1. 程式人生 > >Linux動態庫載入函式dlopen原始碼梳理(二)






  struct link_map *l = NULL;
  const ElfW(Ehdr) *header;
  const ElfW(Phdr) *phdr;
  const ElfW(Phdr) *ph;
  size_t maplength;



  /* Look again to see if the real name matched another already loaded.  */
  for (l = GL(dl_ns)[nsid]._ns_loaded; l; l = l->l_next)
    if (l->l_removed == 0 && l->l_ino == st.st_ino && l->l_dev == st.st_dev)
	/* The object is already loaded.
	   Just bump its reference count and return it.  */
	__close (fd);

	/* If the name is not in the list of names for this object add
	   it.  */
	free (realname);
	add_name_to_object (l, name);

	return l;



if (l->l_removed == 0 && l->l_ino == st.st_ino && l->l_dev == st.st_dev)



  /* This is the ELF header.  We read it in `open_verify'.  */
  header = (void *) fbp->buf;


  /* Extract the remaining details we need from the ELF header
     and then read in the program header table.  */
  l->l_entry = header->e_entry;
  type = header->e_type;
  l->l_phnum = header->e_phnum;

  maplength = header->e_phnum * sizeof (ElfW(Phdr));
  if (header->e_phoff + maplength <= (size_t) fbp->len)
    phdr = (void *) (fbp->buf + header->e_phoff);
      phdr = alloca (maplength);
      __lseek (fd, header->e_phoff, SEEK_SET);
      if ((size_t) __libc_read (fd, (void *) phdr, maplength) != maplength)
	  errstring = N_("cannot read file data");
	  goto call_lose_errno;


    /* Scan the program header table, collecting its load commands.  */
    struct loadcmd
	ElfW(Addr) mapstart, mapend, dataend, allocend;
	off_t mapoff;
	int prot;
      } loadcmds[l->l_phnum], *c;
    size_t nloadcmds = 0;


    for (ph = phdr; ph < &phdr[l->l_phnum]; ++ph)
      switch (ph->p_type)
	  /* These entries tell us where to find things once the file's
	     segments are mapped in.  We record the addresses it says
	     verbatim, and later correct for the run-time load address.  */
	  l->l_ld = (void *) ph->p_vaddr;
	  l->l_ldnum = ph->p_memsz / sizeof (ElfW(Dyn));

	case PT_PHDR:
	  l->l_phdr = (void *) ph->p_vaddr;

	case PT_LOAD:
	  /* A load command tells us to map in part of the file.
	     We record the load commands and process them all later.  */

	  c = &loadcmds[nloadcmds++];
	  c->mapstart = ph->p_vaddr & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1);
	  c->mapend = ((ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_filesz + GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)
		       & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1));
	  c->dataend = ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_filesz;
	  c->allocend = ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_memsz;
	  c->mapoff = ph->p_offset & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1);

	  /* Determine whether there is a gap between the last segment
	     and this one.  */
	  if (nloadcmds > 1 && c[-1].mapend != c->mapstart)
	    has_holes = true;

	  /* Optimize a common case.  */
#if (PF_R | PF_W | PF_X) == 7 && (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC) == 7
	  c->prot = (PF_TO_PROT
		     >> ((ph->p_flags & (PF_R | PF_W | PF_X)) * 4)) & 0xf;
	  c->prot = 0;
	  if (ph->p_flags & PF_R)
	    c->prot |= PROT_READ;
	  if (ph->p_flags & PF_W)
	    c->prot |= PROT_WRITE;
	  if (ph->p_flags & PF_X)
	    c->prot |= PROT_EXEC;

	case PT_TLS:
	  if (ph->p_memsz == 0)
	    /* Nothing to do for an empty segment.  */

	  l->l_tls_blocksize = ph->p_memsz;
	  l->l_tls_align = ph->p_align;
	  if (ph->p_align == 0)
	    l->l_tls_firstbyte_offset = 0;
	    l->l_tls_firstbyte_offset = ph->p_vaddr & (ph->p_align - 1);
	  l->l_tls_initimage_size = ph->p_filesz;
	  /* Since we don't know the load address yet only store the
	     offset.  We will adjust it later.  */
	  l->l_tls_initimage = (void *) ph->p_vaddr;

	  /* If not loading the initial set of shared libraries,
	     check whether we should permit loading a TLS segment.  */
	  if (__builtin_expect (l->l_type == lt_library, 1)
	      /* If GL(dl_tls_dtv_slotinfo_list) == NULL, then rtld.c did
		 not set up TLS data structures, so don't use them now.  */
	      || __builtin_expect (GL(dl_tls_dtv_slotinfo_list) != NULL, 1))
	      /* Assign the next available module ID.  */
	      l->l_tls_modid = _dl_next_tls_modid ();

	  errval = 0;
	  errstring = N_("cannot handle TLS data");
	  goto call_lose;

	  stack_flags = ph->p_flags;

	  l->l_relro_addr = ph->p_vaddr;
	  l->l_relro_size = ph->p_memsz;

在elf檔案的規範中,根據不同的program header 不同,要實現不同的功能,採用不同的處理策略。

在case PT_LOAD中


    /* Now process the load commands and map segments into memory.  */
    c = loadcmds;

    /* Length of the sections to be loaded.  */
    maplength = loadcmds[nloadcmds - 1].allocend - c->mapstart;


	ElfW(Addr) mappref;
	mappref = (ELF_PREFERRED_ADDRESS (loader, maplength,
					  c->mapstart & GLRO(dl_use_load_bias))
		   - MAP_BASE_ADDR (l));

	/* Remember which part of the address space this object uses.  */
	l->l_map_start = (ElfW(Addr)) __mmap ((void *) mappref, maplength,
					      fd, c->mapoff);

	l->l_map_end = l->l_map_start + maplength;
	l->l_addr = l->l_map_start - c->mapstart;


	if (has_holes)
	  /* Change protection on the excess portion to disallow all access;
	     the portions we do not remap later will be inaccessible as if
	     unallocated.  Then jump into the normal segment-mapping loop to
	     handle the portion of the segment past the end of the file
	     mapping.  */
	  __mprotect ((caddr_t) (l->l_addr + c->mapend),
		      loadcmds[nloadcmds - 1].mapstart - c->mapend,


