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proxmox超融合私有云釋出最新版本PVE 5.3


Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH today unveiled Proxmox VE 5.3, its latest open-source server virtualization management platform. Proxmox VE is based on Debian Stretch 9.6 with a modified Linux Kernel 4.15. Ceph Storage has been updated to version 12.2.8 (Luminous LTS, stable), and is packaged by Proxmox.

proxmox公司釋出最新的開源虛擬化管理平臺PVE5.2.PVE基於流行的linux發行版Debian Stretch 9.6,核心版本4.15.去中心化儲存ceph已經更新到Luminous 12.2.8版本。該版本由proxmox重新封裝。

Proxmox VE and CephFS

Proxmox VE 5.3 now includes CephFS in its web-based management interface thus expanding its comprehensive list of already supported file and block storage types. CephFS is a distributed, POSIX-compliant file system and builds on the Ceph cluster. Like Ceph RBD (Rados Block Device), which is already integrated into Proxmox VE, CephFS now serves as an alternative interface to the Ceph storage. For CephFS Proxmox allows storing VZDump backup files, ISO images, and container templates. The distributed file system CephFS eliminates the need for external file storage such as NFS or Samba and thus helps reducing hardware cost and simplifies management.

PVE5.3 預設包含Cephfs,可以直接用web介面進行配置和管理(注:pve5.2版本用 pveceph install安裝,用命令列初始化pveceph init --network網路).cephfs支援檔案及塊儲存。cephfs是分散式的、相容POSIX、去中心化的叢集。cephfs作為儲存服務介面,可以儲存虛擬機器備份檔案、ISO映象(注:作業系統映象共享可以在任意節點進行讀取,不過把這些不使用頻率低的ISO放在ceph儲存,似乎有點浪費資源,譯者本人一般使用獨立的低速NFS來儲存)、容器模板等。cephFS可以完全取代傳統的外掛儲存如NFS、Samba等等,降低固定資產投入及簡化架構和管理。

The CephFS file system can be created and configured with just a few clicks in the Proxmox VE management interface. To deploy CephFS users need a working Ceph storage cluster and a Ceph Metadata Server (MDS) node, which can also be created in the Proxmox VE interface. The MDS daemon separates metadata and data from each other and stores them in the Ceph file system. At least one MDS is needed, but its recommended to deploy multiple MDS nodes to improve high availability and avoid SPOF. If several MDS nodes are created only one will be marked as ‘active’ while the others stay ‘passive’ until they are needed in case of failure of the active one.
在proxmox VE web管理介面,點幾下滑鼠就能完成檔案系統的建立和配置(譯者注:以前的版本是在命令列完成,直到建立監視器)。以web管理介面建立ceph的元資料及實際資料儲存(譯者注:建立OSD後,用fdisk命令可以看到物理磁碟被分割成兩個分割槽,大小為100M的分割槽為元資料MDS),守護程序MDS把元資料跟實際資料分離(不吃大鍋飯,提高效率)。在一個ceph叢集中,至少需要一個元資料伺服器,為了保證可靠性,建議使用多個MDS。雖然有多個元資料伺服器,但正常情況下,只有一個元資料伺服器處於活躍狀態,如果管事的元資料伺服器故障,其它伺服器選舉新的一個來接替。