1. 程式人生 > >docker 提示image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform

docker 提示image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform

在命令列中輸入docker run -p 8050:8050 scrapinghub/splash

Unable to find image 'scrapinghub/splash:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from scrapinghub/splash
docker: image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform.
See 'docker run --help'.

docker: image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform.

這條資訊我們可以瞭解到docker run -p 8050:8050 scrapinghub/splash 這條命令不是當前操作環境下的指令,所以我們需要將操作環境裝換到linux下,具體操作如圖所示:
