1. 程式人生 > >【整理】python學習筆記(自學階段4)-- pygame的方法

【整理】python學習筆記(自學階段4)-- pygame的方法



模組 簡介
An array protocol view of surface pixels
How to access and control the CD audio devices.
Color representation.
Loading and compiling cursor images.
Configure the display surface.
Drawing simple shapes like lines and ellipses to surfaces.
Manage the incoming events from various input devices and the windowing platform.
Various programs demonstrating the use of individual pyame modules.
Loading and rendering Truetype fonts.
Enhanced Pygame module for loading and rendering font faces.
Anti-aliasing draw functions.
Loading, saving, and transferring of surfaces.
Manage the joystick devices.
Manage the keyboard device.
Manage the mouse device and display.
Video playback from MPEG movies.
Access advanced video overlays.
Top level functions to manage Pygame.
Flexible container for a rectangle.
Native clipboard access.
Manipulate sound sample data.
Higher level objects to represent game images.
Objects for images and the screen.
Manipulate image pixel data.
Manage timing and framerate.


pygame object for storing rectangular coordinates

Rect(left, top, width, height) -> Rect

Rect((left, top), (width, height)) -> Rect

Rect(object) -> Rect

grow or shrink the rectangle size
grow or shrink the rectangle size, in place
moves the rectangle inside another
moves the rectangle inside another, in place
crops a rectangle inside another
joins two rectangles into one
joins two rectangles into one, in place
resize and move a rectangle with aspect ratio
test if one rectangle is inside another
test if one rectangle in a list intersects
test if one rectangle in a dictionary intersects
test if all rectangles in a dictionary intersect



Rect物件的屬性: 1.返回一個座標數字 x,y top, left, bottom, right centerx, centerysize width, height w,h; 2.返回一個(X,Y)座標陣列 topleft (左上) bottomleft (左下) bottomright (右下)

midtop(中上) midleft(左中) midbottom(底中) midright(右中)

center(中心點座標) 直接上圖,灰色矩形大小(900,450),中央藍色矩形(400,510),大家自己體會一下 
