1. 程式人生 > >【百度地圖】製作多途經點的線路導航,模擬運動 (vue,typescript)

【百度地圖】製作多途經點的線路導航,模擬運動 (vue,typescript)


網上有從起點到終點的模擬線路和運動,途經點的比較少。 結合網上demo,再進行了一下修改。

VUE (Typescript),先在index.html裡引用

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="icon" href="<%= BASE_URL %>favicon.ico">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=2.0&ak=你的KEY"></script>
      <strong>We're sorry but tl_screen doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong>
    <div id="app"></div>
    <!-- built files will be auto injected -->

然後宣告, typescript裡引用圖片,需要require,不然會預設是百度的圖片地址。

declare const BMap: any;
declare function require(iconUrl: string): string;

export default class MapScreen extends Vue { 



private loadMap() {
        const that = this;
        const map = new BMap.Map('baidu-map');
        map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(113.044643, 28.169439), 15);

        map.setMapStyle({ // 可以自己定義地圖底圖 http://developer.baidu.com/map/custom/
                    'featureType': 'water',
                    'elementType': 'all',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#021019'
                    'featureType': 'highway',
                    'elementType': 'geometry.fill',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#000000',
                    'featureType': 'highway',
                    'elementType': 'geometry.stroke',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#147a92',
                    'featureType': 'arterial',
                    'elementType': 'geometry.fill',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#000000',
                    'featureType': 'arterial',
                    'elementType': 'geometry.stroke',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#0b3d51',
                    'featureType': 'local',
                    'elementType': 'geometry',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#000000',
                    'featureType': 'land',
                    'elementType': 'all',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#08304b',
                    'featureType': 'railway',
                    'elementType': 'geometry.fill',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#000000',
                    'featureType': 'railway',
                    'elementType': 'geometry.stroke',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#08304b',
                    'featureType': 'subway',
                    'elementType': 'geometry',
                    'stylers': {
                        'lightness': -70,
                    'featureType': 'building',
                    'elementType': 'geometry.fill',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#000000',
                    'featureType': 'all',
                    'elementType': 'labels.text.fill',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#857f7f',
                    'featureType': 'all',
                    'elementType': 'labels.text.stroke',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#000000',
                    'featureType': 'building',
                    'elementType': 'geometry',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#022338',
                    'featureType': 'green',
                    'elementType': 'geometry',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#062032',
                    'featureType': 'boundary',
                    'elementType': 'all',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#1e1c1c',
                    'featureType': 'manmade',
                    'elementType': 'geometry',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#022338',
                    'featureType': 'poi',
                    'elementType': 'all',
                    'stylers': {
                        'visibility': 'off',
                    'featureType': 'all',
                    'elementType': 'labels.icon',
                    'stylers': {
                        'visibility': 'off',
                    'featureType': 'all',
                    'elementType': 'geometry.fill',
                    'stylers': {
                        'color': '#08124fff',
                        'hue': '#02061d',
                        'lightness': 1,
                        'visibility': 'on',

        const startPoint = new BMap.Point(113.044643, 28.169439);    // 起點
        const endPoint = new BMap.Point(112.545041, 28.285542);    // 終點
        const wayP1 = new BMap.Point(112.79513, 28.037395);    // 途經點1
        const wayP2 = new BMap.Point(112.86182, 28.316074);    // 途經點2
        const myIcon = new BMap.Icon( require('../assets/images/car.png'), new BMap.Size(40, 60), {    // 小車圖片
            imageSize: new BMap.Size(35, 35),
            imageOffset: new BMap.Size(0, 0),    // 圖片的偏移量。為了是圖片底部中心對準座標點。
        const startIcon = new BMap.Icon( require('../assets/images/start.png'), new BMap.Size(30, 30));
        const endIcon = new BMap.Icon( require('../assets/images/end.png'), new BMap.Size(30, 30));
        const wayIcon = new BMap.Icon( require('../assets/images/way.png'), new BMap.Size(30, 30));
        const wayPointIconHtml = `<div style='position:absolute; margin:0px; padding: 0px; width: 36px;
                                height: 40px; overflow: hidden;'>
                                <img src=''
                                style='display: none; border:none;margin-left:-11px; margin-top:-35px; '/>

        const driving2 = new BMap.DrivingRoute(map, {renderOptions: { map, autoViewport: true},
            onMarkersSet: (res: any) => {    // 標註點完成回撥
                const startMarker = new BMap.Marker(startPoint, {icon: startIcon});
                map.removeOverlay(res[0].marker); // 刪除起點
                const endMarker = new BMap.Marker(endPoint, {icon: endIcon});
                map.removeOverlay(res[3].marker); // 刪除起點

                const warMarker1 = new BMap.Marker(wayP1, {icon: wayIcon});
                res[1].Nm.Bc.innerHTML = wayPointIconHtml; // 刪除途經點

                const warMarker2 = new BMap.Marker(wayP2, {icon: wayIcon});
                res[2].Nm.Bc.innerHTML = wayPointIconHtml; // 刪除途經點
        });    // 駕車例項
        driving2.search(startPoint, endPoint, {waypoints: [wayP1, wayP2]});    // 顯示一條公交線路
        let positionOne: any = [];
        let positionTwo: any = [];
        let positionThree: any = [];
        function run() {
            const driving = new BMap.DrivingRoute(map);
            driving.search(startPoint, endPoint, {waypoints: [wayP1, wayP2]});

            const drivingOne = new BMap.DrivingRoute(map);    // 駕車例項
            drivingOne.search(startPoint, wayP1);
            drivingOne.setSearchCompleteCallback( () => {
                positionOne = drivingOne.getResults().getPlan(0).getRoute(0).getPath(); // 通過駕車例項,獲得一系列點的陣列
            const drivingTwo = new BMap.DrivingRoute(map);    // 駕車例項
            drivingTwo.search(wayP1, wayP2);
            drivingTwo.setSearchCompleteCallback( () => {
                positionTwo = drivingTwo.getResults().getPlan(0).getRoute(0).getPath();

            const drivingThree = new BMap.DrivingRoute(map);    // 駕車例項
            drivingThree.search(wayP2, endPoint);
            drivingThree.setSearchCompleteCallback( () => {
                positionThree = drivingThree.getResults().getPlan(0).getRoute(0).getPath();

            driving.setSearchCompleteCallback( () => {
                const totalPtS = [...positionOne, ...positionTwo, ...positionThree];
                const paths = totalPtS.length;    // 獲得有幾個點
                const carMk = new BMap.Marker(totalPtS[0], { icon: myIcon});
                function resetMkPoint(i = 0) {
                    if (i < paths) {
                        setTimeout( () => {
                            map.setViewport([startPoint, wayP1, wayP2, endPoint]);
                        }, 2000);
                    } else { that.loadMap(); }
                setTimeout( () => {
                }, 2000);


        setTimeout( () => {
        }, 1500);