1. 程式人生 > >設計模式之: 責任鏈模式(chain of responsibility)

設計模式之: 責任鏈模式(chain of responsibility)



戰場情報 => 師指揮部(根據情報級別,決定處理或發出) => 集團軍指揮部(根據情報級別,決定處理或發出) => 總參謀部(處理)


	> File Name: ChainOfResponsibility.cpp
	> Author: XXDK
	> Email: 
[email protected]
> Created Time: Wed 19 Sep 2018 05:52:20 PM CST ************************************************************************/
#include<iostream> using namespace std; enum class Level { TOP_SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET }; class Intelligence { public: Intelligence(const
std::string& info, Level lv) : info_(info), lv_(lv) {} virtual ~Intelligence() {} std::string GetInfo() const { return info_; } Level GetLevel() const { return lv_; } private: std::string info_; Level lv_; }; class Command { public: Command(const std::string& name, Command*
directly_superior, Level lv) : name_(name), superior_(directly_superior), lv_(lv) {} void Process(Intelligence& itl) { if(itl.GetLevel() < lv_ && superior_) { std::cout << this->GetName() << ": insufficient level, pass to superior." << std::endl; superior_->Process(itl); } else std::cout << this->name_ << " Processing intelligence: " << itl.GetInfo() << std::endl; } std::string GetName() { return name_; } ~Command(){}; private: std::string name_; Level lv_; Command* superior_; }; int main() { Level lv = Level::TOP_SECRET; std::string info("Fall Blau."); Intelligence itl_top(info, lv); lv = Level::CONFIDENTIAL; info = "Arriving at the designated location."; Intelligence itl_cfd(info, lv); Command* GeneralStaff = new Command("GeneralStaff", nullptr, Level::TOP_SECRET); Command* GroupArmyCommand = new Command("GroupArmyCommand", GeneralStaff, Level::CONFIDENTIAL); Command* DevisionCommand = new Command("DevisionCommand", GroupArmyCommand, Level::SECRET); DevisionCommand->Process(itl_top); std::cout << std::endl; DevisionCommand->Process(itl_cfd); return 0; }


	> File Name: ResponsibilityChain.c
	> Author: XXDK
	> Email: [email protected] 
	> Created Time: Thu 20 Sep 2018 10:31:17 AM CST



typedef struct _Intelligence
	char info_[64];	
	enum Level lv_;

typedef struct _Command
	char name_[64];
	enum Level lv_;
	void (*Process)(struct _Command* this, Intelligence* itl);
	struct _Command* superior_;

void Process(Command* this, Intelligence* itl)
	if(itl->lv_ < this->lv_ && this->superior_){
		printf("%s: insufficient level, pass to superior.\n", this->name_); 
		this->superior_->Process(this->superior_, itl);
		printf("%s Processing intelligence: %s\n", this->name_, itl->info_);

Command GeneralStaff = {
	.name_ = "GeneralStaff",
	.Process = Process,
	.superior_ = NULL

Command GroupArmyCommand = {
	.name_ = "GroupArmyCommand",
	.Process = Process,
	.superior_ = &GeneralStaff

Command DevisionCommand = {
	.name_ = "DevisionCommand",
	.lv_ = SECRET,
	.Process = Process,
	.superior_ = &GroupArmyCommand

int main()
	Intelligence *itl = (Intelligence*)malloc(sizeof(Intelligence));
	itl->lv_ = TOP_SECRET;
	strcpy(itl->info_, "Fall Blau.");
	DevisionCommand.Process(&DevisionCommand, itl);

	memset(itl, 0, sizeof(Intelligence));
	itl->lv_ = CONFIDENTIAL;
	strcpy(itl->info_, "Arriving at the designated location.");
	DevisionCommand.Process(&DevisionCommand, itl);
