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spring cloud --eureka簡單分析

大家知道,將一個普通的springboot 應用註冊到Eureka Server只需要兩步

  1. 在應用主類新增@EnableDiscoveryClient註解
  2. 在application.properties中配置eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone


 * Annotation to enable a DiscoveryClient implementation.
 * @author Spencer Gibb
public @interface EnableDiscoveryClient {

	 * If true, the ServiceRegistry will automatically register the local server.
	boolean autoRegister() default true;


其中,左邊的org.springframework.cloud.client.discovery.DiscoveryClient是spring cloud的介面,定義了用來發現服務的常用抽象方法。org.springframework.cloud.netflix.eureka.EurekaDiscoveryClient是對介面的實現,從命名就可以知道,是對Eureka的發現服務的封裝,所以依賴了com.netflix.discovery.EurekaClient介面,EurekaClient又繼承於LookupService,主要是定義了發現服務的抽象方法,而真正去實現發現服務功能的類是com.netflix.discovery.DiscoveryClient。


 * The class that is instrumental for interactions with <tt>Eureka Server</tt>.
 * <p>
 * <tt>Eureka Client</tt> is responsible for a) <em>Registering</em> the
 * instance with <tt>Eureka Server</tt> b) <em>Renewal</em>of the lease with
 * <tt>Eureka Server</tt> c) <em>Cancellation</em> of the lease from
 * <tt>Eureka Server</tt> during shutdown
 * <p>
 * d) <em>Querying</em> the list of services/instances registered with
 * <tt>Eureka Server</tt>
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * <tt>Eureka Client</tt> needs a configured list of <tt>Eureka Server</tt>
 * {@link java.net.URL}s to talk to.These {@link java.net.URL}s are typically amazon elastic eips
 * which do not change. All of the functions defined above fail-over to other
 * {@link java.net.URL}s specified in the list in the case of failure.
 * </p>
 * @author Karthik Ranganathan, Greg Kim
 * @author Spencer Gibb

這個類用於Eureka Server相互協作;

Eureka Client主要負責下面的任務:

  • 向Eureka Server註冊服務例項
  • 向Eureka Server獲取服務租約
  • 在服務關閉時,向Eureka Server取消租約
  • 查詢Eureka Server中的服務例項列表

Eureka Client還要配置Eureka Server的URL列表 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