    /* Remember which part of the address space this object uses.  */
    l->l_map_start = c->mapstart + l->l_addr;
    l->l_map_end = l->l_map_start + maplength;
    l->l_contiguous = !has_holes;

    while (c < &loadcmds[nloadcmds])
	if (c->mapend > c->mapstart
	    /* Map the segment contents from the file.  */
	    && (__mmap ((void *) (l->l_addr + c->mapstart),
			c->mapend - c->mapstart, c->prot,
			fd, c->mapoff)
	  goto map_error;

	if (c->prot & PROT_EXEC)
	  l->l_text_end = l->l_addr + c->mapend;

	if (l->l_phdr == 0
	    && (ElfW(Off)) c->mapoff <= header->e_phoff
	    && ((size_t) (c->mapend - c->mapstart + c->mapoff)
		>= header->e_phoff + header->e_phnum * sizeof (ElfW(Phdr))))
	  /* Found the program header in this segment.  */
	  l->l_phdr = (void *) (c->mapstart + header->e_phoff - c->mapoff);

	if (c->allocend > c->dataend)
	    /* Extra zero pages should appear at the end of this segment,
	       after the data mapped from the file.   */
	    ElfW(Addr) zero, zeroend, zeropage;

	    zero = l->l_addr + c->dataend;
	    zeroend = l->l_addr + c->allocend;
	    zeropage = ((zero + GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)
			& ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1));

	    if (zeroend < zeropage)
	      /* All the extra data is in the last page of the segment.
		 We can just zero it.  */
	      zeropage = zeroend;

	    if (zeropage > zero)
		/* Zero the final part of the last page of the segment.  */
		if (__builtin_expect ((c->prot & PROT_WRITE) == 0, 0))
		    /* Dag nab it.  */
		    if (__mprotect ((caddr_t) (zero
					       & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)),
				    GLRO(dl_pagesize), c->prot|PROT_WRITE) < 0)
			errstring = N_("cannot change memory protections");
			goto call_lose_errno;
		memset ((void *) zero, '\0', zeropage - zero);
		if (__builtin_expect ((c->prot & PROT_WRITE) == 0, 0))
		  __mprotect ((caddr_t) (zero & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)),
			      GLRO(dl_pagesize), c->prot);

	    if (zeroend > zeropage)
		/* Map the remaining zero pages in from the zero fill FD.  */
		caddr_t mapat;
		mapat = __mmap ((caddr_t) zeropage, zeroend - zeropage,
				-1, 0);
		if (__builtin_expect (mapat == MAP_FAILED, 0))
		    errstring = N_("cannot map zero-fill pages");
		    goto call_lose_errno;


上述程式碼根據在前面從PT_LOAD program header 得到的檔案對映的操作屬性進行修改,但在zeroend>zerorpage的時候不同,把它對映成為程序獨享的資料空間。這也就是一般的初始化資料區BSS的地方。因為zeroend是在檔案中的對映的頁面對齊尾地址,而zeropage是檔案中的內容對映的頁面對齊尾地址,這其中的差就是為未初始化資料準備的,要把它的屬性改成可寫的,且全為0。

  if (l->l_ld == 0)
      if (__builtin_expect (type == ET_DYN, 0))
	  errstring = N_("object file has no dynamic section");
	  goto call_lose;
    l->l_ld = (ElfW(Dyn) *) ((ElfW(Addr)) l->l_ld + l->l_addr);



elf_get_dynamic_info (l, NULL);


inline void __attribute__ ((unused, always_inline))
elf_get_dynamic_info (struct link_map *l, ElfW(Dyn) *temp)
  ElfW(Dyn) *dyn = l->l_ld;
  ElfW(Dyn) **info;
#if __ELF_NATIVE_CLASS == 32
  typedef Elf32_Word d_tag_utype;
#elif __ELF_NATIVE_CLASS == 64
  typedef Elf64_Xword d_tag_utype;

  if (dyn == NULL)

  info = l->l_info;

  while (dyn->d_tag != DT_NULL)
      if ((d_tag_utype) dyn->d_tag < DT_NUM)
	info[dyn->d_tag] = dyn;
      else if (dyn->d_tag >= DT_LOPROC &&
	       dyn->d_tag < DT_LOPROC + DT_THISPROCNUM)
	info[dyn->d_tag - DT_LOPROC + DT_NUM] = dyn;
      else if ((d_tag_utype) DT_VERSIONTAGIDX (dyn->d_tag) < DT_VERSIONTAGNUM)
	info[VERSYMIDX (dyn->d_tag)] = dyn;
      else if ((d_tag_utype) DT_EXTRATAGIDX (dyn->d_tag) < DT_EXTRANUM)
	     + DT_VERSIONTAGNUM] = dyn;
      else if ((d_tag_utype) DT_VALTAGIDX (dyn->d_tag) < DT_VALNUM)
      else if ((d_tag_utype) DT_ADDRTAGIDX (dyn->d_tag) < DT_ADDRNUM)

#define DL_RO_DYN_TEMP_CNT	8

  /* Don't adjust .dynamic unnecessarily.  */
  if (l->l_addr != 0)
      ElfW(Addr) l_addr = l->l_addr;
      int cnt = 0;

# define ADJUST_DYN_INFO(tag) \
      do								      \
	if (info[tag] != NULL)						      \
	  {								      \
	    if (temp)							      \
	      {								      \
		temp[cnt].d_tag = info[tag]->d_tag;			      \
		temp[cnt].d_un.d_ptr = info[tag]->d_un.d_ptr + l_addr;	      \
		info[tag] = temp + cnt++;				      \
	      }								      \
	    else							      \
	      info[tag]->d_un.d_ptr += l_addr;				      \
	  }								      \
      while (0)

# endif
# endif
      assert (cnt <= DL_RO_DYN_TEMP_CNT);
  if (info[DT_PLTREL] != NULL)
      assert (info[DT_PLTREL]->d_un.d_val == DT_REL);
      assert (info[DT_PLTREL]->d_un.d_val == DT_RELA);
      assert (info[DT_PLTREL]->d_un.d_val == DT_REL
	      || info[DT_PLTREL]->d_un.d_val == DT_RELA);
  if (info[DT_RELA] != NULL)
    assert (info[DT_RELAENT]->d_un.d_val == sizeof (ElfW(Rela)));
# endif
  if (info[DT_REL] != NULL)
    assert (info[DT_RELENT]->d_un.d_val == sizeof (ElfW(Rel)));
  /* Only the bind now flags are allowed.  */
  assert (info[VERSYMIDX (DT_FLAGS_1)] == NULL
	  || (info[VERSYMIDX (DT_FLAGS_1)]->d_un.d_val & ~DF_1_NOW) == 0);
  assert (info[DT_FLAGS] == NULL
	  || (info[DT_FLAGS]->d_un.d_val & ~DF_BIND_NOW) == 0);
  /* Flags must not be set for ld.so.  */
  assert (info[DT_RUNPATH] == NULL);
  assert (info[DT_RPATH] == NULL);
  if (info[DT_FLAGS] != NULL)
      /* Flags are used.  Translate to the old form where available.
	 Since these l_info entries are only tested for NULL pointers it
	 is ok if they point to the DT_FLAGS entry.  */
      l->l_flags = info[DT_FLAGS]->d_un.d_val;

      if (l->l_flags & DF_SYMBOLIC)
	info[DT_SYMBOLIC] = info[DT_FLAGS];
      if (l->l_flags & DF_TEXTREL)
	info[DT_TEXTREL] = info[DT_FLAGS];
      if (l->l_flags & DF_BIND_NOW)
	info[DT_BIND_NOW] = info[DT_FLAGS];
  if (info[VERSYMIDX (DT_FLAGS_1)] != NULL)
      l->l_flags_1 = info[VERSYMIDX (DT_FLAGS_1)]->d_un.d_val;

      if (l->l_flags_1 & DF_1_NOW)
	info[DT_BIND_NOW] = info[VERSYMIDX (DT_FLAGS_1)];
  if (info[DT_RUNPATH] != NULL)
    /* If both RUNPATH and RPATH are given, the latter is ignored.  */
    info[DT_RPATH] = NULL;

