1. 程式人生 > >樹莓派進入root使用者後bash shell介面美化

樹莓派進入root使用者後bash shell介面美化

樹莓派進入root使用者後所有顏色都是白的,很不習慣。優化如下。 主要語句是(將使用者提示變為紅色): PS1="\\[$(tput setaf 1)\\]\\[email protected]\\h:\\w#\\[$(tput sgr0)\\] "


# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.

# Note: PS1 and umask are already set in /etc/profile. You should not
# need this unless you want different defaults for root.
# PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\h:\w\$ '
# umask 022
# PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\e[34;40m\]\
[email protected]
\h :\w\$ ' PS1="\\[$(tput setaf 1)\\]\\[email protected]\\h:\\w#\\[$(tput sgr0)\\] " # You may uncomment the following lines if you want `ls' to be colorized: export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' eval "`dircolors`" alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS' alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -l' alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA' # # Some more alias to avoid making mistakes: # alias rm='rm -i' # alias cp='cp -i' # alias mv='mv -i'