1. 程式人生 > >機器學習筆記(二十二):TensorFlow實戰十四(影象風格遷移)


1 - 引言

那麼我們就來利用TensorFlow來實現以下這個演算法,這個演算法出自Gatys的A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style論文,十分有趣,讓我們來詳細的介紹一下這個演算法吧

2 - 利用VGG提取特徵

總得來說,就是利用一個訓練好的卷積神經網路 VGG-19,這個網路在ImageNet 上已經訓練過了。

給定一張風格影象 和一張普通影象 ,風格影象經過VGG-19 的時候在每個卷積層會得到很多 feature maps, 這些feature maps 組成一個集合 ,同樣的,普通影象 通過 VGG-19 的時候也會得到很多 feature maps,這些feature maps 組成一個集合 ,然後生成一張隨機噪聲影象 , 隨機噪聲影象 通過VGG-19 的時候也會生成很多feature maps,這些 feature maps 構成集合 和 分別對應集合 和 , 最終的優化函式是希望調整 讓 隨機噪聲影象 最後看起來既保持普通影象 的內容, 又有一定的風格影象 的風格。

3 - 神經風格轉換

總得來說,就是利用一個訓練好的卷積神經網路 VGG-19,這個網路在ImageNet 上已經訓練過了。

給定一張風格影象 和一張普通影象 ,風格影象經過VGG-19 的時候在每個卷積層會得到很多 feature maps, 這些feature maps 組成一個集合 ,同樣的,普通影象 通過 VGG-19 的時候也會得到很多 feature maps,這些feature maps 組成一個集合 ,然後生成一張隨機噪聲影象 , 隨機噪聲影象 通過VGG-19 的時候也會生成很多feature maps,這些 feature maps 構成集合 和 分別對應集合 和 , 最終的優化函式是希望調整 讓 隨機噪聲影象 最後看起來既保持普通影象 的內容, 又有一定的風格影象 的風格。


  • 構建內容損失函式 j c o n t e
    n t ( C , G ) j_{content}(C,G)
  • 構建風格損失函式 J s t y l e ( S , G ) J_{style}(S,G)
  • 把它們放在一起構造總代價函式 J ( G ) = α J c o n t e n t ( C , G ) + β J s t y l e ( S , G ) J(G)=\alpha J_{content}(C,G)+\beta J_{style}(S,G)

3.1 - 計算內容損失

J c o n t e n t ( C , G ) = 1 4 n h n w n c ( a ( C ) a ( G ) ) 2 J_{content}(C,G)=\frac{1}{4*n_h*n_w*n_c}\sum_{所有條目}(a^{(C)}-a^{(G)})^2

3.2 - 計算風格損失

J s t y l e ( S , G ) = 1 4 n c 2 ( n h n w ) 2 i = 1 n c j = 1 n c ( G i j ( S ) G i j ( G ) ) 2 J_{style}(S,G)=\frac{1}{4*n_c^2*(n_h*n_w)^2}\sum_{i=1}^{n_c}\sum_{j=1}^{n_c}(G_{ij}^(S)-G_{ij}^(G))^2

3.3 - 總體成本優化公式

J ( G ) = α J c o n t e n t ( C , G ) + β J s t y l e ( S , G ) J(G)= \alpha J_{content}(C,G)+\beta J_{style}(S,G)

