1. 程式人生 > >EOS跨平臺PC端錢包工具EOSDevHelper


EOSDevHelper is a cross-platform EOS PC wallet tool,which is developed by OracleChain.io.



ATTENTION: This Tool is used for developing EOS smart contract, it is NOT a real EOS wallet. The wallet in this tool is testnet only, please do NOT import your EOS private keys.



  The EOSDevHelper program is a light weighted wallet build on EOSIO ecology. It provides private basic key store with encryptions, signature, validation functions, and etc. Developers can use this tool connect the EOSIO testnet, and test the wallet/account/contracts interface in a more convenient way.



Compile from source code/如何從原始碼編譯:


 1. install QT >= 5.8

 2. download our git repository.

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/OracleChain/EOSDevHelper.git

 3. open Qt Creator and choose “Open Project”, select the “src/EOSDevHelper.pro” and open

 4. select Build from QT menu and Run it.

For ubuntu, if build with errors like connot find -lGL, this means the openGL development library is missing.
Just using this command to install:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev


Version MD5
MAC_OSX_v3.3(compliant with v1.x) 45d5d57787c8c6582e5ef21f881dceb2
WINDOWS_v3.3(compliant with v1.x) 414f9e2e79897c26270b139b9a0dcd3f
History version/歷史版本

For Ubuntu: Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 x64, you should chmod +x start.sh, then use ./start.sh .


 1.our ECDSA is based on micro-ecc



 2.We build a Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing on secp256k1 which is published by Schoenmakers on crypto99 conference.

  我們在橢圓曲線secp256k1上實現了Schoenmakers在crypto99上提出的Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing


Any questions pls join our official Telegram Group below/相關問題反饋,請加歐鏈官方Telegram群組:


 ENGLISH GROUP:https://t.me/OracleChainChat

Wallet Functions/錢包功能


Create a wallet/建立錢包

Create & import a private key/建立和匯入私鑰

Lock or Unlock a wallet/鎖定和解鎖錢包

Account Functions/賬號功能

Create account/建立賬號

Get Account Status/賬號狀態

Get Account History/賬號交易歷史

Get Account Servants/賬號子集

Contract Functions/合約功能

Send a transaction/發起合約呼叫

Get data table of a contract/檢視合約資料表

Transaction Checker/交易核查

根據交易原文和簽名,驗證鏈上某交易是否成立/Using the action message with its signature,we can check if a transaction is signed by the owener of a given public key.

About OracleChain/有關歐鏈

As the world’s first application built on an EOS ecosphere, OracleChain needs to meet the demands of the Oracle (oracle machine) ecosystem by efficiently linking blockchain technology services with various real-life scenarios, thereby delving into this immense tens of billions of dollars valuation market.


As a decentralized Oracle technology platform based on the EOS platform, the autonomous Proof-of-Reputation & Deposit mechanism is adopted and used as a fundamental service for other blockchain applications.In addition to Oracle services that provide real-world data to the blockchain, Oracle services that provide cross-chain data are also offered. Given that OracleChain can accomplish the functions of several prediction market applications, such as Augur and Gnosis, OracleChain can also support smart contract businesses that require high-frequency access to outside data in certain scenarios, such as Robo-Advisor.

OracleChain將在區塊鏈內提供現實世界資料的Oracle服務,同時還可以提供跨鏈資料的Oracle服務。基於OracleChain除了能實現Augur、Gnosis等預測市場(Prediction Market)應用的功能之外,還能支撐對鏈外資料有更高頻率訪問需求的智慧合約業務,比如智慧投顧等場景。

OracleChain will nurture and serve those blockchain applications that change the real world. Our mission is to “Link Data, Link World,” with the aim of becoming the infrastructure linking the real world with the blockchain world.


By achieving intra-chain and extra-chain data connectivity, we aspire to create a service provisioning platform that can most efficiently gain access to extra-chain data in the future blockchain world.




Released under GNU/LGPL Version 3
