1. 程式人生 > >maven的scm外掛介紹及使用示例


Maven中為我們集成了軟體配置管理的(SCM:Software Configuration Management)功能,他可以支援我們常用SVN、CVS等,到現在我使用的1.8.1版本,共支援18個命令:

scm:branch - branch the project(建立專案的分支)scm:validate - validate the scm information in the pom(校驗SCM的配置資訊)scm:add - command to add file(增加一個檔案)scm:unedit - command to stop editing the working copy(停止編輯當前COPY)scm:export
- command to get a fresh exported copy(拉一個全新的分支)scm:bootstrap - command to checkout and build a project(checkout並編譯工程)scm:changelog - command to show the source code revisions(顯示原始碼版本)scm:list - command for get the list of project files(列出工程的檔案)scm:checkin - command for commiting changes(提交變更)scm:checkout - command
for getting the source code(獲取原始碼)scm:status - command for showing the scm status of the working copy(獲取本地專案的狀態)scm:update - command for updating the working copy with the latest changes(從伺服器獲取最新的版本)scm:diff - command for showing the difference of the working copy with the remote one(比較本地與遠端伺服器的差異)scm:update-subprojects - command
for updating all projects in a multi project build(更新子專案)scm:edit - command for starting edit on the working copy(編輯)scm:tag - command for tagging a certain revision(打標籤)


而我們常用只有以下這兩個命令: Usage The SCM Plugin maps a lot of commands to a variety of scm implementations. But there are only 2 frequently used commands:

checkin - 提交變更update - 從伺服器上獲取最新的版本



<project>  ...  <packaging>jar</packaging>  <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>  <name>SCM Sample Project</name>  <url>http://somecompany.com</url>  <scm>    <connection>scm:svn:http://somerepository.com/svn_repo/trunk</connection>    <developerConnection>scm:svn:https://somerepository.com/svn_repo/trunk</developerConnection>    <url>http://somerepository.com/view.cvs</url>  </scm>  ...</project>

照這樣配置好的,現在我們要做提交或者更新,就按如下按行命令 提交:

mvn -Dmessage="<commit_log_here>" scm:checkin


mvn scm:update


SCM支援兩種連線型別:connection 及 developerConnection。 以下是一個連線型別為connection的配置示例:

<project>  ...  <build>    [...]    <plugins>      <plugin>        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>        <artifactId>maven-scm-plugin</artifactId>        <version>1.8.1</version>        <configuration>          <connectionType>connection</connectionType>        </configuration>      </plugin>      ...    </plugins    ...  </build>  ...</project>


<project>  ...  <build>    ...    <plugins>      <plugin>        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>        <artifactId>maven-scm-plugin</artifactId>        <version>1.8.1</version>        <configuration>          <connectionType>developerConnection</connectionType>        </configuration>      </plugin>      ...    </plugins    ...  </build>  ...</project>