1. 程式人生 > >Anbox安裝apk失敗(提示Failure res=-113等)的解決方法

Anbox安裝apk失敗(提示Failure res=-113等)的解決方法

詳細描述,如下(Anbox:如何安裝Google Play商店並啟用ARM(libhoudini)支援,簡單方法):

Failed to install PACKAGE.NAME.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]



安裝Google Play商店並啟用ARM(libhoudini)支援,最新為181205,如下。


# Copyright 2018 [email protected]
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies # of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF # CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE # OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # For further information see: http://geeks-r-us.de/2017/08/26/android-apps-auf-dem-linux-desktop/ # If you find this piece of software useful and or want to support it's development think of # buying me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/YdV7B1rex # die when an error occurs set -e OPENGAPPS_RELEASEDATE="20181205" OPENGAPPS_FILE="open_gapps-x86_64-7.1-mini-$OPENGAPPS_RELEASEDATE.zip" OPENGAPPS_URL="https://github.com/opengapps/x86_64/releases/download/$OPENGAPPS_RELEASEDATE/$OPENGAPPS_FILE" HOUDINI_URL="http://dl.android-x86.org/houdini/7_y/houdini.sfs" HOUDINI_SO="https://github.com/Rprop/libhoudini/raw/master/" COMBINEDDIR="/var/snap/anbox/common/combined-rootfs" OVERLAYDIR="/var/snap/anbox/common/rootfs-overlay" WORKDIR="$(pwd)/anbox-work" # check if script was started with BASH if [ ! "$(ps -p $$ -oargs= | awk '{print $1}' | grep -E 'bash$')" ]; then echo "Please use BASH to start the script!" exit 1 fi # check if user is root if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then echo "Sorry, you are not root. Please run with sudo $0" exit 1 fi # check if lzip is installed if [ ! "$(which lzip)" ]; then echo -e "lzip is not installed. Please install lzip.\nExample: sudo apt install lzip" exit 1 fi # check if squashfs-tools are installed if [ ! "$(which mksquashfs)" ] || [ ! "$(which unsquashfs)" ]; then echo -e "squashfs-tools is not installed. Please install squashfs-tools.\nExample: sudo apt install squashfs-tools" exit 1 else MKSQUASHFS=$(which mksquashfs) UNSQUASHFS=$(which unsquashfs) fi # check if wget is installed if [ ! "$(which wget)" ]; then echo -e "wget is not installed. Please install wget.\nExample: sudo apt install wget" exit 1 else WGET=$(which wget) fi # check if unzip is installed if [ ! "$(which unzip)" ]; then echo -e "unzip is not installed. Please install unzip.\nExample: sudo apt install unzip" exit 1 else UNZIP=$(which unzip) fi # check if tar is installed if [ ! "$(which tar)" ]; then echo -e "tar is not installed. Please install tar.\nExample: sudo apt install tar" exit 1 else TAR=$(which tar) fi # use sudo if installed if [ ! "$(which sudo)" ]; then SUDO="" else SUDO=$(which sudo) fi if [ ! -d "$COMBINEDDIR" ]; then # enable overlay fs $SUDO snap set anbox rootfs-overlay.enable=true $SUDO snap restart anbox.container-manager sleep 20 fi echo $OVERLAYDIR if [ ! -d "$OVERLAYDIR" ]; then echo -e "Overlay no enabled ! Please check error messages!" exit 1 fi echo $WORKDIR if [ ! -d "$WORKDIR" ]; then mkdir "$WORKDIR" fi cd "$WORKDIR" if [ -d "$WORKDIR/squashfs-root" ]; then $SUDO rm -rf squashfs-root fi # get image from anbox cp /snap/anbox/current/android.img . $SUDO $UNSQUASHFS android.img # get opengapps and install it cd "$WORKDIR" if [ ! -f ./$OPENGAPPS_FILE ]; then $WGET -q --show-progress $OPENGAPPS_URL $UNZIP -d opengapps ./$OPENGAPPS_FILE fi cd ./opengapps/Core/ for filename in *.tar.lz do $TAR --lzip -xvf ./$filename done cd "$WORKDIR" APPDIR="$OVERLAYDIR/system/priv-app" if [ ! -d "$APPDIR" ]; then $SUDO mkdir -p "$APPDIR" fi $SUDO cp -r ./$(find opengapps -type d -name "PrebuiltGmsCore") $APPDIR $SUDO cp -r ./$(find opengapps -type d -name "GoogleLoginService") $APPDIR $SUDO cp -r ./$(find opengapps -type d -name "Phonesky") $APPDIR $SUDO cp -r ./$(find opengapps -type d -name "GoogleServicesFramework") $APPDIR cd "$APPDIR" $SUDO chown -R 100000:100000 Phonesky GoogleLoginService GoogleServicesFramework PrebuiltGmsCore # load houdini and spread it cd "$WORKDIR" if [ ! -f ./houdini.sfs ]; then $WGET -q --show-progress $HOUDINI_URL mkdir -p houdini $SUDO $UNSQUASHFS -f -d ./houdini ./houdini.sfs fi BINDIR="$OVERLAYDIR/system/bin" if [ ! -d "$BINDIR" ]; then $SUDO mkdir -p "$BINDIR" fi $SUDO cp -r ./houdini/houdini "$BINDIR/houdini" $SUDO cp -r ./houdini/xstdata "$BINDIR/" $SUDO chown -R 100000:100000 "$BINDIR/houdini" "$BINDIR/xstdata" LIBDIR="$OVERLAYDIR/system/lib" if [ ! -d "$LIBDIR" ]; then $SUDO mkdir -p "$LIBDIR" fi $SUDO $WGET -q --show-progress -P "$LIBDIR" $HOUDINI_SO $SUDO chown -R 100000:100000 "$LIBDIR/libhoudini.so" $SUDO mkdir -p "$LIBDIR/arm" $SUDO cp -r ./houdini/linker "$LIBDIR/arm" $SUDO cp -r ./houdini/*.so "$LIBDIR/arm" $SUDO cp -r ./houdini/nb "$LIBDIR/arm" $SUDO chown -R 100000:100000 "$LIBDIR/arm" # add houdini parser $SUDO mkdir -p "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/binfmt_misc" echo ":arm_dyn:M::\x7f\x45\x4c\x46\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x28::/system/bin/houdini:" >> "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/binfmt_misc/arm_dyn" echo ":arm_exe:M::\x7f\x45\x4c\x46\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x28::/system/bin/houdini:" >> "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/binfmt_misc/arm_exe" $SUDO chown -R 100000:100000 "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/binfmt_misc" # add features C=$(cat <<-END <feature name="android.hardware.touchscreen" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.audio.output" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.camera" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.camera.any" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.location" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.location.gps" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.location.network" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.microphone" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.screen.portrait" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.screen.landscape" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.wifi" />\n <feature name="android.hardware.bluetooth" />" END ) C=$(echo $C | sed 's/\//\\\//g') C=$(echo $C | sed 's/\"/\\\"/g') if [ ! -d "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/permissions/" ]; then $SUDO mkdir -p "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/permissions/" $SUDO cp "$WORKDIR/squashfs-root/system/etc/permissions/anbox.xml" "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/permissions/anbox.xml" fi $SUDO sed -i "/<\/permissions>/ s/.*/${C}\n&/" "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/permissions/anbox.xml" # make wifi and bt available $SUDO sed -i "/<unavailable-feature name=\"android.hardware.wifi\" \/>/d" "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/permissions/anbox.xml" $SUDO sed -i "/<unavailable-feature name=\"android.hardware.bluetooth\" \/>/d" "$OVERLAYDIR/system/etc/permissions/anbox.xml" if [ ! -x "$OVERLAYDIR/system/build.prop" ]; then $SUDO cp "$WORKDIR/squashfs-root/system/build.prop" "$OVERLAYDIR/system/build.prop" fi # set processors ARM_TYPE=",armeabi-v7a,armeabi" $SUDO sed -i "/^ro.product.cpu.abilist=x86_64,x86/ s/$/${ARM_TYPE}/" "$OVERLAYDIR/system/build.prop" $SUDO sed -i "/^ro.product.cpu.abilist32=x86/ s/$/${ARM_TYPE}/" "$OVERLAYDIR/system/build.prop" $SUDO echo "persist.sys.nativebridge=1" >> "$OVERLAYDIR/system/build.prop" # enable opengles $SUDO echo "ro.opengles.version=131072" >> "$OVERLAYDIR/system/build.prop" $SUDO $SUDO snap restart anbox.container-manager