上面的__attribute__ 中的unused 是為了消除編譯器在-Wall 情況下對於其中可能沒有用到在函式中的區域性變數發出警告,而alwayse_inline,很好解釋,就是行內函數的強制標誌。


  info = l->l_info;

  while (dyn->d_tag != DT_NULL)
      if ((d_tag_utype) dyn->d_tag < DT_NUM)
	info[dyn->d_tag] = dyn;
      else if (dyn->d_tag >= DT_LOPROC &&
	       dyn->d_tag < DT_LOPROC + DT_THISPROCNUM)
	info[dyn->d_tag - DT_LOPROC + DT_NUM] = dyn;
      else if ((d_tag_utype) DT_VERSIONTAGIDX (dyn->d_tag) < DT_VERSIONTAGNUM)
	info[VERSYMIDX (dyn->d_tag)] = dyn;
      else if ((d_tag_utype) DT_EXTRATAGIDX (dyn->d_tag) < DT_EXTRANUM)
	     + DT_VERSIONTAGNUM] = dyn;
      else if ((d_tag_utype) DT_VALTAGIDX (dyn->d_tag) < DT_VALNUM)
      else if ((d_tag_utype) DT_ADDRTAGIDX (dyn->d_tag) < DT_ADDRNUM)





struct link_map
    /* These first few members are part of the protocol with the debugger.
       This is the same format used in SVR4.  */

    ElfW(Addr) l_addr;		/* Base address shared object is loaded at.  */
    char *l_name;		/* Absolute file name object was found in.  */
    ElfW(Dyn) *l_ld;		/* Dynamic section of the shared object.  */
    struct link_map *l_next, *l_prev; /* Chain of loaded objects.  */

    /* All following members are internal to the dynamic linker.
       They may change without notice.  */

    /* This is an element which is only ever different from a pointer to
       the very same copy of this type for ld.so when it is used in more
       than one namespace.  */
    struct link_map *l_real;

    /* Number of the namespace this link map belongs to.  */
    Lmid_t l_ns;

    struct libname_list *l_libname;
    /* Indexed pointers to dynamic section.
       [0,DT_NUM) are indexed by the processor-independent tags.
       [DT_NUM,DT_NUM+DT_THISPROCNUM) are indexed by the tag minus DT_LOPROC.
       indexed by DT_VERSIONTAGIDX(tagvalue).
       indexed by DT_VALTAGIDX(tagvalue) and
       are indexed by DT_ADDRTAGIDX(tagvalue), see <elf.h>.  */

    const ElfW(Phdr) *l_phdr;	/* Pointer to program header table in core.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_entry;		/* Entry point location.  */
    ElfW(Half) l_phnum;		/* Number of program header entries.  */
    ElfW(Half) l_ldnum;		/* Number of dynamic segment entries.  */

    /* Array of DT_NEEDED dependencies and their dependencies, in
       dependency order for symbol lookup (with and without
       duplicates).  There is no entry before the dependencies have
       been loaded.  */
    struct r_scope_elem l_searchlist;

    /* We need a special searchlist to process objects marked with
       DT_SYMBOLIC.  */
    struct r_scope_elem l_symbolic_searchlist;

    /* Dependent object that first caused this object to be loaded.  */
    struct link_map *l_loader;

    /* Array with version names.  */
    struct r_found_version *l_versions;
    unsigned int l_nversions;

    /* Symbol hash table.  */
    Elf_Symndx l_nbuckets;
    Elf32_Word l_gnu_bitmask_idxbits;
    Elf32_Word l_gnu_shift;
    const ElfW(Addr) *l_gnu_bitmask;
      const Elf32_Word *l_gnu_buckets;
      const Elf_Symndx *l_chain;
      const Elf32_Word *l_gnu_chain_zero;
      const Elf_Symndx *l_buckets;

    unsigned int l_direct_opencount; /* Reference count for dlopen/dlclose.  */
    enum			/* Where this object came from.  */
	lt_executable,		/* The main executable program.  */
	lt_library,		/* Library needed by main executable.  */
	lt_loaded		/* Extra run-time loaded shared object.  */
      } l_type:2;
    unsigned int l_relocated:1;	/* Nonzero if object's relocations done.  */
    unsigned int l_init_called:1; /* Nonzero if DT_INIT function called.  */
    unsigned int l_global:1;	/* Nonzero if object in _dl_global_scope.  */
    unsigned int l_reserved:2;	/* Reserved for internal use.  */
    unsigned int l_phdr_allocated:1; /* Nonzero if the data structure pointed
					to by `l_phdr' is allocated.  */
    unsigned int l_soname_added:1; /* Nonzero if the SONAME is for sure in
				      the l_libname list.  */
    unsigned int l_faked:1;	/* Nonzero if this is a faked descriptor
				   without associated file.  */
    unsigned int l_need_tls_init:1; /* Nonzero if GL(dl_init_static_tls)
				       should be called on this link map
				       when relocation finishes.  */
    unsigned int l_auditing:1;	/* Nonzero if the DSO is used in auditing.  */
    unsigned int l_audit_any_plt:1; /* Nonzero if at least one audit module
				       is interested in the PLT interception.*/
    unsigned int l_removed:1;	/* Nozero if the object cannot be used anymore
				   since it is removed.  */
    unsigned int l_contiguous:1; /* Nonzero if inter-segment holes are
				    mprotected or if no holes are present at
				    all.  */
    unsigned int l_symbolic_in_local_scope:1; /* Nonzero if l_local_scope
						 during LD_TRACE_PRELINKING=1
						 contains any DT_SYMBOLIC
						 libraries.  */

    /* Collected information about own RPATH directories.  */
    struct r_search_path_struct l_rpath_dirs;

    /* Collected results of relocation while profiling.  */
    struct reloc_result
      struct link_map *bound;
      unsigned int boundndx;
      uint32_t enterexit;
      unsigned int flags;
    } *l_reloc_result;

    /* Pointer to the version information if available.  */
    ElfW(Versym) *l_versyms;

