1. 程式人生 > >【資訊科技】【2011】【含部分原始碼】影象處理和機器學習技術在數字乳腺影象中癌組織檢測與分類的應用


在這裡插入圖片描述 本文為馬來西亞馬來亞大學(作者:JAWAD NAGI)的電腦科學碩士論文,共355頁。





Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer, as well as theleading cause of mortality among women. Mammography is currently the mosteffective imaging modality for the detection of breast cancer and the diagnosisof the anomalies which can identify cancerous cells. Retrospective studies showthat, in current breast cancer screenings approximately 15 to 30 percent ofbreast cancer cases are missed by radiologists. With the advances in digitalimage processing techniques, it is envisaged that radiologists will haveopportunities to decrease this margin of error and hence, improve theirdiagnosis. Digital mammograms have become the most effective techniques for thedetection of breast cancer. The goal of this research is to increase thediagnostic accuracy of image processing and machine learning techniques foroptimum classification between malignant and benign abnormalities in digitalmammograms by reducing the number of misclassified cancers. In this research,digital mammography images are obtained from Malaysian patients who are treatedat the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) from 2008 to 2010. Thisdatabase consists of standard images of dense, fatty and fatty-glandularbreasts, which are classified into three categories: normal, benign andmalignant, using the results obtained from biopsies. Image processingtechniques are applied in this research to enhance the mammogram images for thecomputerized detection of breast cancer. Image processing algorithms used formammogram image processing include morphological operations and thresholdingtechniques. As the pectoral muscle in digital mammograms can bias the detectionresults, it should be suppressed from the mammograms. This research employs aseeded region growing technique for the segmenting the breast tissue from thepectoral muscle. Malignant and benign abnormalities are selected from thesegmented images using the Ground Truth (GT) data and markings obtained fromthe radiologists’ interpretation of the mammography datasets, which correspondto the Regions of Interest (ROIs) or abnormal regions (samples). Texture basedfeatures are extracted from the ROI samples using Gray Level Co-OccurrenceMatrices (GLCMs). For the purpose of pattern classification between malignantand benign samples, the optimum subset of texture features are modeled using aSupport Vector Machine (SVM). The SVM is trained using two-thirds of the totalsamples where the remaining one-third of samples are used for testing andvalidation. The binary classification accuracy of the developed system ismeasured using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis withperformance measures such as sensitivity, specificity and the Area Under theCurve (AUC). To perform a comparative study, machine learning algorithms otherthan the SVM, namely, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are evaluated in thisresearch. The experimental results obtained from the system developed in thisresearch prove to be beneficial for the automated detection of breast cancer.The proposed technique will improve the diagnostic accuracy and consistency ofthe radiologists’ image interpretation in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Theresulting computerized breast cancer detection system will subsequently act asa second reader after the manual detection by the radiologist and it isbelieved that this would aid the radiologist in the mammogram screeningprocess.

1 引言

2 數字化乳腺攝影

3 計算機輔助檢測的要素

4 模式識別與特徵選擇

5 建模框架

6 實驗結果與討論

7 結論與未來研究方向

附錄A 資料建模與分析

附錄B SVM訓練與驗證

附錄C LIBSVM版權提醒

附錄D 發表論文列表

