1. 程式人生 > >use Python to make a game

use Python to make a game



The process is as follows:

  1. Write or draw about the problem.
  2. Extract key concepts from #1 and research them.
  3. Create a class hierarchy and object map for the concepts.
  4. Code the classes and a test to run them.
  5. Repeat and refine.


make a list of all the nouns and verbs in your writing

1、問題描述:遊戲( 尋寶遊戲),製作大致五個地圖,每一個地圖設定不同的闖關難題,讓玩家參與互動,進行闖關;每通過一個關卡,就會得到對應的獎勵,和對應的寶藏之玉碎片。五個地圖全部闖關成功,集齊五個碎片,就能成功獲得寶物,遊戲結束;每個地圖闖關失敗,會有對應的懲罰甚至是造成闖關失敗!



地圖名字 互動內容
ELFRoom 引入地圖
TigerRoom 打架or挑逗 打敗老虎,得到碎片
BabyRoom 救下Baby,得到碎片
EinsteinRoom 智力問答,得到碎片
DragonRoom 幫助王子救下公主,得到碎片
ReadingRoom 猜中檔案中的內容,得到最後一個碎片
DeathRoom 挑戰失敗


  • 設定場景(Scene)為父類;



  • 設定地圖(Map)為父類,使進入地圖有跡可循;
  • 設定引擎(Engine)為父類,使其能正常切換場景
    Scene() 應該包括進入地圖函式;


class Engine(object):
	def __init__(self):
	def play(self):
class Scene(object):
	def enter(self):
class Map(object):
	def __init__(self):
	def next_scene(slef):
	def opening_scene(self):

class ElfRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):

class TigerRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):

class BabyRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
class EinsteinRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
class DragonRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
class ReadingRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
class Death(Scene):
	def enter(self):


PS C:\Users\15222> cd lpthw
PS C:\Users\15222\lpthw> python debug.py
PS C:\Users\15222\lpthw>



from sys import argv
from sys import exit
from random import randint

script, filename = argv

global count
count = 0
class Engine(object):
	def __init__(self, scene_map):
		self.scene_map = scene_map
	def play(self):
		current_scene = self.scene_map.opening_scene()
		while True:
			next_scene_name = current_scene.enter()  #  find the next map 
			current_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene(next_scene_name)    #
class Scene(object):
	def enter(self):
		print "This scene is not yet configured. Subclass it and implement enter()."   #this sentence is not clear

class Death(Scene):
	mocks = [
		"You died. You kinda suck at this.",
		"Your mom would be proud...if she were smarter.",
		"Such a luser.",
		"I have a small puppy that's better at this."
	def enter(self):
		print "Loser!"
		print Death.mocks[randint(0,len(self.mocks)-1)]
class ElfRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
		print "\n\n----------------------------"
		print "Welcome to this game"
		print "you'll use your intelligeant and body to"
		print "beat the NPC in every room."
		print "Are you ready?"
		ans = raw_input(">>>")
		if ans:
			print "\n\n"
			print "Ok"
			print "You'll pledge into the first room."
			print "Loading......"
			return 'tiger_room'
			print "\n\n"
			print "Are you kidding me?"
			print "Please ready quickly"
			print "And come on again!!"
			return 'elf_room'
class TigerRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
		global count
		print "\n\n----------------------------"
		print "This is a tiger_room"
		print "The tiger is stare at you angrily."
		print "Find an idea to let it happy "
		print "And you will beat it."
		idea = raw_input(">>>")
		if idea == 'tickle':
			print "\n\nThis tiger is a big cat in fact"
			print "Use green brist legrass can let him happy"
			print "Yes, brillant"
			print "You got a clip"
			print "You'll Meet the next challenge!"
			count += 1
			return 'baby_room'
		elif idea == 'clasp':
			print "\n\nOh,no "
			print "This is a tragedy"
			print "The tiger is so angery"
			print "And you're die!"
			return 'death'
			print "\n\nI'm not sure are you doing"
			print "Please try it again"
			return 'tiger_room'

class BabyRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
		global count
		print "\n\n----------------------------"
		print "This is a baby_room"
		print "Thre baby is crying"
		print "Find what do he want to do"
		print "Let you go"
		ans1 = raw_input(">>")
		#ans2 == raw_input(">>")
		#ans3 == raw_input(">>")
		answer = ['eat', 'drink', 'pee']
		if ans1 == answer[0] or ans1 == answer[1] or ans1 == answer[2]:
			print "\n\nYou're right"
			print "The baby is not cry."
			print "You're take care of children"
			print "You got a clip."
			print "You'll Meet the next challenge!"
			count += 1
			return 'einstein_room'
			print "\n\nYou don't know how to make baby happy "
			print "This is a big challenge"
			print "Please try again."
			return 'baby_room'
class EinsteinRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
		global count
		print "\n\n----------------------------"
		print "This is einstein_room"
		print "This man is good at math "
		print "And you need challenge his math"
		print "Only beat him"
		print "can you through this pass"
		print "Just do it "
		input1 = int(raw_input(">>"))
		input2 = int(raw_input(">>"))
		input3 = int(raw_input(">>"))
		res1 = 9 % 2
		res2 = 256 + 2 - 100
		res3 = 9 // 2
		if input1 == res1 and input2 == res2 and input3 == res3:
			print "\n\nYou're so cool"
			print "Your brain is incredible"
			print "You get a clip"
			print "You'll Meet the next challenge!"
			count += 1
			return 'dragon_room'
			print "\n\nYou have some error in your answer"
			print "I'm so sorry"
			print "Please do it again"
			return 'einstein_room'
class DragonRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
		global count
		print "\n\n----------------------------"
		print "This is dragon_room"
		print "The princess is snatched"
		print "The prince is anxious about her"
		print "Please help the prince"
		print "Save the prince"
		print "This dragon is bizzaed by the True and Flase"
		print "HELP him he'll let the princess go "
		a = int(raw_input('1  0  -1  \n>>'))
		if a > 0:
			print "\n\nYou're right"
			print "This is a problem"
			print "And you're right"
			count += 1
			return 'reading_room'
			print "\n\nThis is not true"
			print "You're die"
			return 'death'
class ReadingRoom(Scene):
	def enter(self):
		global count
		print "\n\n----------------------------"
		print "This is reading_room"
		print "And this is the last room"
		print "Across this room, you'll win"
		print "You need guess what things in the box"
		print "Just do it"
		wenjian = open(filename,'r')
		a = wenjian.readline()
		#a = wenjain.readline(len(a))
		#b = wenjian.readline()
		#c = wenjian.readline()
		fin1 = raw_input(">>")
		#fin2 = raw_input(">>")
		#fin3 = raw_input(">>")
		print "%r" % a
		if fin1 == a :#and fin2 == b and fin3 == c:
			print "\n\nYou're good"
			print "And your answer is right"
			print "You win"
			count += 1
			print "You enter in %d rooms" % count
			#return  'finish'
	#	elif not fin1 == a# and not fin2 == b and not fin3 == c:
		#	print "You're so good "
		#	print "Your answer is not correct"
		#	print "at all"
		#	return 'death'
			print "\n\nYour answer isn't correct"
			print "Please answer it again"
			return "reading_room"
class Map(object):
	scenes ={
				'elf_room': ElfRoom(),
				'tiger_room': TigerRoom(),
	def __init__(self, start_scene):
		self.start_scene = start_scene
	def next_scene(self, scenename):
		return Map.scenes.get(scenename)
	def opening_scene(self):
		return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)
a_map = Map('elf_room')
a_game =Engine(a_map)


PS C:\Users\15222\lpthw> python ex45.py ex45.txt

Welcome to this game
you'll use your intelligeant and body to
beat the NPC in every room.
Are you ready?

You'll pledge into the first room.

This is a tiger_room
The tiger is stare at you angrily.
Find an idea to let it happy
And you will beat it.

This tiger is a big cat in fact
Use green brist legrass can let him happy
Yes, brillant
You got a clip
You'll Meet the next challenge!

This is a baby_room
Thre baby is crying
Find what do he want to do
Let you go

You're right
The baby is not cry.
You're take care of children
You got a clip.
You'll Meet the next challenge!

This is einstein_room
This man is good at math
And you need challenge his math
Only beat him
can you through this pass
Just do it

You're so cool
Your brain is incredible
You get a clip
You'll Meet the next challenge!

This is dragon_room
The princess is snatched
The prince is anxious about her
Please help the prince
Save the prince
This dragon is bizzaed by the True and Flase
HELP him he'll let the princess go
1  0  -1

You're right
This is a problem
And you're right

This is reading_room
And this is the last room
Across this room, you'll win
You need guess what things in the box
Just do it

You're good
And your answer is right
You win
You enter in 5 rooms
PS C:\Users\15222\lpthw>


PS C:\Users\15222\lpthw> python ex45.py ex45.txt

Welcome to this game
you'll use your intelligeant and body to
beat the NPC in every room.
Are you ready?

You'll pledge into the first room.

This is a tiger_room
The tiger is stare at you angrily.
Find an idea to let it happy
And you will beat it.

This tiger is a big cat in fact
Use green brist legrass can let him happy
Yes, brillant
You got a clip
You'll Meet the next challenge!

This is a baby_room
Thre baby is crying
Find what do he want to do
Let you go

You're right
The baby is not cry.
You're take care of children
You got a clip.
You'll Meet the next challenge!

This is einstein_room
This man is good at math
And you need challenge his math
Only beat him
can you through this pass
Just do it

You're so cool
Your brain is incredible
You get a clip
You'll Meet the next challenge!

This is dragon_room
The princess is snatched
The prince is anxious about her
Please help the prince
Save the prince
This dragon is bizzaed by the True and Flase
HELP him he'll let the princess go
1  0  -1

This is not true
You're die
You died. You kinda suck at this.
PS C:\Users\15222\lpthw>


  • 比較需要注意的問題:


2、類的使用過程中,每個類下的函式的變數呼叫時應該是 self.XXXX 的形式,不然編譯器不認識是哪個的變數。

3、 在對檔案進行操作時,最終要記得關閉檔案close()