    /* String specifying the path where this object was found.  */
    const char *l_origin;

    /* Start and finish of memory map for this object.  l_map_start
       need not be the same as l_addr.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_map_start, l_map_end;
    /* End of the executable part of the mapping.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_text_end;

    /* Default array for 'l_scope'.  */
    struct r_scope_elem *l_scope_mem[4];
    /* Size of array allocated for 'l_scope'.  */
    size_t l_scope_max;
    /* This is an array defining the lookup scope for this link map.
       There are initially at most three different scope lists.  */
    struct r_scope_elem **l_scope;

    /* A similar array, this time only with the local scope.  This is
       used occasionally.  */
    struct r_scope_elem *l_local_scope[2];

    /* This information is kept to check for sure whether a shared
       object is the same as one already loaded.  */
    dev_t l_dev;
    ino64_t l_ino;

    /* Collected information about own RUNPATH directories.  */
    struct r_search_path_struct l_runpath_dirs;

    /* List of object in order of the init and fini calls.  */
    struct link_map **l_initfini;
    /* The init and fini list generated at startup, saved when the
       object is also loaded dynamically.  */
    struct link_map **l_orig_initfini;

    /* List of the dependencies introduced through symbol binding.  */
    struct link_map_reldeps
	unsigned int act;
	struct link_map *list[];
      } *l_reldeps;
    unsigned int l_reldepsmax;

    /* Nonzero if the DSO is used.  */
    unsigned int l_used;

    /* Various flag words.  */
    ElfW(Word) l_feature_1;
    ElfW(Word) l_flags_1;
    ElfW(Word) l_flags;

    /* Temporarily used in `dl_close'.  */
    int l_idx;

    struct link_map_machine l_mach;

      const ElfW(Sym) *sym;
      int type_class;
      struct link_map *value;
      const ElfW(Sym) *ret;
    } l_lookup_cache;

    /* Thread-local storage related info.  */

    /* Start of the initialization image.  */
    void *l_tls_initimage;
    /* Size of the initialization image.  */
    size_t l_tls_initimage_size;
    /* Size of the TLS block.  */
    size_t l_tls_blocksize;
    /* Alignment requirement of the TLS block.  */
    size_t l_tls_align;
    /* Offset of first byte module alignment.  */
    size_t l_tls_firstbyte_offset;
# define NO_TLS_OFFSET	0
# if NO_TLS_OFFSET == 0
# elif NO_TLS_OFFSET == -1
# else
#  error "FORCED_DYNAMIC_TLS_OFFSET is not defined"
# endif
    /* For objects present at startup time: offset in the static TLS block.  */
    ptrdiff_t l_tls_offset;
    /* Index of the module in the dtv array.  */
    size_t l_tls_modid;

    /* Information used to change permission after the relocations are
       done.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_relro_addr;
    size_t l_relro_size;

    unsigned long long int l_serial;

    /* Audit information.  This array apparent must be the last in the
       structure.  Never add something after it.  */
    struct auditstate
      uintptr_t cookie;
      unsigned int bindflags;
    } l_audit[0];

link_map是描述載入的共享物件的結構。 ‘l_next’和'l_prev'成員形成啟動時載入的所有共享物件的鏈。 這些資料結構存在於執行時動態連結器使用的空間中;修改它們可能會帶來災難性的後果。如有必要,此資料結構將來可能會發生變化。使用者級別程式必須避免定義此類物件。

struct link_map
    /* 前幾個成員是偵錯程式協議的一部分。
        這與SVR4中使用的格式相同。  */

    ElfW(Addr) l_addr;		/* 共享物件載入的基地址。  */
    char *l_name;		/* 檔名物件的絕對地址  */
    ElfW(Dyn) *l_ld;		/* 共享物件的動態部分 */
    struct link_map *l_next, *l_prev; /* 載入物件的鏈  */

    /* 以下所有成員都是動態連結器的內部成員,他們可能在沒有通知的情況下改變。  */

    /* 這是一個與指標不同的元素ld.so的這種型別的相同副本,當它比一個名稱空間被用於更多時。 */
    struct link_map *l_real;

    /* link map屬於的名稱空間的編號。  */
    Lmid_t l_ns;

    struct libname_list *l_libname;
    /* Indexed pointers to dynamic section.
       [0,DT_NUM) are indexed by the processor-independent tags.
       [DT_NUM,DT_NUM+DT_THISPROCNUM) are indexed by the tag minus DT_LOPROC.
       indexed by DT_VERSIONTAGIDX(tagvalue).
       indexed by DT_VALTAGIDX(tagvalue) and
       are indexed by DT_ADDRTAGIDX(tagvalue), see <elf.h>.  */

    const ElfW(Phdr) *l_phdr;	/* Pointer to program header table in core.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_entry;		/* Entry point location.  */
    ElfW(Half) l_phnum;		/* Number of program header entries.  */
    ElfW(Half) l_ldnum;		/* Number of dynamic segment entries.  */

    /* Array of DT_NEEDED dependencies and their dependencies, in
       dependency order for symbol lookup (with and without
       duplicates).  There is no entry before the dependencies have
       been loaded.  */
    struct r_scope_elem l_searchlist;

    /* We need a special searchlist to process objects marked with
       DT_SYMBOLIC.  */
    struct r_scope_elem l_symbolic_searchlist;

    /* Dependent object that first caused this object to be loaded.  */
    struct link_map *l_loader;

    /* Array with version names.  */
    struct r_found_version *l_versions;
    unsigned int l_nversions;

    /* Symbol hash table.  */
    Elf_Symndx l_nbuckets;
    Elf32_Word l_gnu_bitmask_idxbits;
    Elf32_Word l_gnu_shift;
    const ElfW(Addr) *l_gnu_bitmask;
      const Elf32_Word *l_gnu_buckets;
      const Elf_Symndx *l_chain;
      const Elf32_Word *l_gnu_chain_zero;
      const Elf_Symndx *l_buckets;

    unsigned int l_direct_opencount; /* Reference count for dlopen/dlclose.  */
    enum			/* Where this object came from.  */
	lt_executable,		/* The main executable program.  */
	lt_library,		/* Library needed by main executable.  */
	lt_loaded		/* Extra run-time loaded shared object.  */
      } l_type:2;
    unsigned int l_relocated:1;	/* Nonzero if object's relocations done.  */
    unsigned int l_init_called:1; /* Nonzero if DT_INIT function called.  */
    unsigned int l_global:1;	/* Nonzero if object in _dl_global_scope.  */
    unsigned int l_reserved:2;	/* Reserved for internal use.  */
    unsigned int l_phdr_allocated:1; /* Nonzero if the data structure pointed
					to by `l_phdr' is allocated.  */
    unsigned int l_soname_added:1; /* Nonzero if the SONAME is for sure in
				      the l_libname list.  */
    unsigned int l_faked:1;	/* Nonzero if this is a faked descriptor
				   without associated file.  */
    unsigned int l_need_tls_init:1; /* Nonzero if GL(dl_init_static_tls)
				       should be called on this link map
				       when relocation finishes.  */
    unsigned int l_auditing:1;	/* Nonzero if the DSO is used in auditing.  */
    unsigned int l_audit_any_plt:1; /* Nonzero if at least one audit module
				       is interested in the PLT interception.*/
    unsigned int l_removed:1;	/* Nozero if the object cannot be used anymore
				   since it is removed.  */
    unsigned int l_contiguous:1; /* Nonzero if inter-segment holes are
				    mprotected or if no holes are present at
				    all.  */
    unsigned int l_symbolic_in_local_scope:1; /* Nonzero if l_local_scope
						 during LD_TRACE_PRELINKING=1
						 contains any DT_SYMBOLIC
						 libraries.  */