adb install Downloads/ROSAPPS/anki_cozmo_310.apk





使用Anbox,每個Android應用程式或遊戲都在一個單獨的視窗中啟動,就像系統應用程式一樣,它們的行為或多或少類似於常規視窗,顯示在啟動器中,可以平鋪等等。預設情況下,Anbox不發貨使用Google Play商店或支援ARM應用程式。要安裝應用程式,您必須下載每個應用APK並使用adb手動安裝。此外,安裝ARM應用程式或遊戲預設情況下不能使用Anbox - 嘗試安裝ARM應用程式會導致顯示以下錯誤:

Failed to install PACKAGE.NAME.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]

您可以在Box中手動為Android應用程式(通過libhoudini)設定Google Play商店和支援ARM應用程式,但這是一個非常複雜的過程。為了更容易在Anbox上安裝Google Play商店和Google Play服務,並讓它支援ARM應用程式和遊戲(使用libhoudini),geeks-r-us.de(連結文章是德語)的人建立了一個自動執行這些任務的指令碼。

在使用它之前,我想明確指出,即使在整合libhoudini用於ARM支援之後,並非所有Android應用程式和遊戲都能在Anbox中執行。某些Android應用程式和遊戲可能根本不會出現在Google Play商店中,而其他應用程式和遊戲可能無法安裝但無法使用。此外,某些應用程式可能無法使用某些功能。

安裝Google Play商店並在Anbox上啟用ARM應用程式/遊戲支援(Android in a Box)

如果您的Linux桌面上尚未安裝Anbox,這些說明顯然不起作用。如果您還沒有,請按照此處的安裝說明安裝Anbox 。此外,請確保anbox.appmgr在安裝Anbox之後和使用此指令碼之前至少執行一次,以避免遇到問題。另外,確保在執行下面的指令碼時Anbox沒有執行(我懷疑這是導致評論中提到的這個問題的原因)。


在Debian,Ubuntu或Linux Mint中,使用此命令安裝所需的依賴項:

sudo apt install wget lzip unzip squashfs-tools

2.下載並執行指令碼,在Box安裝中自動下載並安裝Android Play上的Google Play商店(和Google Play服務)和libhoudini(用於ARM應用/遊戲支援)。



wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geeks-r-us/anbox-playstore-installer/master/install-playstore.sh
chmod +x install-playstore.sh

更新2018年11月29日:該install-playstore.sh指令碼會下載舊的open-gapps版本,因此,Google Play商店會在啟動後立即關閉。修復方法是修改指令碼以下載更新版本的open-gapps。您可以使用install-playstore.sh文字編輯器開啟指令碼,並將OPENGAPPS_RELEASEDATE值更改為更新的日期,您可以從此處獲取,或執行以下命令自動執行此操作(它將使用20181129日期):

sed -i 's/^OPENGAPPS_RELEASEDATE.*/OPENGAPPS_RELEASEDATE="20181129"/' install-playstore.sh


sudo ./install-playstore.sh

4.要讓Google Play商店在Anbox中執行,您需要為Google Play商店和Google Play服務啟用所有許可權



然後轉到Settings > Apps > Google Play Services > Permissions並啟用所有可用許可權。為Google Play商店做同樣的事情!

Anbox Google Play許可權

您現在應該可以使用Google帳戶登入Google Play商店。

如果未啟用Google Play商店和Google Play服務的所有許可權,則在嘗試登入Google帳戶時可能會遇到問題,並顯示以下錯誤訊息:“ 無法登入。與Google伺服器通訊時出現問題。請嘗試再次 “,你可以在這個截圖中看到:


登入後,您可以停用某些Google Play商店/ Google Play服務許可權。


sudo /snap/anbox/current/bin/anbox-bridge.sh start

sudo /snap/anbox/current/bin/anbox-bridge.sh restart

根據該使用者的說法,如果繼續與Anbox存在連線問題,您可能還需要安裝dnsmasq軟體包。但是在我的Ubuntu 18.04桌面上不需要這樣做。


