1. 程式人生 > >mysql8基礎 limit 從第二條開始取三條資料

mysql8基礎 limit 從第二條開始取三條資料

資料,資料,命根就在資料 ! 操作資料庫時,一定要謹慎小心。師萬物 的程式碼看看就好,要有自己的判斷。遇到抉擇,要不恥上下問。


stu@Ubuntu:~$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 39
Server version: 8.0.12 MySQL Community Server - GPL

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> use db_chinese_medicine; Reading table information for
completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> select * from t_fruit; +----+-----------+-------+--------+----------+------------------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | id | name | count |
price | is_sales | note | gmt_create | gmt_modified | +----+-----------+-------+--------+----------+------------------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | 1 | 甜瓜 | 10 | 3.210 | 1 || 2018-10-27 19:42:56 | 2018-10-27 19:42:56 | | 2 | 烏梅 | 20 | 5.430 | 1 || 2018-10-27 19:46:21 | 2018-10-27 19:46:21 | | 3 | 櫻桃 | 30 | 6.540 | 1 || 2018-10-27 19:46:48 | 2018-10-27 19:46:48 | | 4 | 甘蔗 | 50 | 7.650 | 0 || 2018-10-27 19:51:13 | 2018-10-27 19:51:13 | | 5 | 菠蘿蜜 | 50 | 8.760 | 1 | 菠蘿蜜和菠蘿是什麼關係? | 2018-10-27 19:55:44 | 2018-10-27 19:55:44 | | 6 | 無花果 | 100 | 8.760 | 1 || 2018-10-27 19:57:48 | 2018-10-27 19:57:48 | | 7 | 山葡萄 | 200 | 5.550 | 1 || 2018-10-27 20:11:07 | 2018-10-27 20:11:07 | | 8 | 無漏子 | 5 | 3.320 | 0 || 2018-10-27 20:11:07 | 2018-10-27 20:11:07 | | 9 | 五斂子 | 12 | 6.010 | 0 || 2018-10-27 20:11:07 | 2018-10-27 20:11:07 | | 10 || 80 | 10.200 | 0 || 2018-10-27 20:11:07 | 2018-10-27 20:11:07 | +----+-----------+-------+--------+----------+------------------------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from t_fruit limit 1,3; +----+--------+-------+-------+----------+------+---------------------+---------------------+ | id | name | count | price | is_sales | note | gmt_create | gmt_modified | +----+--------+-------+-------+----------+------+---------------------+---------------------+ | 2 | 烏梅 | 20 | 5.430 | 1 || 2018-10-27 19:46:21 | 2018-10-27 19:46:21 | | 3 | 櫻桃 | 30 | 6.540 | 1 || 2018-10-27 19:46:48 | 2018-10-27 19:46:48 | | 4 | 甘蔗 | 50 | 7.650 | 0 || 2018-10-27 19:51:13 | 2018-10-27 19:51:13 | +----+--------+-------+-------+----------+------+---------------------+---------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> exit Bye stu@Ubuntu:~$