    /* Collected information about own RPATH directories.  */
    struct r_search_path_struct l_rpath_dirs;

    /* Collected results of relocation while profiling.  */
    struct reloc_result
      struct link_map *bound;
      unsigned int boundndx;
      uint32_t enterexit;
      unsigned int flags;
    } *l_reloc_result;

    /* Pointer to the version information if available.  */
    ElfW(Versym) *l_versyms;

    /* String specifying the path where this object was found.  */
    const char *l_origin;

    /* Start and finish of memory map for this object.  l_map_start
       need not be the same as l_addr.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_map_start, l_map_end;
    /* End of the executable part of the mapping.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_text_end;

    /* Default array for 'l_scope'.  */
    struct r_scope_elem *l_scope_mem[4];
    /* Size of array allocated for 'l_scope'.  */
    size_t l_scope_max;
    /* This is an array defining the lookup scope for this link map.
       There are initially at most three different scope lists.  */
    struct r_scope_elem **l_scope;

    /* A similar array, this time only with the local scope.  This is
       used occasionally.  */
    struct r_scope_elem *l_local_scope[2];

    /* This information is kept to check for sure whether a shared
       object is the same as one already loaded.  */
    dev_t l_dev;
    ino64_t l_ino;

    /* Collected information about own RUNPATH directories.  */
    struct r_search_path_struct l_runpath_dirs;

    /* List of object in order of the init and fini calls.  */
    struct link_map **l_initfini;
    /* The init and fini list generated at startup, saved when the
       object is also loaded dynamically.  */
    struct link_map **l_orig_initfini;

    /* List of the dependencies introduced through symbol binding.  */
    struct link_map_reldeps
	unsigned int act;
	struct link_map *list[];
      } *l_reldeps;
    unsigned int l_reldepsmax;

    /* Nonzero if the DSO is used.  */
    unsigned int l_used;

    /* Various flag words.  */
    ElfW(Word) l_feature_1;
    ElfW(Word) l_flags_1;
    ElfW(Word) l_flags;

    /* Temporarily used in `dl_close'.  */
    int l_idx;

    struct link_map_machine l_mach;

      const ElfW(Sym) *sym;
      int type_class;
      struct link_map *value;
      const ElfW(Sym) *ret;
    } l_lookup_cache;

    /* Thread-local storage related info.  */

    /* Start of the initialization image.  */
    void *l_tls_initimage;
    /* Size of the initialization image.  */
    size_t l_tls_initimage_size;
    /* Size of the TLS block.  */
    size_t l_tls_blocksize;
    /* Alignment requirement of the TLS block.  */
    size_t l_tls_align;
    /* Offset of first byte module alignment.  */
    size_t l_tls_firstbyte_offset;
# define NO_TLS_OFFSET	0
# if NO_TLS_OFFSET == 0
# elif NO_TLS_OFFSET == -1
# else
#  error "FORCED_DYNAMIC_TLS_OFFSET is not defined"
# endif
    /* For objects present at startup time: offset in the static TLS block.  */
    ptrdiff_t l_tls_offset;
    /* Index of the module in the dtv array.  */
    size_t l_tls_modid;

    /* Information used to change permission after the relocations are
       done.  */
    ElfW(Addr) l_relro_addr;
    size_t l_relro_size;

    unsigned long long int l_serial;

    /* Audit information.  This array apparent must be the last in the
       structure.  Never add something after it.  */
    struct auditstate
      uintptr_t cookie;
      unsigned int bindflags;
    } l_audit[0];



struct link_map *
_dl_map_object_from_fd (const char *name, int fd, struct filebuf *fbp,
			char *realname, struct link_map *loader, int l_type,
			int mode, void **stack_endp, Lmid_t nsid)
  struct link_map *l = NULL;
  const ElfW(Ehdr) *header;
  const ElfW(Phdr) *phdr;
  const ElfW(Phdr) *ph;
  size_t maplength;
  int type;
  struct stat64 st;
  /* Initialize to keep the compiler happy.  */
  const char *errstring = NULL;
  int errval = 0;
  struct r_debug *r = _dl_debug_initialize (0, nsid);
  bool make_consistent = false;

  /* Get file information.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (__fxstat64 (_STAT_VER, fd, &st) < 0, 0))
      errstring = N_("cannot stat shared object");
      errval = errno;
      lose (errval, fd, name, realname, l, errstring,
	    make_consistent ? r : NULL);

  /* Look again to see if the real name matched another already loaded.  */
  for (l = GL(dl_ns)[nsid]._ns_loaded; l; l = l->l_next)
    if (l->l_removed == 0 && l->l_ino == st.st_ino && l->l_dev == st.st_dev)
	/* The object is already loaded.
	   Just bump its reference count and return it.  */
	__close (fd);

	/* If the name is not in the list of names for this object add
	   it.  */
	free (realname);
	add_name_to_object (l, name);

	return l;

#ifdef SHARED
  /* When loading into a namespace other than the base one we must
     avoid loading ld.so since there can only be one copy.  Ever.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (nsid != LM_ID_BASE, 0)
      && ((st.st_ino == GL(dl_rtld_map).l_ino
	   && st.st_dev == GL(dl_rtld_map).l_dev)
	  || _dl_name_match_p (name, &GL(dl_rtld_map))))
      /* This is indeed ld.so.  Create a new link_map which refers to
	 the real one for almost everything.  */
      l = _dl_new_object (realname, name, l_type, loader, mode, nsid);
      if (l == NULL)
	goto fail_new;

      /* Refer to the real descriptor.  */
      l->l_real = &GL(dl_rtld_map);

      /* No need to bump the refcount of the real object, ld.so will
	 never be unloaded.  */
      __close (fd);

      /* Add the map for the mirrored object to the object list.  */
      _dl_add_to_namespace_list (l, nsid);

      return l;

  if (mode & RTLD_NOLOAD)
      /* We are not supposed to load the object unless it is already
	 loaded.  So return now.  */
      free (realname);
      __close (fd);
      return NULL;

