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OpenJDK 8 in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

OpenJDK Java 8 has been made into official Ubuntu repositories for 14.10 Utopic and higher. For Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04, and Linux Mint 17 users here’s how to install it from PPA(Personal Pakage Archives)個人軟體包檔案.它是Ubuntu Launchpad網站提供的一項服務,允許個人使用者上傳軟體原始碼,通過Launchpad進行編譯併發布為2進位制軟體包,作為apt/新立得源供其他使用者下載和更新。在Launchpad網站上的每一個使用者和團隊都可以擁有一個或多個PPA。

OpenJDK 8 was released in March 2014. It’s available in Ubuntu Software Center for Ubuntu 14.10 and Ubuntu 15.04. Someone has reported in launchpad asking for packaging openjdk-8 in Ubuntu 14.04, but no luck so far.

As a workaround(工作區), you can install OpenJDK 8 from a PPA repository:

1. Open terminal from the Dash or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. When it opens, run the command below to add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa


Type in user password when it asks and hit Enter to continue.

2. After that, update system package cache and install OpenJDK 8:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk