    if suffix not in [".md",".markdown",".mdown","mkd"]:
        print('Error: the file should be in markdown format')

    if only_pdf:
        dest_name = ".~temp~.html"

    f = open(file_name, "r")
    f_r = open(dest_name, "w")

    # 往檔案中填寫 HTML 的一些屬性
    f_r.write("""<style type="text/css">div {display: block;font-family: "Times New Roman",Georgia,Serif}\
            #wrapper { width: 100%;height:100%; margin: 0; padding: 0;}#left { float:left; \
            width: 10%;  height: 100%;  }#second {   float:left;   width: 80%;height: 100%;   \
            }#right {float:left;  width: 10%;  height: 100%; \
            }</style><div id="wrapper"> <div id="left"></div><div id="second">""")
    f_r.write("""<meta charset="utf-8"/>""")
    # 逐行解析 markdwon 檔案
    for eachline in f:
        result = parse(eachline)
        if result != "":

    f_r.write("""</br></br></div><div id="right"></div></div>""")

    # 公式支援
    global need_mathjax
    if need_mathjax:
        f_r.write("""<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">\
        MathJax.Hub.Config({tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']]}});\
        </script><script type="text/javascript" \
    # 檔案操作完成之後記得關閉!!!

    # 呼叫擴充套件 wkhtmltopdf 將 HTML 檔案轉換成 PDF
    if dest_pdf_name != "" or only_pdf:
        call(["wkhtmltopdf", dest_name, dest_pdf_name])
    # 如果有必要,刪除中間過程生成的 HTML 檔案
    if only_pdf:
        call(["rm", dest_name])

# 主函式
def main():
    dest_file = "translation_result.html"
    dest_pdf_file = "translation_result.pdf"

    only_pdf = False

    args = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__)

    dest_file = args['<outputfile>'] if args['--output'] else dest_file

    dest_pdf_file = args['<outputfile>'] if args['--print'] or args['--Print'] else ""

    run(args['<sourcefile>'], dest_file, dest_pdf_file, args['--Print'])

if __name__=="__main__":