  /* Print debugging message.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES, 0))
    _dl_debug_printf ("file=%s [%lu];  generating link map\n", name, nsid);

  /* This is the ELF header.  We read it in `open_verify'.  */
  header = (void *) fbp->buf;

#ifndef MAP_ANON
# define MAP_ANON 0
  if (_dl_zerofd == -1)
      _dl_zerofd = _dl_sysdep_open_zero_fill ();
      if (_dl_zerofd == -1)
	  free (realname);
	  __close (fd);
	  _dl_signal_error (errno, NULL, NULL,
			    N_("cannot open zero fill device"));

  /* Signal that we are going to add new objects.  */
  if (r->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT)
#ifdef SHARED
      /* Auditing checkpoint: we are going to add new objects.  */
      if ((mode & __RTLD_AUDIT) == 0
	  && __builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_naudit) > 0, 0))
	  struct link_map *head = GL(dl_ns)[nsid]._ns_loaded;
	  /* Do not call the functions for any auditing object.  */
	  if (head->l_auditing == 0)
	      struct audit_ifaces *afct = GLRO(dl_audit);
	      for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < GLRO(dl_naudit); ++cnt)
		  if (afct->activity != NULL)
		    afct->activity (&head->l_audit[cnt].cookie, LA_ACT_ADD);

		  afct = afct->next;

      /* Notify the debugger we have added some objects.  We need to
	 call _dl_debug_initialize in a static program in case dynamic
	 linking has not been used before.  */
      r->r_state = RT_ADD;
      _dl_debug_state ();
      make_consistent = true;
    assert (r->r_state == RT_ADD);

  /* Enter the new object in the list of loaded objects.  */
  l = _dl_new_object (realname, name, l_type, loader, mode, nsid);
  if (__builtin_expect (l == NULL, 0))
#ifdef SHARED
      errstring = N_("cannot create shared object descriptor");
      goto call_lose_errno;

  /* Extract the remaining details we need from the ELF header
     and then read in the program header table.  */
  l->l_entry = header->e_entry;
  type = header->e_type;
  l->l_phnum = header->e_phnum;

  maplength = header->e_phnum * sizeof (ElfW(Phdr));
  if (header->e_phoff + maplength <= (size_t) fbp->len)
    phdr = (void *) (fbp->buf + header->e_phoff);
      phdr = alloca (maplength);
      __lseek (fd, header->e_phoff, SEEK_SET);
      if ((size_t) __libc_read (fd, (void *) phdr, maplength) != maplength)
	  errstring = N_("cannot read file data");
	  goto call_lose_errno;

   /* On most platforms presume that PT_GNU_STACK is absent and the stack is
    * executable.  Other platforms default to a nonexecutable stack and don't
    * need PT_GNU_STACK to do so.  */
   uint_fast16_t stack_flags = DEFAULT_STACK_PERMS;

    /* Scan the program header table, collecting its load commands.  */
    struct loadcmd
	ElfW(Addr) mapstart, mapend, dataend, allocend;
	off_t mapoff;
	int prot;
      } loadcmds[l->l_phnum], *c;
    size_t nloadcmds = 0;
    bool has_holes = false;

    /* The struct is initialized to zero so this is not necessary:
    l->l_ld = 0;
    l->l_phdr = 0;
    l->l_addr = 0; */
    for (ph = phdr; ph < &phdr[l->l_phnum]; ++ph)
      switch (ph->p_type)
	  /* These entries tell us where to find things once the file's
	     segments are mapped in.  We record the addresses it says
	     verbatim, and later correct for the run-time load address.  */
	  l->l_ld = (void *) ph->p_vaddr;
	  l->l_ldnum = ph->p_memsz / sizeof (ElfW(Dyn));

	case PT_PHDR:
	  l->l_phdr = (void *) ph->p_vaddr;

	case PT_LOAD:
	  /* A load command tells us to map in part of the file.
	     We record the load commands and process them all later.  */
	  if (__builtin_expect ((ph->p_align & (GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)) != 0,
	      errstring = N_("ELF load command alignment not page-aligned");
	      goto call_lose;
	  if (__builtin_expect (((ph->p_vaddr - ph->p_offset)
				 & (ph->p_align - 1)) != 0, 0))
		= N_("ELF load command address/offset not properly aligned");
	      goto call_lose;

	  c = &loadcmds[nloadcmds++];
	  c->mapstart = ph->p_vaddr & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1);
	  c->mapend = ((ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_filesz + GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)
		       & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1));
	  c->dataend = ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_filesz;
	  c->allocend = ph->p_vaddr + ph->p_memsz;
	  c->mapoff = ph->p_offset & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1);

	  /* Determine whether there is a gap between the last segment
	     and this one.  */
	  if (nloadcmds > 1 && c[-1].mapend != c->mapstart)
	    has_holes = true;

	  /* Optimize a common case.  */
#if (PF_R | PF_W | PF_X) == 7 && (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC) == 7
	  c->prot = (PF_TO_PROT
		     >> ((ph->p_flags & (PF_R | PF_W | PF_X)) * 4)) & 0xf;
	  c->prot = 0;
	  if (ph->p_flags & PF_R)
	    c->prot |= PROT_READ;
	  if (ph->p_flags & PF_W)
	    c->prot |= PROT_WRITE;
	  if (ph->p_flags & PF_X)
	    c->prot |= PROT_EXEC;

	case PT_TLS:
	  if (ph->p_memsz == 0)
	    /* Nothing to do for an empty segment.  */

	  l->l_tls_blocksize = ph->p_memsz;
	  l->l_tls_align = ph->p_align;
	  if (ph->p_align == 0)
	    l->l_tls_firstbyte_offset = 0;
	    l->l_tls_firstbyte_offset = ph->p_vaddr & (ph->p_align - 1);
	  l->l_tls_initimage_size = ph->p_filesz;
	  /* Since we don't know the load address yet only store the
	     offset.  We will adjust it later.  */
	  l->l_tls_initimage = (void *) ph->p_vaddr;

	  /* If not loading the initial set of shared libraries,
	     check whether we should permit loading a TLS segment.  */
	  if (__builtin_expect (l->l_type == lt_library, 1)
	      /* If GL(dl_tls_dtv_slotinfo_list) == NULL, then rtld.c did
		 not set up TLS data structures, so don't use them now.  */
	      || __builtin_expect (GL(dl_tls_dtv_slotinfo_list) != NULL, 1))
	      /* Assign the next available module ID.  */
	      l->l_tls_modid = _dl_next_tls_modid ();

#ifdef SHARED
	  if (l->l_prev == NULL || (mode & __RTLD_AUDIT) != 0)
	    /* We are loading the executable itself when the dynamic linker
	       was executed directly.  The setup will happen later.  */

