1. 程式人生 > >sqoop匯入hive資料時對換行等特殊字元處理






  • --hive-delims-replacement
  • --hive-drop-import-delims


Table 8. Hive arguments:

Argument Description
--hive-home <dir> Override $HIVE_HOME
--hive-import Import tables into Hive (Uses Hive’s default delimiters if none are set.)
--hive-overwrite Overwrite existing data in the Hive table.
--create-hive-table If set, then the job will fail if the target hive
table exits. By default this property is false.
--hive-table <table-name>
Sets the table name to use when importing to Hive.
--hive-drop-import-delims Drops \n\r, and \01 from string fields when importing to Hive.
--hive-delims-replacement Replace \n\r, and \01 from string fields with user defined string when importing to Hive.
--hive-partition-key Name of a hive field to partition are sharded on
--hive-partition-value <v> String-value that serves as partition key for this imported into hive in this job.
--map-column-hive <map> Override default mapping from SQL type to Hive type for configured columns.


1、在原有sqoop語句中新增 --hive-delims-replacement “ ” 可以將如mysql中取到的\n\r, and \01等特殊字元替換為自定義的字元,此處用了空格

2、在原有sqoop語句中新增 --hive-drop-import-delims 可以將如mysql中取到的\n\r, and \01等特殊字元丟棄