4 - 使用TensorFlow實現演算法


import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.io
import scipy.misc
import tensorflow as tf
# Output folder for the images.
OUTPUT_DIR = 'output/'
# Style image to use.
STYLE_IMAGE = '/images/ocean.jpg'
# Content image to use.
CONTENT_IMAGE = '/images/Taipei101.jpg'
# Image dimensions constants.
# Algorithm constants
# 設定隨機噪聲影象與內容影象的比率
# 設定迭代次數
# 設定內容影象與風格影象的權重
alpha = 1
beta = 500
# 載入VGG-19 MODEL及設定均值
VGG_Model = 'Downloads/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat'
MEAN_VALUES = np.array([123.68, 116.779, 103.939]).reshape((1, 1, 1, 3))
# 設定需要用到的卷積層
CONTENT_LAYERS = [('conv4_2', 1.)]
STYLE_LAYERS = [('conv1_1', 0.2), ('conv2_1', 0.2), ('conv3_1', 0.2), ('conv4_1', 0.2), ('conv5_1', 0.2)]
# 生成隨機噪聲圖,與content圖以一定比率融合
def generate_noise_image(content_image, noise_ratio = NOISE_RATIO):
    Returns a noise image intermixed with the content image at a certain ratio.
    noise_image = np.random.uniform(
            -20, 20,
            (1, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, COLOR_CHANNELS)).astype('float32')
    # White noise image from the content representation. Take a weighted average
    # of the values
    img = noise_image * noise_ratio + content_image * (1 - noise_ratio)
    return img
def load_image(path):
    image = scipy.misc.imread(path)
    # Resize the image for convnet input, there is no change but just
    # add an extra dimension.
    image = np.reshape(image, ((1,) + image.shape))
    # Input to the VGG net expects the mean to be subtracted.
    image = image - MEAN_VALUES
    return image
def save_image(path, image):
    # Output should add back the mean.
    image = image + MEAN_VALUES
    # Get rid of the first useless dimension, what remains is the image.
    image = image[0]
    image = np.clip(image, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
    scipy.misc.imsave(path, image)
def build_net(ntype, nin, nwb=None):
    if ntype == 'conv':
        return tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.conv2d(nin, nwb[0], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + nwb[1])
    elif ntype == 'pool':
        return tf.nn.avg_pool(nin, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1],
                              strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
def get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, i):
    weights = vgg_layers[i][0][0][2][0][0]
    weights = tf.constant(weights)
    bias = vgg_layers[i][0][0][2][0][1]
    bias = tf.constant(np.reshape(bias, (bias.size)))
    return weights, bias
def build_vgg19(path):
    net = {}
    vgg_rawnet = scipy.io.loadmat(path)
    vgg_layers = vgg_rawnet['layers'][0]
    net['input'] = tf.Variable(np.zeros((1, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, 3)).astype('float32'))
    net['conv1_1'] = build_net('conv', net['input'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 0))
    net['conv1_2'] = build_net('conv', net['conv1_1'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 2))
    net['pool1'] = build_net('pool', net['conv1_2'])
    net['conv2_1'] = build_net('conv', net['pool1'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 5))
    net['conv2_2'] = build_net('conv', net['conv2_1'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 7))
    net['pool2'] = build_net('pool', net['conv2_2'])
    net['conv3_1'] = build_net('conv', net['pool2'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 10))
    net['conv3_2'] = build_net('conv', net['conv3_1'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 12))
    net['conv3_3'] = build_net('conv', net['conv3_2'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 14))
    net['conv3_4'] = build_net('conv', net['conv3_3'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 16))
    net['pool3'] = build_net('pool', net['conv3_4'])
    net['conv4_1'] = build_net('conv', net['pool3'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 19))
    net['conv4_2'] = build_net('conv', net['conv4_1'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 21))
    net['conv4_3'] = build_net('conv', net['conv4_2'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 23))
    net['conv4_4'] = build_net('conv', net['conv4_3'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 25))
    net['pool4'] = build_net('pool', net['conv4_4'])
    net['conv5_1'] = build_net('conv', net['pool4'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 28))
    net['conv5_2'] = build_net('conv', net['conv5_1'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 30))
    net['conv5_3'] = build_net('conv', net['conv5_2'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 32))
    net['conv5_4'] = build_net('conv', net['conv5_3'], get_weight_bias(vgg_layers, 34))
    net['pool5'] = build_net('pool', net['conv5_4'])
    return net
def content_layer_loss(p, x):
    M = p.shape[1] * p.shape[2]
    N = p.shape[3]
    loss = (1. / (2 * N * M)) * tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow((x - p), 2))
    return loss
def content_loss_func(sess, net):
    layers = CONTENT_LAYERS
    total_content_loss = 0.0
    for layer_name, weight in layers:
        p = sess.run(net[layer_name])
        x = net[layer_name]
        total_content_loss += content_layer_loss(p, x)*weight
    total_content_loss /= float(len(layers))
    return total_content_loss
def gram_matrix(x, area, depth):
    x1 = tf.reshape(x, (area, depth))
    g = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(x1), x1)
    return g
def style_layer_loss(a, x):
    M = a.shape[1] * a.shape[2]
    N = a.shape[3]
    A = gram_matrix(a, M, N)
    G = gram_matrix(x, M, N)
    loss = (1. / (4 * N ** 2 * M ** 2)) * tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow((G - A), 2))
    return loss
def style_loss_func(sess, net):
    layers = STYLE_LAYERS
    total_style_loss = 0.0
    for layer_name, weight in layers:
        a = sess.run(net[layer_name])
        x = net[layer_name]
        total_style_loss += style_layer_loss(a, x) * weight
    total_style_loss /= float(len(layers))
    return total_style_loss
def main():
    net = build_vgg19(VGG_Model)
    sess = tf.Session()
    content_img = load_image(CONTENT_IMAGE)
    style_img = load_image(STYLE_IMAGE)
    cost_content = content_loss_func(sess, net)
    cost_style = style_loss_func(sess, net)
    total_loss = alpha * cost_content + beta * cost_style
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(2.0)
    init_img = generate_noise_image(content_img)
    train_op = optimizer.minimize(total_loss)
    for it in range(ITERATIONS):
        if it % 100 == 0:
            # Print every 100 iteration.
            mixed_image = sess.run(net['input'])
            print('Iteration %d' % (it))
            print('sum : ', sess.run(tf.reduce_sum(mixed_image)))
            print('cost: ', sess.run(total_loss))
            if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):
            filename = 'output/%d.png' % (it)
            save_image(filename, mixed_image)
if __name__ == '__main__':

5 - 實驗結果