	  /* In a static binary there is no way to tell if we dynamically
	     loaded libpthread.  */
	  if (GL(dl_error_catch_tsd) == &_dl_initial_error_catch_tsd)
	      /* We have not yet loaded libpthread.
		 We can do the TLS setup right now!  */

	      void *tcb;

	      /* The first call allocates TLS bookkeeping data structures.
		 Then we allocate the TCB for the initial thread.  */
	      if (__builtin_expect (_dl_tls_setup (), 0)
		  || __builtin_expect ((tcb = _dl_allocate_tls (NULL)) == NULL,
		  errval = ENOMEM;
		  errstring = N_("\
cannot allocate TLS data structures for initial thread");
		  goto call_lose;

	      /* Now we install the TCB in the thread register.  */
	      errstring = TLS_INIT_TP (tcb, 0);
	      if (__builtin_expect (errstring == NULL, 1))
		  /* Now we are all good.  */
		  l->l_tls_modid = ++GL(dl_tls_max_dtv_idx);

	      /* The kernel is too old or somesuch.  */
	      errval = 0;
	      _dl_deallocate_tls (tcb, 1);
	      goto call_lose;

	  /* Uh-oh, the binary expects TLS support but we cannot
	     provide it.  */
	  errval = 0;
	  errstring = N_("cannot handle TLS data");
	  goto call_lose;

	  stack_flags = ph->p_flags;

	  l->l_relro_addr = ph->p_vaddr;
	  l->l_relro_size = ph->p_memsz;

    if (__builtin_expect (nloadcmds == 0, 0))
	/* This only happens for a bogus object that will be caught with
	   another error below.  But we don't want to go through the
	   calculations below using NLOADCMDS - 1.  */
	errstring = N_("object file has no loadable segments");
	goto call_lose;

    /* Now process the load commands and map segments into memory.  */
    c = loadcmds;

    /* Length of the sections to be loaded.  */
    maplength = loadcmds[nloadcmds - 1].allocend - c->mapstart;

    if (__builtin_expect (type, ET_DYN) == ET_DYN)
	/* This is a position-independent shared object.  We can let the
	   kernel map it anywhere it likes, but we must have space for all
	   the segments in their specified positions relative to the first.
	   So we map the first segment without MAP_FIXED, but with its
	   extent increased to cover all the segments.  Then we remove
	   access from excess portion, and there is known sufficient space
	   there to remap from the later segments.

	   As a refinement, sometimes we have an address that we would
	   prefer to map such objects at; but this is only a preference,
	   the OS can do whatever it likes. */
	ElfW(Addr) mappref;
	mappref = (ELF_PREFERRED_ADDRESS (loader, maplength,
					  c->mapstart & GLRO(dl_use_load_bias))
		   - MAP_BASE_ADDR (l));

	/* Remember which part of the address space this object uses.  */
	l->l_map_start = (ElfW(Addr)) __mmap ((void *) mappref, maplength,
					      fd, c->mapoff);
	if (__builtin_expect ((void *) l->l_map_start == MAP_FAILED, 0))
	    errstring = N_("failed to map segment from shared object");
	    goto call_lose_errno;

	l->l_map_end = l->l_map_start + maplength;
	l->l_addr = l->l_map_start - c->mapstart;

	if (has_holes)
	  /* Change protection on the excess portion to disallow all access;
	     the portions we do not remap later will be inaccessible as if
	     unallocated.  Then jump into the normal segment-mapping loop to
	     handle the portion of the segment past the end of the file
	     mapping.  */
	  __mprotect ((caddr_t) (l->l_addr + c->mapend),
		      loadcmds[nloadcmds - 1].mapstart - c->mapend,

	l->l_contiguous = 1;

	goto postmap;

    /* This object is loaded at a fixed address.  This must never
       happen for objects loaded with dlopen().  */
    if (__builtin_expect ((mode & __RTLD_OPENEXEC) == 0, 0))
	errstring = N_("cannot dynamically load executable");
	goto call_lose;

    /* Notify ELF_PREFERRED_ADDRESS that we have to load this one
       fixed.  */
    ELF_FIXED_ADDRESS (loader, c->mapstart);

    /* Remember which part of the address space this object uses.  */
    l->l_map_start = c->mapstart + l->l_addr;
    l->l_map_end = l->l_map_start + maplength;
    l->l_contiguous = !has_holes;

    while (c < &loadcmds[nloadcmds])
	if (c->mapend > c->mapstart
	    /* Map the segment contents from the file.  */
	    && (__mmap ((void *) (l->l_addr + c->mapstart),
			c->mapend - c->mapstart, c->prot,
			fd, c->mapoff)
	  goto map_error;

	if (c->prot & PROT_EXEC)
	  l->l_text_end = l->l_addr + c->mapend;

	if (l->l_phdr == 0
	    && (ElfW(Off)) c->mapoff <= header->e_phoff
	    && ((size_t) (c->mapend - c->mapstart + c->mapoff)
		>= header->e_phoff + header->e_phnum * sizeof (ElfW(Phdr))))
	  /* Found the program header in this segment.  */
	  l->l_phdr = (void *) (c->mapstart + header->e_phoff - c->mapoff);

	if (c->allocend > c->dataend)
	    /* Extra zero pages should appear at the end of this segment,
	       after the data mapped from the file.   */
	    ElfW(Addr) zero, zeroend, zeropage;

	    zero = l->l_addr + c->dataend;
	    zeroend = l->l_addr + c->allocend;
	    zeropage = ((zero + GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)
			& ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1));

	    if (zeroend < zeropage)
	      /* All the extra data is in the last page of the segment.
		 We can just zero it.  */
	      zeropage = zeroend;

	    if (zeropage > zero)
		/* Zero the final part of the last page of the segment.  */
		if (__builtin_expect ((c->prot & PROT_WRITE) == 0, 0))
		    /* Dag nab it.  */
		    if (__mprotect ((caddr_t) (zero
					       & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)),
				    GLRO(dl_pagesize), c->prot|PROT_WRITE) < 0)
			errstring = N_("cannot change memory protections");
			goto call_lose_errno;
		memset ((void *) zero, '\0', zeropage - zero);
		if (__builtin_expect ((c->prot & PROT_WRITE) == 0, 0))
		  __mprotect ((caddr_t) (zero & ~(GLRO(dl_pagesize) - 1)),
			      GLRO(dl_pagesize), c->prot);

	    if (zeroend > zeropage)
		/* Map the remaining zero pages in from the zero fill FD.  */
		caddr_t mapat;
		mapat = __mmap ((caddr_t) zeropage, zeroend - zeropage,
				-1, 0);
		if (__builtin_expect (mapat == MAP_FAILED, 0))
		    errstring = N_("cannot map zero-fill pages");
		    goto call_lose_errno;


  if (l->l_ld == 0)
      if (__builtin_expect (type == ET_DYN, 0))
	  errstring = N_("object file has no dynamic section");
	  goto call_lose;
    l->l_ld = (ElfW(Dyn) *) ((ElfW(Addr)) l->l_ld + l->l_addr);

  elf_get_dynamic_info (l, NULL);

