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Agile Software Development 敏捷軟體開發







  個體和互動   高於 流程和工具


   高於 詳盡的文件

  客戶合作     高於 合同談判

  響應變化     高於 遵循計劃



  We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:    Individuals and interactions over processes and tools    Working software over comprehensive documentation    Customer collaboration over contract negotiation    Responding to change over following a plan    That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.



  Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.    我們的最高目標是,通過儘早和持續地交付有價值的軟體來滿足客戶。 


  Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.    歡迎對需求提出變更——即使是在專案開發後期。要善於利用需求變更,幫助客戶獲得競爭優勢。 


  Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of mouths, with a preference for the shorter timescale.    要不斷交付可用的軟體,週期從幾周到幾個月不等,且越短越好。 


  Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.    專案過程中,業務人員與開發人員必須在一起工作。 


  Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and  trust them to get the job done.     要善於激勵專案人員,給他們以所需要的環境和支援,並相信他們能夠完成任務。 


  The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.    無論是團隊內還是團隊間,最有效的溝通方法是面對面的交談。 


  Working software is the primary measure of progress.    可用的軟體是衡量進度的主要指標。 


  Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.    敏捷過程提倡可持續的開發。專案方、開發人員和使用者應該能夠保持恆久穩定的進展速度。 


  Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.    對技術的精益求精以及對設計的不斷完善將提升敏捷性。 


  Simplicity -- the art of maximizing the amount of work not done -- is essential.    要做到簡潔,即盡最大可能減少不必要的工作。這是一門藝術。 


  The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.     最佳的架構、需求和設計出自於自組織的團隊。 


  At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.     團隊要定期反省如何能夠做到更有效,並相應地調整團隊的行為。


  Scrum Role 角色:

    Product Owner, Team, Scrum Master, Chicken and the Pig

    產品經理,團隊,Scrum Master,雞和豬,有一則小故事如下:


  Scrum Meetings

  ① Sprint 計劃會議(Sprint Planning Meeting)


  根據Product Owner制定的產品或專案計劃在Sprint的開始時做準備工作。

  他要準備一個根據商業價值排好序的客戶需求列表。這個列表就是Prodct Backlog[需求池],一個最終會交付給客戶的產品特性列表,它們根據商業價值來排列優先順序。

  商業價值"公式":As a <type of user> I want <some functionality> so that <some benefit>

Sprint Planning

  ② 每日站立會議(Daliy Meeting)

  在會議上每個團隊成員回答三個問題(During the meeting, each team member answers three questions)

  1. 昨天你完成了那些工作?(What have you done since yesterday?)

  2. 今天天你打算做什麼?(What are you planning to do today?)

  3. 完成你的目標是否存在障礙?(Do you have any problems that would prevent you from accomplishing your goal?)

  會議準時舉行(The meeting starts precisely on time.)

  任何人都可以參加,但只有團隊內部人員發言(All are welcome, but normally only the core roles speak.)

  會議時長限制為15分鐘(The meeting is timeboxed to 15 minutes.)

  會議時間地點應該固定(The meeting should happen at the same location and same time every day)

Daily Scrum

  ③ 評審會議(Sprint Review Meeting)

  評審會議在每個迭代結束後舉行,在會議上團隊演示此次迭代中完成了那些工作,一般會有相關的DEMO演示。   At the end of each sprint a sprint review meeting is held. During this meeting the Scrum team shows what they accomplished during the sprint. Typically this takes the form of a demo of the new features.


  During the sprint review the project is assessed against the sprint goal determined during the Sprint planning meeting.

Sprint Review Meeting

  ④ 回顧會議(Sprint Retrospective Meeting)

  衝刺回顧會議一般限時為3個小時(The sprint retrospective meeting is timeboxed to 3 hours.)

  僅團隊成員參加,產品經理和Scrum Master,產品經理可以選擇性參加(It is attended only by the team, the scrum master and the product owner. The product owner is optional.)。

  會議上團隊中每個成員需要回答兩個問題(Start the meeting by having all team members answer two questions):

  1. 此次衝刺中那些地方做得好?(What went well during the sprint?)

  2. 下個迭代中那些地方可以改進? (What could be improved in the next sprint?)

  Scrum Master 記錄每個成員的答案(The scrum master writes down the team’s answers in summary form)。

  團隊為這些改進意見評定優先順序(The team prioritizes in which order it wants to talk about the potential improvements)。

  Scrum Master在回顧會議中不允許給出答案,但要鼓勵成員自己找到較好的辦法(The scrum master is not in this meeting to provide answers, but to facilitate the team’s search for better ways for the scrum process to work for it)。

  這些改進工作可以新增至下個迭代中,作為一個非功能性工作,回顧會議最不擔心的就是變化(Actionable items that can be added to the next sprint should be devised as high-priority non functional product backlog. Retrospectives that dont result in change are sterile and frustrating.)。

Sprint Retrospective Meeting

測試驅動開發(TDD/Test-Driven Development)






Test-Driven Development



結隊程式設計Pairng Program - 即時反饋

  流模式(Flow)— 兩個程式設計師共同從事一個有趣又有挑戰性的問題。

  指導模式(Coaching)— 老練的程式設計師在解決問題方面有經驗和知識,可以與其他不能有效地獨自解決問題的程式設計師分享。

Pairing Program

看板 - 工作視覺化,專注於當下



燃盡圖 Burn down 


Sprint Burn Down


  The sprint burn down chart is a publicly displayed chart showing remaining work in the sprint backlog. Updated every day, it gives a simple view of the sprint progress. It also provides quick visualizations for reference. There are also other types of burndown, for example the release burndown chart that shows the amount of work left to complete the target commitment for a Product Release (normally spanning through multiple iterations) and the alternative release burndown chart,[14] which basically does the same, but clearly shows scope changes to Release Content, by resetting the baseline. It should not be confused with an earned value chart. 

