1. 程式人生 > >SharePoint建立web應用程式報錯"This page can’t be displayed" 建立site collection報錯

SharePoint建立web應用程式報錯"This page can’t be displayed" 建立site collection報錯

建立web應用程式(web application)的時候,發現一直loading最後顯示”This page can’t be displayed”,當我重新整理頁面的時候發現web application已經建立好了,於是就想著create site collection,但是一直不能建立成功,會報錯。很奇怪這個問題,考慮到可能是web application那一步就沒有成功,導致site collection也不能建,所以找了一下。

下面是為什麼會這樣的解釋: One of the interesting is that As more and more web applications are created, the time in which it takes to create a web application increases. As part of the creation process, IIS is reset and by default, the application pool allows 90 seconds for the connections to close off before forcibly shutting down. When the number of web applications grows above 10, 90 seconds is not enough time for the provisioning to finish.

And the resolution steps are

The solution to this is to allow the process a longer amount of time before it is forcibly shutdown. On the server(s) hosting Central Admin, open IIS manager. In the tree view, expand the server name and click on Application Pools. Locate the SharePoint Central Administration v4 application pool. Right click on it and choose Advanced Settings. In the Process Model section, set the Shutdown Time Limit to a greater value. As an example, 300. Restart IIS. Here is the KB article for the same