  /* Make sure we are not dlopen'ing an object that has the
     DF_1_NOOPEN flag set.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (l->l_flags_1 & DF_1_NOOPEN, 0)
      && (mode & __RTLD_DLOPEN))
      /* We are not supposed to load this object.  Free all resources.  */
      __munmap ((void *) l->l_map_start, l->l_map_end - l->l_map_start);

      if (!l->l_libname->dont_free)
	free (l->l_libname);

      if (l->l_phdr_allocated)
	free ((void *) l->l_phdr);

      errstring = N_("shared object cannot be dlopen()ed");
      goto call_lose;

  if (l->l_phdr == NULL)
      /* The program header is not contained in any of the segments.
	 We have to allocate memory ourself and copy it over from out
	 temporary place.  */
      ElfW(Phdr) *newp = (ElfW(Phdr) *) malloc (header->e_phnum
						* sizeof (ElfW(Phdr)));
      if (newp == NULL)
	  errstring = N_("cannot allocate memory for program header");
	  goto call_lose_errno;

      l->l_phdr = memcpy (newp, phdr,
			  (header->e_phnum * sizeof (ElfW(Phdr))));
      l->l_phdr_allocated = 1;
    /* Adjust the PT_PHDR value by the runtime load address.  */
    l->l_phdr = (ElfW(Phdr) *) ((ElfW(Addr)) l->l_phdr + l->l_addr);

  if (__builtin_expect ((stack_flags &~ GL(dl_stack_flags)) & PF_X, 0))
      if (__builtin_expect (__check_caller (RETURN_ADDRESS (0), allow_ldso),
			    0) != 0)
	  errstring = N_("invalid caller");
	  goto call_lose;

      /* The stack is presently not executable, but this module
	 requires that it be executable.  We must change the
	 protection of the variable which contains the flags used in
	 the mprotect calls.  */
#ifdef SHARED
      if ((mode & (__RTLD_DLOPEN | __RTLD_AUDIT)) == __RTLD_DLOPEN)
	  const uintptr_t p = (uintptr_t) &__stack_prot & -GLRO(dl_pagesize);
	  const size_t s = (uintptr_t) (&__stack_prot + 1) - p;

	  struct link_map *const m = &GL(dl_rtld_map);
	  const uintptr_t relro_end = ((m->l_addr + m->l_relro_addr
					+ m->l_relro_size)
				       & -GLRO(dl_pagesize));
	  if (__builtin_expect (p + s <= relro_end, 1))
	      /* The variable lies in the region protected by RELRO.  */
	      __mprotect ((void *) p, s, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE);
	      __stack_prot |= PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC;
	      __mprotect ((void *) p, s, PROT_READ);
	    __stack_prot |= PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC;

#ifdef check_consistency
      check_consistency ();

      errval = (*GL(dl_make_stack_executable_hook)) (stack_endp);
      if (errval)
	  errstring = N_("\
cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires");
	  goto call_lose;

  /* Adjust the address of the TLS initialization image.  */
  if (l->l_tls_initimage != NULL)
    l->l_tls_initimage = (char *) l->l_tls_initimage + l->l_addr;

  /* We are done mapping in the file.  We no longer need the descriptor.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (__close (fd) != 0, 0))
      errstring = N_("cannot close file descriptor");
      goto call_lose_errno;
  /* Signal that we closed the file.  */
  fd = -1;

  if (l->l_type == lt_library && type == ET_EXEC)
    l->l_type = lt_executable;

  l->l_entry += l->l_addr;

  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_debug_mask) & DL_DEBUG_FILES, 0))
    _dl_debug_printf ("\
  dynamic: 0x%0*lx  base: 0x%0*lx   size: 0x%0*Zx\n\
    entry: 0x%0*lx  phdr: 0x%0*lx  phnum:   %*u\n\n",
			   (int) sizeof (void *) * 2,
			   (unsigned long int) l->l_ld,
			   (int) sizeof (void *) * 2,
			   (unsigned long int) l->l_addr,
			   (int) sizeof (void *) * 2, maplength,
			   (int) sizeof (void *) * 2,
			   (unsigned long int) l->l_entry,
			   (int) sizeof (void *) * 2,
			   (unsigned long int) l->l_phdr,
			   (int) sizeof (void *) * 2, l->l_phnum);

  /* Set up the symbol hash table.  */
  _dl_setup_hash (l);

  /* If this object has DT_SYMBOLIC set modify now its scope.  We don't
     have to do this for the main map.  */
  if ((mode & RTLD_DEEPBIND) == 0
      && __builtin_expect (l->l_info[DT_SYMBOLIC] != NULL, 0)
      && &l->l_searchlist != l->l_scope[0])
      /* Create an appropriate searchlist.  It contains only this map.
	 This is the definition of DT_SYMBOLIC in SysVr4.  */
      l->l_symbolic_searchlist.r_list[0] = l;
      l->l_symbolic_searchlist.r_nlist = 1;

      /* Now move the existing entries one back.  */
      memmove (&l->l_scope[1], &l->l_scope[0],
	       (l->l_scope_max - 1) * sizeof (l->l_scope[0]));

      /* Now add the new entry.  */
      l->l_scope[0] = &l->l_symbolic_searchlist;

  /* Remember whether this object must be initialized first.  */
  if (l->l_flags_1 & DF_1_INITFIRST)
    GL(dl_initfirst) = l;

  /* Finally the file information.  */
  l->l_dev = st.st_dev;
  l->l_ino = st.st_ino;

  /* When we profile the SONAME might be needed for something else but
     loading.  Add it right away.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_profile) != NULL, 0)
      && l->l_info[DT_SONAME] != NULL)
    add_name_to_object (l, ((const char *) D_PTR (l, l_info[DT_STRTAB])
			    + l->l_info[DT_SONAME]->d_un.d_val));

  /* Now that the object is fully initialized add it to the object list.  */
  _dl_add_to_namespace_list (l, nsid);

#ifdef SHARED
  /* Auditing checkpoint: we have a new object.  */
  if (__builtin_expect (GLRO(dl_naudit) > 0, 0)
      && !GL(dl_ns)[l->l_ns]._ns_loaded->l_auditing)
      struct audit_ifaces *afct = GLRO(dl_audit);
      for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < GLRO(dl_naudit); ++cnt)
	  if (afct->objopen != NULL)
		= afct->objopen (l, nsid, &l->l_audit[cnt].cookie);

	      l->l_audit_any_plt |= l->l_audit[cnt].bindflags != 0;

	  afct = afct->next;

  return l;