敏捷估算撲克 - 合理的任務分解 


Scrum Poker

持續整合(Continuous Integration)- 團隊協作的基礎

  什麼是持續整合(Continuous Integration)?




單元測試 Unit Test - 重構的保障



敏捷測試 Agile Test


程式碼重構 Reconstruction

Duplicated Code(重複程式碼)

Long Method(過長函式)

Large Class(過大的類)

Long Parameter List(過長引數列)

Divergent Change(發散式變化)

Shotgun Surgery(霰彈式修改)

Feature Envy(依戀情結)

Data Clumps(資料泥團)

Primitive Obsession(基本型別偏執)

Switch Statements(switch驚悚現身)

Parallel InheritanceHierarchies(平行繼承體系)

Lazy Class(冗贅類)

Speculative Generality(誇誇其談未來性)

Temporary Field(令人迷惑的暫時欄位)

Message Chains(過度耦合的訊息鏈)

Middle Man(中間人)

Inappropriate Intimacy(狎暱關係)

Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces(異曲同工的類)

Incomplete Library Class(不完美的庫類)

Data Class(純稚的資料類)

Refused Bequest(被拒絕的遺贈)


Extract Method(提煉函式)

Inline Method(行內函數)

Inline Temp(內聯臨時變數)

Replace Temp with Query(以查詢取代臨時變數)

Introduce Explaining Variable(引入解釋性變數)

Split Temporary Variable(分解臨時變數)

Remove Assignments to Parameters(移除對引數的賦值)

Replace Method with Method Object(以函式物件取代函式)

Substitute Algorithm(替換演算法)

Move Method(搬移函式)

Move Field(搬移欄位)

Extract Class(提煉類)

Inline Class(將類內聯化)

Hide Delegate(隱藏"委託關係")

Remove Middle Man(移除中間人)

Introduce Foreign Method(引入外加函式)

Introduce Local Extension(引入本地擴充套件)

Self Encapsulate Field(自封裝欄位)

Replace Data Value with Object(以物件取代資料值)

Change Value to Reference(將值物件改為引用物件)

Change Reference to Value(將引用物件改為值物件)

Replace Array with Object(以物件取代陣列)

Duplicate Observed Data(複製"被監視資料")

Change Unidirectional Association to Bidirectional(將單向關聯改為雙向關聯)

Change Bidirectional Association to Unidirectional(將雙向關聯改為單向關聯)

Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant(以字面常量取代魔法數)

Encapsulate Field(封裝欄位)

Encapsulate Collection(封裝集合)

Replace Record with Data Class(以資料類取代記錄)

Replace Type Code with Class(以類取代型別碼)

Replace Type Code with Subclasses(以子類取代型別碼)

Replace Type Code with State/Strategy(以State/Strategy取代型別碼)

Replace Subclass with Fields(以欄位取代子類)

Decompose Conditional(分解條件表示式)

Consolidate Conditional Expression(合併條件表示式)

Consolidate Duplicate Conditional Fragments(合併重複的條件片段)

Remove Control Flag(移除控制標記)

Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses(以衛語句取代巢狀條件表示式)

Replace Conditional with Polymorphism(以多型取代條件表示式)

Introduce Null Object(引入Null物件)

Introduce Assertion(引入斷言)

Rename Method(函式改名)

Add Parameter(新增引數)

Remove Parameter(移除引數)

Separate Query from Modifier(將查詢函式和修改函式分離)

Parameterize Method(令函式攜帶引數)

Replace Parameter with Explicit Methods(以明確函式取代引數)

Preserve Whole Object(保持物件完整)

Replace Parameter with Methods(以函式取代引數)

Introduce Parameter Object(引入引數物件)

Remove Setting Method(移除設值函式)

Hide Method(隱藏函式)

Replace Constructor with Factory Method(以工廠函式取代建構函式)

Encapsulate Downcast(封裝向下轉型)

Replace Error Code with Exception(以異常取代錯誤碼)

Replace Exception with Test(以測試取代異常)

Pull Up Field(欄位上移)

Pull Up Method(函式上移)

Pull Up Constructor Body(建構函式本體上移)

Push Down Method(函式下移)

Push Down Field(欄位下移)

Extract Subclass(提煉子類)

Extract Superclass(提煉超類)

Extract Interface(提煉介面)

Collapse Hierarchy(摺疊繼承體系)

Form Tem Plate Method(塑造模板函式)

Replace Inheritance with Delegation(以委託取代繼承)

Replace Delegation with Inheritance(以繼承取代委託)

Tease Apart Inheritance(梳理並分解繼承體系)

Convert Procedural Design to Objects(將過程化設計轉化為物件設計)

Separate Domain from Presentation(將領域和表述/顯示分離)

Extract Hierarchy(提煉繼承體系)

程式碼 Code Review


  Code Review


以上是個人經過理論學習,實踐檢驗後總結的一篇文章,其中大部分觀點、素材皆來自網路和公司敏捷活動中所得。我想要說的是,我是支援這些觀點的,我認為這些方法論可以很好的指導日常開發工作,能夠解決實際問題,That's All。